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Life on the Carolina Frontier North Carolina had a bad reputation Could not govern itself well Costly to live there since shipping was so expensive.

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3 Life on the Carolina Frontier North Carolina had a bad reputation Could not govern itself well Costly to live there since shipping was so expensive

4 Life on the Carolina Frontier Earliest settlers to NC found exactly what they wanted

5 Life on the Carolina Frontier Great Wagon Road Long stretches of prairie with open grasslands and woods in the bottomlands attracted settlers


7 Life on the Carolina Frontier Ample tree supply used for houses and fences Open spaces provided for grazing cattle and growing grain

8 Life on the Carolina Frontier The Germans planted wheat & rye in the fall Herman Husband—early Quaker settler known for his fine 600-acre wheat farm

9 Life on the Carolina Frontier Grist Mill ownership one of the 1 st ways to become wealthy The smart miller sold his collected flour locally or shipped it to the coast

10 Life on the Carolina Frontier Most settlers quickly worked to improve their places They set up zigzag split rail fences to keep out hogs from their grain fields

11 Life on the Carolina Frontier Most backcountry families lived in log houses Some built more elaborate homes All families kept kitchen gardens




15 Life on the Carolina Frontier All settlers brought their culture with the Almost all valued religious expression and soon taught their values

16 Life on the Carolina Frontier Scots-Irish built both a church and a school everywhere they settled Germans often built union churches People of two principal denominations could worship

17 Life on the Carolina Frontier By 1765—more than a dozen new churches had been established Wachovia—most active religious community (the Moravians) The Moravians made Wachovia one of the most prosperous places in the backcountry



20 Life on the Carolina Frontier Many neighbors resented their prosperity and religion creating problems for a long time in North Carolina


22  1765—William Tryon appointed the new royal governor upon the death of Arthur Dobbs

23  Tryon brought better organization and created more respect for authority toward government officials in charge of the colony  Wanted NC to finally pay its own way

24 Tryon Palace, New Bern, NC




28  Tryon moved NC toward his goals General Assembly wanted to reorganize the Church of England in NC Stimulate growth in the economy Gain more control over the colony

29  Tryon’s measures improved NC, BUT each measure cost the average NC taxpayer  Coastal residents saw a return  backcountry folk were not so sure  Tryon did not have full support of the backcountry people who believed that government continued to be corrupt

30  1768—Well-known citizen Herman Husband arrested for disorder Released after people of all walks of life marched on Hillsborough

31  A few prominent citizens walked all the way to New Bern  Tryon did little

32  Tryon had Johnston Riot Act passed by Assembly to enforce strict punishment for all public acts of disorder

33  Governor Tryon ordered militia to march on Hillsborough “against the insurgents” Insurgents called Regulators

34  May 16, 1771—The Battle of Alamance (lasted a couple of hours) ended up when the Regulators fled through the woods


36 The Battle Of Alamance—1771


38  Tryon took several measures to show he meant business: Executed one Regulator before the battle Hung another the day after Six men were hung in all after the battle



41  Josiah Martin—royal governor after Tryon Did little to improve NC in two years prior to the American Revolution

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