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BEST SELLING NOVELS. THE BIG IDEA This elective course is aimed at exploring and enjoying popular novels which are not covered in other courses, and at.

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2 THE BIG IDEA This elective course is aimed at exploring and enjoying popular novels which are not covered in other courses, and at studying themes and styles which are current today. The class focuses primarily on reading three genres (horror, sci-fi, & adventure) for enjoyment. Students should plan to read about 40 pages per week. Student response to the reading is encouraged through frequent class discussion, informal writing assignments, and common unit assessments.

3 OBJECTIVES become familiar with some best selling authors and their works understand author’s purpose & motivation in writing a given text focus on the timeless values and relevance of a given text understand and clarify the various meanings of a work grow to appreciate and enjoy the literature as meanings become clearer cultivate writing skills review and work on organization, grammar, mechanics, and style as the need appears in their writing synthesize a variety of materials develop articulation and self-confidence

4 MATERIALS Students must have the following items for every class: Agenda & ID Pen/Pencil & Highlighter One 3 Ring Binder (1 ½ ”) 1 – Pocket folder Loose leaf college rule lined paper Any novel we are reading

5 KEYS TO SUCCESS Follow all school rules. Period. Respect yourself, others, and the school environment. Communication. ALWAYS do your best!

6 CONSEQUENCES You do not have the right to interfere with another student’s education. I will: Warn you Talk to you privately Call home Write you up Remove you from class

7 ABSENCES It is your responsibility to find out what you missed on the day(s) you were absent, to turn in any missing work, and to make up any quizzes or tests you missed. The school’s policy on being absent is followed in my class. Missing Class Work- Students with an excused absence are responsible for consulting the absentee folder to receive their missing class work and/or assignments. Students will have two days for every day missed to make up missed work. All work due on the day of your absence must be turned in on the day you return to school. Missing Tests & Quizzes- Students with an excused absence have one week to make up a test or quiz. Make up tests must be scheduled with Mrs. Van Wormer.

8 LATE WORK I do not accept late work unless you have an EXCUSED absence. Please see the district policy about absences. LATE = not turned in when I ask for it.

9 TARDIES If you are not in the room and in your seat when the bell rings, you are considered TARDY. I will shut the door when the bell rings. If you arrive after the bell rings, you must go to the security office for a Plasco pass.

10 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The lowest circle of hell is reserved for liars and plagiarists. Kidding…sort of. Intentionally or unintentionally using someone else’s information, ideas, or words without providing proper credit (plagiarism) will not be tolerated! These actions may result in a 0 (zero) grade or the assignment reassigned with or without credit.

11 BE READY TO LEARN Come into class prepared and ready. Class will usually start out with a bell-ringer (or “do now”). Students should enter the classroom, take a seat and IMMEDIATELY begin on this activity. Students should also expect to work until they are told to wrap up.

12 ELECTRONICS Cell phones and I-Pods need to be shut off and put away. Please refer to the district policy about Cell Phones and other electronic devices.

13 BATHROOM No – unless you have a SERIOUS issue. Use it before you get here.

14 FOOD & DRINK Only bottled water is allowed in the classroom. Empty food wrappers = mice Drinks get spilled, turn sticky and attract bugs…ew. #nothankyou #byefelicia

15 PASSES Only passes for workroom/study hall to the LRC will be given. Passes will not be issued unless you have work to do for this class.

16 GRADES All of the grades are weighted according to this scale: Common Assessments: 65%  4 essays Other Assessments: 20%  Reading check quizzes, Socratic seminars Classwork, homework, practice: 15%  Bell ringers, quick writes, worksheets 80% of your semester grade is comprised of the above 20% of your semester grade is the final exam

17 GRADES CONTINUED A =100% – 92% Excellent effort & work B= 91% – 82% Above average effort & work C= 81% – 72% Average effort & work D= 71% – 65% Below average effort & work F= 64% and below Little or no effort & work

18 RETAKES Students will be expected to retake or redo any assignments in which he or she receives 71% or below. Students are only allowed ONE retake and/or redo opportunity per assessment/assignment. ALL retakes/redos must be turned in within the indicated due date. If the retake/redo demonstrates student mastery, the grade will be raised to the percentage earned on the assessment. If a student scores below a 71% on the retake/redo, he/she will have to seek help from the teacher or a tutor Teacher discretion will be used for assignments considered late or incomplete and may result in a new version of the task to be completed. *Please note: redo/retake assessments and/or assignments may be new version of the original given.

19 IMPORTANT DATES 9/24/14 CUA 1: Essay over Misery by Stephen King (40 points) 11/6/14 CUA 2: Essay over 1984 by George Orwell (60 points) 12/3/14 CUA 3: Essay over Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer (80 points) 12/18/14 Final Exam Synthesis Essay

20 QUESTIONS FOR THE COURSE Do the plot events dictate character development and actions, or, do the characters dictate who they become? Do our circumstances define who we are, or do we determine who we become?

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