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Adjectives in Spanish Los adjetivos en español Adjectives are like mirrors: they reflect the gender and number of the noun they modify. Adjective = Noun.

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2 Adjectives in Spanish Los adjetivos en español

3 Adjectives are like mirrors: they reflect the gender and number of the noun they modify. Adjective = Noun in form

4 Nouns have gender and number in Spanish and so the adjective must reflect the same gender and number as its noun. El chico simpático or La chica simpática

5 or Los chicos simpáticos or Las chicassimpáticas

6 Regular adjectives--those that end in o--change to the feminine by dropping the -o and adding -a; they then change to the plural by adding -s to either form: alto Masculine: Feminine: Singular: alta Plural: altoalta ss

7 Most irregular adjectives--those that end in a letter other than o--only change the ending to indicate plurals. If the adjective ends in a consonant, the plural form adds -es. Masculine:Feminine: Singular Plural fácil es

8 Adjectives that end in -or add -a to form the feminine: El estudiante trabajador La estudiante trabajadora Adjectives that end in -z change the -z to -c and then add -es to form the plural: El estudiante feliz Los estudiantes felices La estudiante feliz Las estudiantes felices

9 If more than one adjective modifies and follows a noun, you may connect them with the conjunction -y: Una muchacha simpática y interesante or Un muchacho bajo y ágil

10 So what is a “masculine” noun anyway? Masculine nouns usually end with the letters L-O- N-E-R-S. Feminine nouns usually end in the letters D-ion-Z-A. To make nouns or adjectives plural add “s” to words ending with vowels, add “es” to words ending with consonants. Ex. El chico ---- Los chicos el papel ---- Los papeles

11 Examples of maculine and feminine nouns : MasculineFeminine L – el papelD – la ciudad O – el amigoion – la televisión N – el jardínZ – la actriz E – el cineA – la amiga R – el borrador S – el sacapuntos

12 Are these nouns masculine or feminine? 1.Lección 2.Tinta 3.Universidad 4.Edificio 5.dedo

13 Exceptions: When a noun or adjective ends in “Z” the z is changed to a “c” before making it plural The following are common exceptions to gender rules: –El agua –La mano –El problema (and other words ending with “ma”) –La flor –La sal

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