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Solving Disposition Management: The Time Has Come Minnesota Criminal Disposition Improvement Program 1992 to 2010 Wednesday October 5 th 2011 2:00 to 3:15p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Disposition Management: The Time Has Come Minnesota Criminal Disposition Improvement Program 1992 to 2010 Wednesday October 5 th 2011 2:00 to 3:15p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Disposition Management: The Time Has Come Minnesota Criminal Disposition Improvement Program 1992 to 2010 Wednesday October 5 th 2011 2:00 to 3:15p.m. Dale Good CIO and IT Director, MN Judicial Branch, 1985 to 2003 Executive Director, CriMNet Program, MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, 2004 to 2007

2 High Level Program Summary Measurement/quantification of the problem Strategy development Policy maker and executive awareness Governance and cross-agency funding Policy changes Education/training on both the problem and solutions Additional systematic communication Business practice changes and best practices Technology 2

3 Measurement/Quantification of the Problem 1992 Audit of Criminal History Database –55% of court dispositions not on file –Median of 365 days from disposition to online –Dispositions not on file, and some arrests not in file Huge public safety issue –Pretrial release, charging and sentencing decisions –Non-criminal employment-related statutory background checks (e.g., day care providers) “Poster Child” of the problem: Kerry Dean Stevenson 3

4 AKA Kerry Dean Geller Keith Allen Brummer Bob Stevenson Robert Mark Geller James Heidelberg Richard Lee Olson Bob Geller Robert James Stevenson Eric Allen Johnson Alias Dates of Birth: 03/29/55, 05/11/58, 01/24/61, 05/05/55, 04/29/55, 03/27/48, 04/24/54 Kerry Dean Stevenson Date of Birth: 04/29/58

5 YearConvicted of:CountyStatus:Crt file # 1983Indecent ConductHennepinCCHCAG# 83080022 1984DWIHennepinCCH1535155 1985Indecent ConductAnokaNot in CCHK1-85-1172 1986Indecent ConductHennepin CCH CAG# 86109522 1986Indecent ConductRamsey Suspense Pre-TCIS? 1986DWIHennepinSuspenseCAG# 86121271 1987Indecent conductAnokaSuspenseKX-87-7525 1987Indecent conductAnokaSuspenseK9-87-7967 1988Indecent ExposureHennepin CCH CAG# 87151375 1989Indecent ExposureHennepin CCH 89056658 1989Gross Misd DWIPine Suspense K8-89-534 1991Agg Viol – DL SuspHennepin CCH 91040704 1992Indecent ConductAnoka Suspense K8-92-8512 1993Indecent ConductRamseySuspenseKX-93-759 1993Indecent ConductRamseySuspenseK6-93-757 1993Indecent ExposureHennepin Suspense CAG # 93022196 1993Escape from custodyHennepinSuspenseCAG# 93511838 1994Theft by checkRamseyNot in CCHK7-94-82 1997Crim Sex Conduct 5 th Ramsey Suspense K2-97-2658 1998Crim Sex Conduct 5thHennepin Suspense CAG# 97208852 2000Crim Sex Conduct 5 th AnokaFound Guilty – Sentencing scheduled KX-00-6209 Total Offenses: 21 On State Criminal History Data Base: 6 Total Offenses: 21 On State Criminal History Data Base: 6

6 Initial Strategy Development Need to educate leaders and train agency staff on importance of timely, complete and accurate reporting Need to uniformly automate the disposition reporting from all courts to DOJ/BCA Need to further analyze the causes of the problem and develop multiple solutions Need funds to implement first two strategies 6

7 Policy Maker and Executive Awareness Advised State Court Administrator, Commissioner of Public Safety, Commissioner of Corrections, and Chair of Sentencing Guidelines Commission Advised House and Senate legislative leaders chairing key criminal justice policy and appropriations committees 7

8 FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 WEAPONS PROHIBITED MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/94 DWI 7/4/93 DWI 9/15/92 PROBATION & DETENTION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/99 Hennepin 6/99 Dakota 5/99 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES For example, automated check for warrants before release from detention.

9 FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 WEAPONS PROHIBITED MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/94 DWI 7/4/93 DWI 9/15/92 PROBATION & DETENTION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/99 Hennepin 6/99 Dakota 5/99 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES “Suspense” Conviction Records Not Visible to Criminal Justice Agencies All Paper and Mailed to BCA – 3 months to learn identity

10 Legislative Support and Governance Creation of Policy Group and Task Force Governance Bodies (M.S.290C65) with broad authority over data sharing problems. Requires regular legislative reporting Initial Funding Criminal justice trainers funded for Judicial Branch and Public Safety Department Later Funding Statewide electronic fingerprint capture New statewide court case management system More 10

11 Legislative Support and Policy Change Statutory Reporting Requirements and Performance Measures (Reduce not-on-file to under 10% by specific date) Policy Changes on fingerprinting responsibilities affecting prosecutors, courts and probation officers Upon conviction, court to order offender to report to law enforcement for printing (unless in custody) Prosecutor notified of disposition in suspense and can get court order to compel offenders’ fingerprinting 11

12 Policy Change Continued Fingerprints to be taken at post-arrest interviews, court appearance, while in custody, or any form of probation, diversion or supervised release Prosecutors, courts and probation officers shall attempt to insure fingerprints taken no later than: Release from booking If not booked, then prior to acceptance of plea 12

13 Education Training and Communication Education – Big Picture (“sell the problem”) Training – Specific practice changes Website of County Missing Disposition Statistics - MN Dispositions Not on Criminal History 1st half 2010 Truncated.pdf (not a public site) What you count counts!!!MN Dispositions Not on Criminal History 1st half 2010 Truncated.pdf Website on “Suspense” Prevention (dispositions not on file) See: Minnesota Justice Information Services - Suspense PreventionMinnesota Justice Information Services - Suspense Prevention Email notification to court and arresting agency when disposition record goes into suspense 13

14 Business Process Analysis and Best Practices Recommendations and Other Resolution Use statistics by county and studied practices of 3 best and 3 worst – publish best practices –Clear documented processes and hand-offs –For summoned cases – summon defendant to booking location right before scheduled initial court appearance –Use booking ID from livescan for linking disposition to arrest record, including a “check digit” –More. Reports available 14

15 Other Resolution Resolve dispositions in suspense when statutory background checks occur Resolve dispositions in suspense if prison incarceration and no disposition on file Systematically resolve dispositions for convictions for the most serious person offenses – murder, sexual assault, etc. 15

16 Technology and System Changes Statewide deployment of livescan, and non custodial booking” pilot project in 20+ courts Place disposition in Suspense on the Live Criminal History System (warning that they are not based on fingerprint match) Changing Linking Identifiers to Livescan Booking ID (BID) “Agency Interface” Portal to allow agency to fix records in Suspense Send email alert to county (sheriff and court) as soon as record does not link 16

17 Technology and System Changes Redundant Record Consolidation logic (improve criminal history system logic for duplicate records) MNCIS – new statewide Court Case Management System –Data exchange to post biometric collection status to the court record –In Court Entry – Minutes Engine eCharging: LE to DA to Court 17 Current Statistics for 2011 to August 31 st : 91.9 % of criminal dispositions on the Criminal History

18 FELONY CONVICTION RECORD Crim Sex Conduct 1 12/98 Assault with Weapon 3/96 Burglary Occupied 6/94 Jon Lee Beasley 12/8/52 WARRANTS Dakota County Felony 1/1/99 Hennepin County Misdemeanor 2/5/99 Carver County Gross Msdr 5/5/99 WEAPONS PROHIBITED MISDEMEANORS Domestic Assault 3/3/97 Assault 2/15/99 Viol Retrain’g Order 7/4/98 DWI 9/15/02 PROBATION & DETENTION Hennepin Scott Dakota Domestic Restraining Orders: Y PRE-TRIAL RELEASE Ramsey 11/03 Hennepin 6/02 Dakota 5/04 JUVENILE FELONY RECORD YES NAME: DOB: SEX OFFENDER: YES Suspense Records Visible to Criminal Justice Agencies All electronically Captured and sent to BCA – identity returned in minutes

19 19 Dale Good, Senior Advisor CA Administrative Office of the Courts 916-205-6175 CA Justice Partner Website:

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