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Response to Instruction and Intervention and how it could apply to High Achievers/Gifted Education Tanya Morret, Dr. Christine.

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Instruction and Intervention and how it could apply to High Achievers/Gifted Education Tanya Morret, Dr. Christine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Instruction and Intervention and how it could apply to High Achievers/Gifted Education Tanya Morret, Dr. Christine Lay, May 4, 2012

2 Outcomes for today Define RtII - Response to Instruction and Intervention View Response to Instruction and Intervention through Enrichment/ Acceleration Lens

3 What is Response to Instruction and Intervention? A school-wide approach to comprehensively utilize resources to meet the needs of all students An integrative way to provide high quality instruction/intervention/enrichment matched to student needs A preventative system of service delivery: use of assessment data (learning rate, level of performance) to make instructional decisions

4 Standards aligned instruction in a research-based core program (Standards) Universal screening (Assessment) Shared responsibility for all students (Safe and Supportive Schools, Instruction, Materials and Resources) Data-based team decision making (Assessment) –Summative, Formative, Benchmark, and Diagnostic Tiered intervention and service delivery system (Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials and Resources) –Research-based interventions –Flexible grouping –Fidelity of Implementation Parental Engagement (Student Achievement) Professional Development (Student Achievement) Leadership (Student Achievement) Core Components of RtII

5 Strategic Interventions for Students at Risk of Academic Failure Tier 3: Interventions for A Few Students Tier I: Foundation Standards Aligned Instruction for All Students Tier 2: Interventions for Some Students Pennsylvania’s Response to Instruction and Intervention Model

6 Strategic Interventions for Students at Risk of Academic Failure Tier 3: Interventions Enrichment for A Few Students Tier I: Foundation Standards Aligned Instruction for All Students Tier 2: Interventions/ Enrichment for Some Students Pennsylvania’s Response to Instruction and Intervention

7 School Code Chapter 4 – Differentiated Instruction Chapter 16 – Provide gifted services based on the needs of the individual student (plan, not program) Gifted White Paper, 2010



10 Tier I Enrichment and Acceleration in the Core Differentiated Instruction that might include change of pace, content or task within the general education setting Pre-assessments Compacted Curriculum Units Independent Learning Contracts Cluster Grouping Flexible Grouping Activity Menus Learning Centers Differentiated assignments (in lieu of classroom assignments) Professional Development for general education teachers Role of the Gifted Support Teacher: Procures resources for classroom teachers; assists in the planning of learning units, activity menus, independent contracts, compacted curriculum units, learning centers, and pre-assessments; conferences with students to introduce, monitor and assess performance on planned activities; serves as coach for the classroom teacher; co-teaches lessons in cluster-grouped classrooms.

11 Tier II Enrichment and Acceleration in addition to the Core Individualized change of pace, content, task or environment that might be outside of the classroom Acceleration in one content area while sustaining current grade level placement Advanced course material typically one year above grade level Advanced Skill group instruction In addition to differentiated instruction in Tier I Role of the Gifted Support Teacher: Advocates for students to ensure advanced/enriched learning opportunities are afforded to students evidencing an interest and/or a rate of acquisition that allows the students to advance at a faster pace; writes Gifted Individualized Education Plan.

12 Tier III Enrichment and Acceleration in addition to the Core Individualized change of pace, content, task, or environment that may be out of grade level or even school depending on age of student Acceleration in multiple classes Advanced course material In addition to differentiated instruction in Tier I Role of the Gifted Support Teacher: Advocates for students to ensure accelerated learning opportunities are afforded to students evidencing an instructional level outside of the grade level’s capacity; writes Gifted Individualized Education Plan


14 If we are planning to address the needs of higher ability learners, what are the necessary pieces to consider in the change process?

15 Core Components of RtII w/ Gifted Overlay Standards aligned instruction in a research-based core program –Above grade level standards (Acceleration) –Depth of eligible content (Enrichment) Universal screening –If targets are met/exceeded, what other assessments can be done to “drill down?” Shared responsibility for all students –Supports more wide spread use of flexible grouping – within classrooms and grade levels –More efficient use of resources and more comprehensive Data-based team decision making –Use of Summative, Formative, Benchmark, and Diagnostic – at and out of grade/course level Tiered intervention and service delivery system –Flexible grouping – cluster grouping –Focus on Tier 1 Instruction – build expertise of classroom teacher –Gifted Support Teacher becomes instructional facilitator/coach

16 Parental engagement Education Before the shift occurs be sure to inform the parents, maintained during the GIEP Process, continued follow-up Professional Development –With Gifted Support Teachers For Changing Service Delivery Model –With Classroom Teachers to review expectations and provide on-going support –With Principals to aid in communications with parents and support all teachers Leadership –Planning-Principals, Psychologists, Counselors –Review of Policies. Procedures, Scheduling Core Components of RtII w/ Gifted Overlay (continued)

17 * The most crucial work of RtII implementation is ensuring quality teaching in the standards aligned general education core curriculum.

18 Questions???????

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