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Criticisms of Congress Pork-barrel Legislation Logrolling.

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Presentation on theme: "Criticisms of Congress Pork-barrel Legislation Logrolling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criticisms of Congress Pork-barrel Legislation Logrolling

2 Pork-Barrel Legislation 1870s using term “pork” Access to pork - legislation that allows representatives to bring money and jobs to their districts –Public works program –military bases/VA hosp. –Appropriation bills: dams, bridges, highway - Legislators who bring jobs and new public works programs back to their districts are difficult to defeat at election time.

3 What qualifies as Pork Spending? Attached to unrelated bills – rider Award or incentive for political support “projects designed to please and win votes” Citizens Against Government Waste have 7 criteria for items to be considered pork:

4 Requested by only one chamber Not specifically authorized Not competitively awarded Not requested by President Greatly exceeds the pres.’s budget or previous year’s funding Not subject of Congressional hearings Serves only a local or special interest

5 Pre Civil War custom in the South Take salt pork from barrels and distribute it among the slaves –Reward for good behavior Legislation often does not go where it is most needed but to districts whose representatives are most aggressive, powerful or most in need of votes.

6 Pork Barrel Spending Earmark - a congressional provision that directs or sets aside funds to be spent on specific projects within a member’s district Similar to a no bid contract Terms comes from cattle & hog slaughtering houses –Particular animal is singled out –for special purpose (breeding) –Mark the ear so animal is placed –aside for its specific purpose

7 LOGROLLING Member of Congress supports another member’s pet project with the understanding that the favor will be returned Pioneer days when neighbors would get together to roll logs from recently cleared property.

8 Earmark totals increased from fiscal year (FY) 2009 to FY2011 In FY11, appropriation bills contained 39,530 congressional earmarks worth $129.8 billion In FY10, appropriation bills contained 9,499 congressional earmarks worth $15.9 billion. In FY09 this compares with 11,286 congressional earmarks worth $15.6 billion. budget/earmarks/map-2011/

9 Reform Process began 2007- Transparency rules – post details on line disclose name of sponsoring lawmaker disclose details of project and $ amount 1mM Earmark reform pledge unveiled by Council for citizens against government waste releases/ccagw-unveils-earmark-reform- pledge

10 Backdoor method 2012-13 –Avoiding earmark term –Request as special funds in authorization bills, permitting $ to be directed to projects –Interest Groups working executive agencies more than legislative – special funding –FY08: $16,641,692,000 –FY09: $28,900,000,000 –FY10: $15,932,261,848 –FY11: $ 9,859,196,359 –FY12: $ 3,300,000,000 –FY 15: $ 4,200,000,000 4200000000-fy-2015-56-one-year

11 Earmarks Requested: –$1,049,000 Combat Mormon Crickets in Utah –$200,000 tattoo removal program CA –$255,000,000 upgrade M1 Abrams tank the Pentagon does not want –$398,000,000 bridge to nowhere – AK proposed to replace a ferry to an island with 50 residents –For the third time since Congress enacted an earmark moratorium (FY) 2011, CAGW has found earmarks in the 12 appropriations bills funding the federal gov. – public/2010_appropriations_home.html public/2010_appropriations_home.html

12 Earmark Transparency Act 2010: 35 - pending 35 58 - pending 58

13 Orphan Earmarks Earmarks in which not a single dollar has gone toward its intended purpose –Typographical. Procedural errors –Cost states $7.5 billion in lost funding –~ 3,600 earmarks went unfunded 2009 –State Road 31 should be U.S. 31 –$ without a home earmarks_N.htm earmarks_N.htm Orphan Earmark Act - $ not claimed within 9 years goes back into treasury. –$500 million currently / in committee –

14 PA Earmarks html marks/?sf=PA&df

15 Complete Political Pork chart – back of reading –Pros of earmark spending –Cons of earmark spending –Ideas for compromise or resolving the abuses –Include orphan earmarks –Be prepared to present to class Have more than one reply

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