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Logo area Preparation meeting for the International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC P Ferracin, J.Ph. Tock, E Todesco 2016-05-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Logo area Preparation meeting for the International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC P Ferracin, J.Ph. Tock, E Todesco 2016-05-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 logo area Preparation meeting for the International Review of the Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) for HL-LHC P Ferracin, J.Ph. Tock, E Todesco 2016-05-18

2 logo area Practical details  7 th – 10 th of June 2016  At CERN  Rehearsal on 1 st of June 2016 14:00 – 17:30  PLEASE BOOK THE DATES To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 2 Members of the Review Panel: Akira Yamamoto (KEK-CERN, Chair) Joe Minervini (MIT) Arnaud Devred (ITER) Pasquale Fabbricatore (INFN) Mauricio de Lima Lopes (FNAL) Pierre Vedrine (CEA) Review Panel in December 2014: Akira Yamamoto, KEK-CERN, (Chair) Joe Minervini, MIT (Co-Chair) Jim Kerby, ANL Shlomo Caspi, LBNL Alexander Zlobin, (FNAL)

3 logo area Objective of the review  HL-LHC is in the final stage of design and prototyping: all technologies for the hardware upgrade must be fully proven by beginning of 2017. This review covers the cornerstone of the upgrade plan, the new IR quadrupoles (MQXF), featuring 150 mm aperture and peak field in the range of 11.5 T. The previous technical reviews addressed the conductor, the preliminary design, including the engineering concepts and the cost and schedule (within the overall scope of HL-LHC). A review in March 2016 addressed the topics concerning the circuit system.  The scope of this review is to examine:  1.The magnet requirements and design status, including the cold mass with its interfaces (cryostats, electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, vacuum) and integration issues (cold mass and integration will be assessed at the level of preliminary design stage);  2.The major design alternatives considered (conductor, aperture, length, operating temperature, etc.);  3.The results of model magnets (including previous smaller aperture ones) and the status of prototype magnets;  4.The conductor performance, procurement status and plans;  5.The status of production tooling, finalization of design and procurement;  6.The components’ procurement, status and plans;  7.The test plan, QA/QC, and safety aspects (PED);  8.Restricted sessionThe strategy for magnet construction and/or procurement and the overall schedule (assuming the US contribution for Q1 and Q3 magnets); -  9.The risk registry and mitigation measures. : To be included in each talk To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 3

4 logo area Mandate  The review committee is invited to assess:  the progress since the last reviews (MQXF superconducting cables and MQXF magnet design), Provide feedback & answers to pints raised at the last reviews : cable and QXF  the soundness of the design and technical choices,  the readiness of the various components  the procurement plan (including QA/QC)  the test plan,  the status of the integration.  A detailed resources analysis is beyond the scope of the review, however comments of the credibility of the plan, also with respect to the available resource, are welcome. (Details about cost and available resources will be presented at the October HL-LHC Cost & Schedule Review)  Following the close-out by the review chair, the committee is required to compile a short report with findings, comments and recommendations within one month. The report will be delivered to Luca Bottura, TE-MSC Group leader, and to L. Rossi, HL-LHC Project leader. To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 4

5 logo area Agenda – Day 1 – 07.06.2016 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 5 Meyrin IT auditorium 31/3-004 StartEndDurationTopicSpeaker 8:309:000:30Closed session 1.19:009:200:20Welcome and Review chargeL. Rossi 1.29:2010:000:40HL-LHC upgrade, requirements and alternativesE. Todesco 1.310:0010:300:30Follow-up of previous review reccomendationJ.Ph. Tock 10:3010:500:20Coffee 1.410:5011:350:45Overall MQXF development & plansG. Ambrosio 1.511:3512:200:45Magnet designP. Ferracin 12:2014:001:40Lunch + Visit 163B. Bordini 1.614:0014:300:30Short models coil and structure fabricationJ.C. Perez 1.714:3015:000:30Mirror and Short model tests and quench performanceG. Sabbi 1.815:0015:300:30Structural measurements and analysisG. Vallone 15:3016:000:30Coffee 1.916:0016:300:30Magnetic measurements and analysisS. Izquierdo Bermudez 1.1016:3017:000:30Quench protection measurements and analysisG. Ambrosio 17:0018:001:00Q&A 18:00 Adjourn 18:0021:003:00Review dinner

6 logo area Agenda – Day 2 – 08.06.2016 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 6 Meyrin LHC auditorium 30/7-018 8:309:000:30Closed session 2.19:009:450:45SC procurement, cable fabrication and QA/QC at CERNB. Bordini 2.29:4510:300:45SC procurement, cable fabrication and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUPL. Cooley 10:3011:000:30Coffee 2.311:0011:300:30Long coil manufacturing plan and QA/QC at CERNF. Lackner 2.411:3012:000:30Long magnet manufacturing plan and QA/QC at CERNJ.C. Perez 12:0014:002:00Lunch + visit 180 2.514:0014:300:30Long coil manufacturing plan and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUPF. Nobrega/J. Schmalzle 2.614:3015:000:30Long magnet manufacturing plan and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUPP. Cheng 2.715:0015:300:30Test facility and test plan at CERNM. Bajko 15:3016:000:30Coffee 2.816:0016:300:30Vertical test facility and test plan for prototypesJ. Muratore 2.916:3017:000:30Horizontal test facility and test plans by US HL-LHC-AUPG. Chlachidze 2.1017:0017:300:30String testM. Bajko 17:3018:000:30Q&A 18:00 Adjourn

7 logo area Agenda – Day 3 – 09.06.2016 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 7 Meyrin IT auditorium 31/3-004 8:309:000:30Closed session 3.19:009:300:30ES&H and codesT. Otto 3.29:3010:000:30Pressure vessel safety aspectC. Arregui 3.310:0010:300:30Status of cryostat preliminary design, integration and QA/QCD. Ramos Duarte 10:3011:000:30Coffee 3.411:0011:300:30Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC at CERNH. Prin 3.511:3012:000:30Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUPT. Vouris 3.612:0012:300:30WP3 QA management in the frame of the HiLumi projectR. Principe 12:3014:001:30Lunch 3.714:0014:300:30Production scenariosE. Todesco 3.814:3015:000:30Production plans at CERNF. Savary 3.915:0015:300:30Production plans by US HL-LHC-AUPR. Carcagno 15:3018:002:30Panel Closed session 18:00 Adjourn

8 logo area Agenda – Day 4 – 10.06.2016 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 8 Meyrin LHC auditorium 30/7-018 8:3011:303:00Panel Closed session 11:3012:000:30Close-outA. Yamamoto 12:00 Adjourn

9 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.1 Welcome and Review charge  9:00-9:20 – 20’, no question  Speaker: L. Rossi  Scope:  Welcome  Agenda  Review objectives  Specific questions to the committee (Inputs via J.Ph. Tock) To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 9

10 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.2 HL-LHC upgrade, requirements and alternatives  9:20-10:00 – 30’, 10’ for questions  Speaker: E. Todesco  Scope:  Functional requirements and main magnet parameters including magnet acceptance parameters  Alternatives : conductor, aperture, length, operating temperature  Changes wrt to last reviews (2014)  Summary of circuit review outcome  PIT / RRP used @ CERN  Critical issues, risks  Margin  Clear list of design and performance golas To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 10

11 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.3 HL-LHC upgrade, requirements and alternatives  10:00-10:30– 25’, 5’ for questions  Speaker: J.Ph. Tock  Scope:  Inventory of recommendations of previous reviews  Review of the Superconducting Cables for the HL-LHC Inner Triplet Quadrupoles (MQXF) – 5 th -6 th November 2014  Inner Triplet Quadruples (MQXF) Design – 10 th -12 th December 2014  Feedback, answers to questions,  Reference to further presentations covering these points To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 11

12 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016 10:30-10:50 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 12

13 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.4 Overall MQXF development & plans  10:50-11:35 - 30’ + 15’ for questions  Speaker: G. Ambrosio  Scope:  Overview of MQXF development plans both in US and CERN  Key aspects  Test results To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 13

14 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.5 Magnet design  11:35-12:20 - 30’ + 15’ for questions  Speaker: P. Ferracin  Scope:  Main magnet design features  Reasons for critical choices  Take into account tolerances achieved during the fabrication of the US-LARP HQ magnet [Dec 2014 review]  Focus on main aspects : Specific questions can be answered during Q&A sessions, upon requests from the committee  Keep a half length back-up option for Q2 [Dec 2014 review] To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 14

15 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016 Lunch + Visit 163 12:20-14:00 Organiser : B Bordini Participants : Review committee, key persons To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 15

16 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.6 Short models coil and structure fabrication  14:00-14:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: J.C. Perez  Scope:  Both US and CERN short models coils  Manufacturing flowchart  Production status To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 16

17 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.7 Mirror and Short model tests and quench performance  14:30-15:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: G. Sabbi  Scope:  Both US and CERN short models coils  Manufacturing flowchart  Production status To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 17

18 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.8 Structural measurements and analysis  15:00-15:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: G. Vallone  Scope:  Mechanical aspects  Analysis of test results To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 18

19 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016 15:30-16:00 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 19

20 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.9 Magnetic measurements and analysis  16:00-16:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: S Izquierdo Bermudez  Scope:  Both CERN and US models test To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 20

21 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016  1.10 Quench protection measurements and analysis  16:30-17:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: G. Ambrosio  Scope:  Quench protection principles  Include voltage distribution during quench in nominal and heater failure scenario [Dec 2014 review]  Inner / Inter layer heater concepts needs to be critically evaluated  On-going developments  Margin  CLIQ [If asked by the committee, a CLIQ presentation can be done during the Q&A session] To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 21

22 logo area Day 1 – 07.06.016 18:00 – Glassbox (TBC) Review Dinner To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 22

23 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.1 SC procurement, cable fabrication and QA/QC at CERN  9:00-9:45 - 30’ + 15’ for questions  Speaker: B. Bordini  Scope:  Wire / Cable specification  Conductor performance / Cable performance and cabling degradation  Comparison RRP / PIT  Production strategy conductor  Production strategy cable  Status  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  New conductor and cable geometry, needed to allow use of PIT conductor  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 23

24 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.2 SC procurement, cable fabrication and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUP  9:45-10:30 - 30’ + 15’ for questions  Speaker: L. Cooley  Scope:  Conductor performance  Cable performance  Production strategy conductor  Production strategy cable  Status  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 24

25 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016 10:30-11:00 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 25

26 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.3 Long coil manufacturing plan and QA/QC at CERN  11:00-11:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: F. Lackner  Scope:  Production / procurement status  Tooling status  More detailed schedule, need to duplicate tooling? What margin do we have?  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 26

27 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.4 Long magnet manufacturing plan and QA/QC at CERN  11:30-12:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: J.C. Perez  Scope:  Production / procurement status  Tooling status  More detailed schedule, need to duplicate tooling? What margin do we have?  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 27

28 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016 Lunch + Visit 180 12:00-14:00 Organiser : F. Savary Assess feasibility, usefulness of moving material from 927 Participants : Review committee, key persons To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 28

29 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.5 Long coil manufacturing plan and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUP  14:00-15:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speakers: F. Nobrega / J. Schmalzle [Video connection]  Scope:  Production / procurement status  Tooling status  More detailed schedule, need to duplicate tooling? What margin do we have?  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 29

30 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.6 Long magnet manufacturing plan and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUP  14:30-15:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: P. Cheng  Scope:  Production / procurement status  Tooling status  More detailed schedule, need to duplicate tooling? What margin do we have?  Description of the quality assurance and quality control plan  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 30

31 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.7 Test facility and test plan at CERN  15:00-15:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: M. Bajko  Scope:  Test up to 110% of nominal operating current [Dec 2014 review]  Thermal cycling [Dec 2014 review]  Includes test capacity assessment  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 31

32 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016 15:30-16:00 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 32

33 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.8 Vertical test facility and test plan for prototypes  16:00-16:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: J. Muratore [Video connection]  Scope:  Test up to 110% of nominal operating current [Dec 2014 review]  Thermal cycling [Dec 2014 review]  Includes test capacity assessment  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 33

34 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.9 Horizontal test facility and test plans by US HL-LHC-AUP  16:30-17:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: G. Chlachidze [Video connection]  Scope:  Test up to 110% of nominal operating current [Dec 2014 review]  Thermal cycling [Dec 2014 review]  Includes test capacity assessment  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 34

35 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016  2.10 String test  17:00-17:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: M. Bajko  Scope:  1 or 2 phases : pros and cons  Topics to be tested To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 35

36 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.1 ES&H and codes  9:00-9:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: T. Otto  Scope:  Similar to 11T review, without pressure equipment aspects  Brief description of Safety (documentation) process in HL-LHC  Status of this process for WP3  Status Workplace safety analysis in Bldg. 180 and 183  Requirements from the Launch Safety Agreements To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 36

37 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.2 Pressure vessel safety aspect  9:30-10:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: C. Arregui  Scope:  Pressure Equipment directive mainly To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 37

38 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.3 Status of cryostat preliminary design, integration and QA/QC  10:00-10:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: D. Ramos Duarte  Scope:  Status report  Identify areas where inputs are required  Requirements on interfaces with cold mass  Interconnects  Tooling  Planning showing that present status is in-line with the overall project schedule  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures  Same interfaces feature both for CERN and US cold masses To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 38

39 logo area Day 2 – 08.06.016 10:30-11:00 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 39

40 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.4 Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC at CERN  11:00-11:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: H. Prin  Scope:  Description of the main tooling  Present status  Plan to completion – where are we ?  Critical issues  Interfaces compatible with cryostat requirement  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 40

41 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.5 Cold mass design, assembly plans and QA/QC by US HL-LHC-AUP  11:30-12:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: T. Vouris  Scope:  Present status and development plans  Critical issues  Interfaces compatible with cryostat requirement  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 41

42 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.6 WP3 QA management in the frame of the HiLumi project  12:00-12:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: R. Principe  Scope:  Similar to 11T review,  QA plan for MQXF in the frame of WP3  Documentation management, EDMS  Procedures, NCR  MTF To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 42

43 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016 Lunch 12:30-14:00 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 43

44 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.7 Production scenarios  14:00-14:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: E. Todesco : Restricted Session  Scope:  MQXF production scenarios  Overview of both CERN and US  Feedback loop with the model/prototype programme  Includes cold test and cryostating at CERN  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures  Contingency plan to be developed to hold the schedule [Dec 2014 review] To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 44

45 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.8 Production plans at CERN  14:30-15:00 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: F. Savary : Restricted Session  Scope:  Focus on LMF activities  Includes info from WP11  Intermediate step before the Cost & Schedule review of October 2016  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 45

46 logo area Day 3 – 09.06.016  3.9 Production plans by US HL-LHC-AUP  15:00-15:30 - 20’ + 10’ for questions  Speaker: R. Carcagno: Restricted Session  Scope:  All HL-LHC-AUP activities  Includes risk registry and mitigation measures To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 46

47 logo area Day 4 – 10.06.016  Panel Closed session  08:30-11:30  Opportunity for Q&A session  Be available in case of requests from the committee To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 47

48 logo area Day 4 – 10.06.016  Close-out  11:30 – 12:00  A Yamamoto  Time to be confirmed To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 48

49 logo area To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page 49

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