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Special relativity, continued: Spacetime is 4-dimensional: three space and one time coordinate. Fancy SR deals with “four- vectors”: (x, y, z, ct) and.

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Presentation on theme: "Special relativity, continued: Spacetime is 4-dimensional: three space and one time coordinate. Fancy SR deals with “four- vectors”: (x, y, z, ct) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special relativity, continued: Spacetime is 4-dimensional: three space and one time coordinate. Fancy SR deals with “four- vectors”: (x, y, z, ct) and transforms them with a fancy variant of a rotation matrix, called the Lorentz Transformation. For motions along x, the Ltz. Txf. mixes up x and ct Momentum and energy are similarly related and can be put into four vectors: (p x, p y, p z, and E/c)

2 For a moving particle, with velocity along the x axis relative to an observer (“the lab”), the Lorentz transformation from the particle’s rest- frame into the lab mixes up p x and E in a precise way, by a kind of “rotation” in the x-t or p x -E plane. Also, the energy and momentum of a particle grow without bound even though the speed of the particle can never get all the way to c The factor that governs is the same sqrt factor that governs time dilation and length-contraction

3 Momentum According to Newton’s mechanics, a particle of mass m 0 moving with speed v has a momentum given by p = m 0 v Conservation of momentum is one of the fundamental conservation rules in physics and is believed to be satisfied by all the laws of physics, including the theory of special relativity The momentum of a single particle can also be written as Section 27.7

4 Relativistic Momentum Einstein showed that you should use the proper time to calculate momentum, where the Δt in the previous slide is in the “LAB”, or observer’s, frame The result from special relativity is This is the correct expression for momentum and applies even for a particle moving at high speed, close to the speed of light Section 27.7

5 Newton’s vs. Relativistic Momentum As v approaches the speed of light, the relativistic result is very different than Newton’s There is no limit to how large the momentum can be However, even when the momentum is very large, the particle’s speed never quite reaches the speed of light Section 27.7 Inaccessible region “Brick wall”

6 Mass - Energy The total energy of a particle is also governed by the “sqrt” factor, and is E = m o c 2 /√(1-v 2 /c 2 ) This E includes both Kinetic Energy and Rest Mass Energy, and the total grows without bound as v  c In the low-velocity Newton approximation, v/c << 1 E = mc 2 + ½ mv 2 plus neglect O{(v/c) 4 and higher} In general, E grows without bound (just like momentum) while v approaches but never quite reaches c v=c gives infinite E --- ain’t gonna happen! v>c gives imaginary number --- nope! Section 27.8

7 Mass Newton’s second law gives mass, m 0, as the constant of proportionality that relates acceleration and force This works very well as long as the object’s speed is small compared with the speed of light At high speeds, though, Newton’s second law breaks down Section 27.8

8 Relativistic Mass When the postulates of special relativity are applied to Newton’s second law, the mass needs to be replaced with a relativistic factor The total energy is just this mass times c 2 At low speeds, the relativistic term approaches m 0 and the two acceleration equations will be the same When v ≈ c, the acceleration is very small even when the force is very large --- that’s because v can change only a tiny bit when it’s near c Section 27.8 ½

9 Rest Mass When the speed of the mass is close to the speed of light, the particle responds to a force as if it had a mass larger than m 0 Specifically, with momentum, at high speeds the particle responds to impulses and forces as if its mass were larger than m 0 Rest mass is denoted by m 0 This is the mass measured by an observer who is moving very slowly relative to the particle The best way to describe the mass of a particle is through its rest mass Section 27.8

10 Mass and Energy Relativistic effects need to be taken into account when dealing with energy at high speeds From special relativity and work-energy, For v << c, this gives KE ≈ ½ m 0 v 2 which is the expression for kinetic energy from Newton’s results And of course, the TOTAL relativistic energy of the particle is just the first term in the above expression, without subtracting the rest energy Section 27.9

11 Kinetic Energy and Speed For small velocities, KE is given by Newton’s results As v approaches c, the relativistic result has a different behavior than Newtonian Although the KE can be made very large, the particle’s speed never quite reaches the speed of light Section 27.9

12 Rest and Total Energies The kinetic energy is just the Total Energy minus the m o c 2 Rest Energy of the particle The initial energy, m 0 c 2, is a constant called the rest energy of the particle A particle will have this much energy even when it is at rest The total energy of the particle is the sum of the kinetic energies and the rest energy Section 27.9

13 Mass as Energy The rest energy equation implies that mass is a form of energy It is possible in principle to convert an amount of energy (m 0 c 2 ) into a particle of mass m 0 It is possible in principle for a particle of mass m 0 to convert into an amount of energy (m 0 c 2 ) The principle of conservation of energy must be extended to include this type of energy Whether or not a particle can disappear into energy or be created from energy depends on certain attributes carried by a given particle, like electric charge, lepton number, baryon number, spin, etc. Section 27.9

14 Mass as Energy LECTURE QUIZ What is the TOTAL energy of a proton (rest mass energy is 938 MeV) seen moving at v = 0.999999 c If you don’t like calculators, (1-ε) 2 ≈1- 2ε for small ε A) 470 GeV B) 550 GeV C) 605 GeV D) 663 GeV E)890 GeV Section 27.9. v/c = 0.999999 Square it Subtract that from 1.0 Take the square root of the resulting small number Divide 0.938 GeV by that square root.

15 Whether or not a particle can disappear into energy or be created from energy depends on certain attributes carried by a given particle, like electric charge, lepton number, baryon number, spin, etc. Some of these quantum numbers are “conserved” – what you end up with must equal what you start out with. Example: γ + γ  e + + e - Photons (gammas) are electrically neutral. The final state must therefore be neutral, hence we need to produce the electron plus its antiparticle, the positron, to conserve electric charge.

16 Protons carry “baryon number” (bary means heavy). Baryon number is apparently conserved, since protons have not yet been seen to decay spontaneously. Proton mean life, measured, is, >10 33 years. That’s lucky for us! Baryon number must have been violated at some point in the early Big Bang universe, since theory has it that equal numbers of protons and antiprotons must have been originally created. But the universe is almost entirely baryons (protons and neutrons) today. We still have no exact understanding of what went on right after BB

17 Speed of Light as a Speed Limit Several results of special relativity suggest that speeds greater than the speed of light are not possible The factor that appears in time dilation and length contraction is imaginary if v > c The relativistic momentum of a particle becomes infinite as v → c This suggests that an infinite force or impulse would be needed for a particle to reach the speed of light Section 27.9

18 Speed Limit, cont. The total energy of a particle becomes infinite as v → c This suggests that an infinite amount of mechanical work is required to accelerate a particle to the speed of light The idea that c is a “speed limit” is not one of the postulates of special relativity, it is a consequence Combining the two postulates of special relativity leads to the conclusion that it is not possible for a particle to travel faster than the speed of light Not only that, massive particles always have v<c Only massless particles, like photons, have v=c Section 27.9

19 Mass-Energy Conversions Conversion of mass into energy is important in nuclear reactions, but also occurs in other cases A chemical reaction occurs when a hydrogen atom is dissociated The mass of a hydrogen atom must be less than the sum of the masses of an electron and proton The electron’s energy is lower by 13.6 eV when it’s bound in the atom Mass is not conserved when a hydrogen atom dissociates Δm 0 = 2.4 x 10 -35 kg This is much less than the mass of a proton and can generally be ignored Section 27.9

20 Conservation Principles Conservation of mass Mass is a conserved quantity in Newton’s mechanics The total mass of a closed system cannot change Special relativity indicates that mass is not conserved The principle of conservation of energy must be extended to include mass Momentum is conserved in collisions – BUT to be exact Use the relativistic expression for momentum Electric charge (and a lot of other quantum numbers) are conserved For example, it is not possible to create or annihilate charges if the total charge changes Section 27.9

21 General Relativity A noninertial reference frame is one that has a nonzero acceleration Physics in noninertial frames is describe by general relativity General relativity is based on a postulate known as the equivalence principle The equivalence principle states the effects of a uniform gravitational field are identical to motion with constant acceleration Section 27.10

22 Equivalence Example Case A Ted stands in an elevator at rest on Earth He feels the normal force exerted by the floor on his feet He concludes that he is in a gravitational field Case B The elevator is not in a gravitational field (out in space) but has an acceleration of 1 g Since there is an acceleration, Ted feels the same force on his feet Section 27.10

23 Equivalence Principle, cont. According to the equivalence principle, there is no local way for Ted to tell the difference between the effects of the gravitational field and the accelerated motion (this is not strictly true if Ted can measure accelerations over a finite volume, and see the GRADIENT in gravity due to the Earth’s 1/r 2 factor) The equivalence principle has the following consequences Inertial mass and gravitational mass are equivalent ma = GmM/r 2 left m is inertial, right m is gravitational Light can be deflected by gravity Section 27.10

24 Light and Gravity The light beam travels through the elevator while the elevator is in distant space When a = 0, Ted sees the light beam travel in a straight line (A) When a ≠ 0, the light beam travels in a curved line relative to the elevator (B) In a gravitational field, case (C) the light beam also curves Section 27.10

25 Deflection of Light by Sun The gravitational field of the Sun should deflect light from a star Easiest to see during a solar eclipse Experiments (Eddington) in 1919 verified that light passing near the Sun during an eclipse was deflected by the predicted amount Section 27.10

26 Black Holes Black holes contain so much mass that light inside the “event horizon” is not able to escape from the gravitational attraction A black hole can be “seen” by its effect on the motion of nearby objects Stars near a black hole move in curved trajectories and so the mass and location of the black hole can be determined Section 27.10

27 Gravitational Lensing If the black hole is between the star and the Earth, light from the star can pass by either side of the black hole and still be bent by gravity and reach the Earth The black hole acts as a gravitational lens Light from a single star can produce multiple images Analysis of the images can be used to deduce the mass of the black hole Section 27.10

28 Gravitational Lensing Gravitational lensing by Galaxies, and “microlensing” by Stars, are powerful tools used by astronomers to map out the mass distribution of the universe. This is one of the ways we have determined that the visible mass (atoms in stars that shine) is less than the total mass in the universe. About 4.5% of the universe is baryonic matter (atomic nuclei). About 25% is the mysterious “Dark Matter” which also causes stars to orbit faster around the centers of galaxies than can be accounted for by the mass of shining stars. We have no idea, yet, what the dark matter actually is. Section 27.10

29 Relativity and Electromagnetism Alice is at rest with the charged line and the point charge Ted sees the line of charge and the point charge in motion The moving charged line acts as a current Section 27.11

30 Relativity and EM, cont. Ted says that there is an electric force and a magnetic force on the particle Alice says there is only an electric force Both are correct They will agree on the total force acting on the particle The larger electric force (due to the denser line charge) observed by Ted due to his motion is canceled by the magnetic force produced (line current  B, also electron moves parallel to the line so v x B) Maxwell’s equations were already consistent with special relativity Section 27.11

31 Importance of Relativity The relation between mass and energy and the possibility that mass can be converted to energy (and energy to mass) mean that mass is not conserved Instead we have a more general view of energy and its conservation The three absolute conservation principles in physics are Conservation of energy Conservation of momentum (and of angular momentum) Conservation of charge It is believed that all the laws of physics must obey these three conservation principles Section 27.12

32 Importance of Relativity, cont. The rest energy of a particle is huge This has important consequences for the amount of energy available in processes such as nuclear reactions Relativity changes our notion of space, time, and simultaneity Our everyday intuition breaks down when applied to special relativity Section 27.12

33 Importance of Relativity, final Relativity plays a key role in understanding how the universe was formed and how it is evolving Black holes can’t be understood without relativity Relativity shows that Newton’s mechanics is not an exact description of the physical world Instead, Newton’s laws are only an approximation that works very well in some cases, but not in others We shouldn’t discard Newton’s mechanics, but rather, understand its limits Section 27.12

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