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General Statements & Definitions Lesson 1 1. Student Writing --Globalization Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more.

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Presentation on theme: "General Statements & Definitions Lesson 1 1. Student Writing --Globalization Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Statements & Definitions Lesson 1 1

2 Student Writing --Globalization Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more important now, that is "Globalization". Recent years, China's fast- developing impressed the world and some people announced now China played a very important role in this world. 2

3 Student Writing--Revised Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more important now, that is "Globalization". What's globalization? For me, globalization means connections of this world are more close and whatever in economy or culture, it's opening now. Recent years, China's fast-developing impressed the world and some people announced now China played a very important role in this world. 3

4 Student Writing—Revised 2 Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more important now, that is "Globalization". What's globalization? For me, globalization means connections of this world are more close and whatever in economy or culture, it's opening now. As a result of these changes, in recent years, China's fast-developing impressed the world and some people announced now China played a very important role in this world. 4

5 Following the developing of this world, a key word is becoming much more important now, that is "Globalization". What's globalization? For me, globalization means connections of this world are more close and whatever in economy or culture, it's opening now. As a result of these changes, in recent years, China's fast- developing impressed the world and some people announced now China played a very important role in this world. General Statement Definition Summary word & Elaboration 5

6 General Statements We can use these to: Set the context or background ▫“Nowadays, the ability to speak more than one language is very important.” Identify a situation (especially problems) ▫“Pollution from cars has become a serious problem in the world today.” 6

7 General Statements: Practice Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. General Statement: We are born knowing very little about the world, and as we grow from children into adults, we need help learning about the world around us. There are many people in our lives who can act as our teachers.

8 8

9 Definitions Selling Cities: Promoting New Images for Meetings Tourism (1) Meetings tourism, which we define as travel associated with attendance at corporate meetings, conferences, conventions or trade exhibitions, has emerged as a significant subsection of the tourist industry in terms of amount of travel and the money generated. (2) “Meetings” demonstrate a large amount of variety, ranging from small business meetings with a few participants to large conventions with more than 20,000 attendees. (3) The range of locations where these meetings take place is also wide, including sites such as hotels, universities, sports arenas, and specially built convention centers. 9

10 Definitions A definition may describe a technical word **or a common word** A definition sets the limits for a word’s meaning. A word can have different meanings depending on the context. 10

11 How cold is “cold”? 11

12 How does this writer define “particularly cold”? The athlete is at risk of losing heat faster than he can produce it only when environmental conditions are particularly cold, for example (1) during winter conditions at latitudes above 50°, or (2) when cold is associated with windy and wet conditions, or (3) when the athlete exercises in cold water for prolonged periods. 12

13 Identify and underline the definition elements in the following texts 1. It should be noted that cell phones are not necessarily the same as car phones, i.e., devices intended for permanent installation in the vehicle and which may have separate handset and dial units. 2. Average raw scores on IQ tests have been rising for years, by an estimated three IQ points per decade. This rise, known as the Flynn effect, has received much attention, though its exact nature has been questioned. 13

14 Identify and underline the definition elements in the following texts 3. Procrastination refers to deliberately putting off one’s planned actions. 4. Software watermarking is a process in which identifying information is attached to a file, enabling authors to control the distribution of their digital information. (???)The purpose of software watermarking is to protect the property that belongs to the author.(???) 14

15 Identify and underline the definition elements in the following texts 5. Tax evasion is defined as intentionally paying fewer taxes than the law requires, deliberately breaking the tax code. 15

16 Ways to define i.e.Cold weather, i.e. temperatures below 40 degrees, can be dangerous. described as known as referred to as Cold weather, described as temperatures below 40 degrees, can be dangerous. refers to“Cold weather” refers to temperatures below 40 degrees is (something) which... Cold weather is conditions in which temperatures are below 40 degrees is defined asCold weather is defined as temperatures below 40 degrees 16

17 General Statements: Practice Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. General Statement: We are born knowing very little about the world, and as we grow from children into adults, we need help learning about the world around us. There are many people in our lives who can act as our teachers.

18 Definition: Teacher A teacher is someone who works in a school. A teacher is responsible for the education of less experienced people. A teacher gives new knowledge to young people. A teacher is an expert in a subject and explains it to other people.

19 Review General Statements are a good way to begin an essay or paragraph Definitions help the reader and the writer understand what key words mean in the essay. Summary Statements Next week!! 19

20 On your Own!! Find (1) or more definitions in the reading or writing you do this week: ▫Is it for a common word or a technical word? ▫Does it use one of the techniques we studied or is it different? ▫Is it in the same sentence as the key word or a separate sentence? ▫Is there a General Statement near the definition? 20

21 Work with a partner to put the sentences in the correct order: a. The term itself comes from the Ancient Greek word palindromos meaning “running back again” b. Another good and more recent example is “draw pupils lip upward.” c. Now, however, computers have allowed word puzzlers to construct palindromes that are thousands of words long, but these are simply lists of unrelated words that do not have meaning when read together. d. A palindrome is a word or phrase that results in the same sequence of letters no matter whether it is read from left to right or right to left. e. One of the classic long palindromes is “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.” f. Before we had computers, long palindromes used to be very hard to construct, and some word puzzlers spent immense amounts of time trying to produce good examples. g. Some common English words are palindromes, such as pop, dad, noon, and race car. 21

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