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Cogita Decline domina, dominae, f. Decline digitus, digitī, m.

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Presentation on theme: "Cogita Decline domina, dominae, f. Decline digitus, digitī, m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cogita Decline domina, dominae, f. Decline digitus, digitī, m.

2 We need whiteboards

3 3 rd Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns

4 The Third Declension Most Latin Nouns Biggest pain in the butt Words of all genders No predictable nominative singular ending – All funky, no white bread – Most have stem changes (mater, matris, f.) Endings always go on the modified stem Endings are the same for masculine and feminine.

5 3 rd Declension Masculine and Feminine SingularPlural Nominative funky -------ēs Genitiveīsum Dativeīibus Accusativeemēs Ablativeeibus Vocative-------ēs

6 SingularPlural Nominative PasserPasserēs GenitivePasserīsPasserum DativePasserīPasseribus AccusativePasseremPasserēs AblativePasserePasseribus Vocative-------Passerēs

7 What are the similarities we see between the 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd declension?


9 What words are in the 3 rd declension in the new vocabulary? Amor, amōris, m. – love Passer, passeris, m.- sparrow Pāx, pācis, f.- peace Senex, senis, m. – old man Soror, sorōris,f.- sister

10 Decline amor, amorīs, m. SingularPlural Nominative AmorAmorēs GenitiveAmorīsAmorum DativeAmorīAmoribus AccusativeAmoremAmorēs AblativeAmoreAmoribus Vocative-------Amorēs

11 The sparrow…. (subject) passer

12 By the sister Sorōre

13 The old men…. (direct object) Senēs.

14 Love, Genitive, Plural Amorum

15 Peace, Ablative Plural Pacēs

16 Homework Read Chapter 7. While you are reading find all the 3 rd declension nouns in the reading for Chapter 7 – Identify case and number – Translate – Don’t skip duplicates (even if that means writing down the same word’s case, number, and translation 5 times. Study for vocabulary quiz on Thursday Make sure you are studying your declensions. A pop quiz over them would not be unreasonable.

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