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Christian Dianoux CEREFIGE - University of Paul Verlaine-Metz - France Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Life Sciences Prague The Attitude toward advertising.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Dianoux CEREFIGE - University of Paul Verlaine-Metz - France Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Life Sciences Prague The Attitude toward advertising."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Dianoux CEREFIGE - University of Paul Verlaine-Metz - France Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Life Sciences Prague The Attitude toward advertising in general and Attitude toward specific ads: is it the same influence whatever the countries?

2  Lutz, MacKenzie et Belch (1983) Aad affects attitude toward the brand (dual mediation hypothesis) Cad Aad Cb Ab Ib  MacKenzie and Lutz (1989) Aad is strongly influenced by Attitude toward advertising in general : AG Aad

3  Is it possible that a strong relationship between AG and Aad occurs only in some circumstances and not in others?  It can happen because the consumer has in his mind different general advertising reference when he answers to the questions  Is s/he hard or soft towards cognition, attitude and advertising proposals?

4  International identical advertising campaigns are more often soft-sell than hard-sell oriented (Okazaki et al, 2010).  Hypothesis: Relationship between AG and Aad in standardised conditions can be observed when consumer answers to the questions on AG.  AG is not always a strong predictor of AG toward a specific type of advertising (ASG). ASG need to measured!!!

5 Campaign A (with an informative ad) (case where AG is a good gauge because the consumer does think at the A-type of ad – here an informative ad- when he answers to the questions about AG) Country 1ASGinfo+++ (Attitude toward Specific informative ads in General)=> Aada+++ AG+++ => Aada+++ Country 2ASGinfo- - (Attitude toward Specific informative ads in General)=> Aada- - AG- - => Aada- - Campaign B (with a sensual ad) (case where AG is not a good gauge because the consumer does think at the A-type and not at B-type of ad – here a sensual ad- when he answers to the questions about AG) Country 1ASGsensual+ (Attitude toward Specific sensual ads in General)=> Aadb+ AG+++ no link with Aadb+ Country 2ASGsensual+++ (Attitude toward Specific sensual ads in General)=> Aadb+++ AG- - no link with Aadb+++

6 For Hard-sell appeal: -concrete (Thinking dimension) -feature centered (Fact dimension) -informative (Fact dimension) -instructive (Explicitness dimension) For Soft-sell appeal: -entertaining (Image Dimension) -visually oriented (Image Dimension) -emotional (Feeling Dimension) -abstract (Feeling Dimension)

7  France and Czech Republic: ◦ French GDP per capita of 31,067 Euros ◦ Czech GDP per capita 12,922 Euros. ◦ N=97 Czechs and 82 French student respondents  Experiment: ◦ 1- Questionnaire A measuring AG and ASG ◦ 2- Two groups: first one exposed to new brand of mobile phone with soft-sell ad and the second one exposed to same brand with hard-sell ad for 10’’ + Questionnaire B ◦ 3 - Four ads (10 seconds each) to all participants (two soft-sell for L’Oréal and Bic and two hard-sell arguments for Audi and Nikon) + Questionnaire C

8 AG and ASG depending on country NMeanFSig. AG P&M (Pollay & Mittal, 1993) CZ964,72574,9190,028 Fr815,1152 Total1774,904 AG P&M billboardCZ972,872995,6340,000 Fr824,7724 Total1793,743 ASG Hard-sell appealCZ934,104817,6860,000 Fr814,7901 Total1744,4239 ASG Soft-sell appealCZ945,007140,0690,000 Fr825,9431 Total1765,4432

9 Aad Correlation between AG or ASG and Aad (ad with soft-sell argument) Boring (rev) Irritatin g (rev) Disturb. (rev) CredibleGoodInterest.Aad (abdef)1 Liking AG P&M r-0,09-0,17-0,050,12-0,190,01-0,10-0,17 p.0,400,120,670,260,070,920,330,11 N90 AGbilb P&M r0,200,040,160,200,230,290,270,09 p.0,060,690,140,060,030,000,010,43 N90 Hard- sell appeal r0,17-0,10-0,040,04 0,030,05-0,08 p.0,110,340,680,700,690,810,670,45 N86 Soft- sell appeal r-0,010,150,18-0,020,030,230,110,08 p.0,950,170,090,850,790,030,300,44 N89

10 Real Brands ASG and Aad: hard-sell L ’ Or é al ad (soft-sell) Liking Audi ad (hard-sell) Liking Bic ad (soft-sell) Liking Nikon ad (hard-sell) Liking General (CZ and Fr) r 0,05 0,060,12 p. 0,520,530,470,13 N 174,00167,00171,00173,00 CZ r 0,000,030,070,21 p. 0,990,810,490,04 N 93,0089,0091,0092,00 Fr r 0,080,02-0,100,28 p. 0,490,840,390,01 N 81,0078,0080,0081,00

11 Real Brands ASG and Aad: Soft-sell L ’ Or é al ad (soft-sell) Liking Audi ad (hard-sell) Liking Bic ad (soft-sell) Liking Nikon ad (hard-sell) Liking General (CZ and Fr) r 0,200,170,00-0,15 p. 0,010,030,980,05 N 176,00169,00173,00175,00 CZ r 0,19 -0,060,04 p. 0,07 0,540,74 N 94,0090,0092,0093,00 Fr r 0,170,04-0,08-0,12 p. 0,130,700,470,28 N 82,0079,0081,0082,00

12  Selection of soft-sell and hard-sell advertising have proved existence of contradictory reactions of readers: ◦ ASG not influencing Aad ◦ and AG influencing Aad  Our assessment is possible but not very strongly confirmed.

13  A lot of complementary research is needed: ◦ -the measures of ASG ◦ -the variety of ads ◦ -the variety of countries ◦ -the analysis and statistics treatments  Do you join us at ?

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