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Roman Clothing Cambridge Stage 2. Clothes Tunica, -aeloose fitting knee length garment for all citizens, both males and females Toga, -ae a men’s garment.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Clothing Cambridge Stage 2. Clothes Tunica, -aeloose fitting knee length garment for all citizens, both males and females Toga, -ae a men’s garment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Clothing Cambridge Stage 2

2 Clothes Tunica, -aeloose fitting knee length garment for all citizens, both males and females Toga, -ae a men’s garment worn (knee length) over the tunic, worn for formal occasions and in town Stola, -aewomen’s ankle length, half sleeved gown for formal occasions, worn over tunic Palla, -ae colorful wrap for the outdoors draped around the body, the shoulders, and over the head Bracae, -arummen’s pants Solea, -aesandal Calceus, -ishoe Soccus, -ilow women’s shoe Paenula, -aeraincoat Lacerna, -aea cape for colder weather Taberna vestiariaclothing store

3 Special Clothing Toga purapure white toga, a proud emblem of Roman citizenship, worn on formal occasions Toga candidaworn by candidates running for political office Toga praetextaworn by boys & girls until age 16;this is a toga with a purple border Toga virilisplain white, toga of manhood The social rank of a Roman was indicated by his or her clothing Senator had wider purple stripes (lati clavi) on his tunic than a knight

4 Jewelry Bulla, -aeman’s locket containing a charm to ward off evil Anulus, -iring Monile, -is nnecklace Inaures, -ium fearrings Armilla, -aebracelet Fibula, -aedecorative pin Taenia, -aehair ribbon Gemmae, -arumjewels Margarita, -aepearl Monile bacatumpearl necklace Gemmarius, ijeweler

5 Roman Meals A Romana cena –Gustatio: hors d’oevures –Cena: main course or courses –Secunda mensa: dessert Three meals of the day –Ientaculum: breakfast –Prandium: lunch –Cena: dinner

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