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Electrophoresis is a molecular technique that separates nucleic acids and proteins based on Size and +-+ Charge +-+

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2 Electrophoresis is a molecular technique that separates nucleic acids and proteins based on Size and +-+ Charge +-+

3 DNA is a negatively charged molecule and therefore is attracted to positive charges.

4 Agarose provides a matrix through which DNA molecules migrate. Size – larger molecules move through the matrix slower than small molecules Concentration – the higher the concentration of agarose, the better the separation of small fragments



7 Vector – DNA source which can replicate and is used to carry foreign genes or DNA fragments. Lambda phage Plasmid Recombinant DNA – A vector that has taken up a foreign piece of DNA.

8 Restriction enzyme – an enzyme which binds to DNA at a specific base sequence and then cuts the DNA.

9 Restriction enzymes are named after the bacteria from which they were isolated. a.Bacteria use restriction enzymes to “chop up” foreign viral DNA.

10 Recognition site – specific base sequence on DNA where a restriction enzyme binds. a.All recognition sites are palindromes, which means they read the same way forward and backward. (example: RACECAR orGAATTC CTTAAG b.Each restriction enzyme has its own unique recognition site.


12 Restriction enzymes cut in the middle of the recognition site. a.When restriction enzymes cut down the middle of the sequence, blunt ends are generated. Example: GATC GA + TC CTAG CT AG b.When restriction enzymes cut in a zig zag pattern, sticky ends are generated. Example: GAATTC G + AATTC CTTAAG CTTAAG G

13 i.Sticky ends are very useful because if two different pieces of DNA are cut with the same restriction enzyme, the overhanging sticky ends will complementarily base pair, creating a recombinant DNA molecule. ii.DNA ligase will seal the nick in the phosphodiester backbone.

14 After cutting up a long piece of DNA, you can run the samples on an agarose gel. a.The smaller fragments migrate further than the longer fragments. b.The bands are compared to standard DNA of known sizes. This is often called a DNA marker, or a DNA ladder.


16 After analyzing your results, you draw a restriction map of the cut sites. a.A restriction map is a diagram of DNA showing the cut sites of a series of restriction enzymes.



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