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Creating and Sustaining Faculty Professional Development Presented by Cindy Walker March 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and Sustaining Faculty Professional Development Presented by Cindy Walker March 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and Sustaining Faculty Professional Development Presented by Cindy Walker March 2, 2016

2 Stages of Faculty Development  Planning (Prototype rather than pilot)  Implementation/ Scaling Up  Sustaining and Expanding

3 Planning Strategies  Structural  Revise existing program or create a new one  Establish Physical Space for Center  Stabilize Funding  Organizational  Develop Champions  Gather a diverse group of faculty for the Advisory Committee  Use Data  Leadership  Get Administrator Support  Choose a Faculty Coordinator

4 Planning Strategies – Structural Establish a Physical Space for Center  Important symbolically  Professional learning was valued institutionally  College was committed

5 “If professional development is what it takes to help foster the cultural change that we need to change ourselves for our students, then it has to be funded” (Dr. Guerrero). Funding Sources Basic Skills Initiative (BSI) College General Fund Title V Other (Equity, Foundation, etc.) Planning Strategies – Structural Stabilize Funding “Chaffey is all about funding what’s important”

6 Planning Strategies – Organizational Use Data  Conduct a faculty needs assessment  Use data to start conversations  Use data as a springboard for discussions and experimentation  Use data for planning  Use data to inspire change

7 ItemPretest MeanPosttest Mean Effect Size |d| 1. I am familiar with the flipped classroom model2.756.752.78 2. I know the benefits and challenges of the flipped classroom model 2.756.672.80 3. I know some strategies for creating effective in-class activities to replace lecture 3.836.541.84 4. I am familiar with some ways to assess student learning when using the flipped model 2.546.463.13 5. I have experience flipping classroom content2.295.832.04 Sum total (Item 1 - Item 5; N = 24)14.1732.252.98 Self-Reported Familiarity and Experience Concerning Flipping the Classroom Before (i.e., Pretest) and Immediately After (i.e., Posttest) Participating in a Corresponding Faculty Success Center Seminar (N = 24)

8 Planning Strategies – Leadership Get Administrator Support  Dr. Shannon, President  Believed in professional learning  Committed space to a center  Dr. Guerrero, Vice President (now Associate Superintendent)  Empowered faculty  Committed resources  Laura Hope, Dean of Instructional Support  Brought key faculty together  Led in the middle with the faculty

9 Planning Strategies – Leadership Choose a Faculty Coordinator  Faculty coordinator  By faculty, for faculty  Safe space  Open discussions

10 Planning Strategies – Leadership Choose a Faculty Coordinator and Build a Team  100% dedicated to the effort (not reassigned time, etc.)  Advisory Team (diverse group of faculty)  Leader needs to be connected to faculty, serve on committees, have ear to the ground, understand the culture  Draw in followers; build offerings  Reach out to new areas/faculty  Build cross-disciplinary collaborations  Establish new programs

11 Implementation Strategies  Structural  Invest in all faculty  Offer multiple modes of professional development Varied intensity (1-hr, 2-hr, 4-hr, 8-hr, 1-week, 1 semester, 1 year) In-person, online, hybrid, large group, small group, one-on-one, team-based  Organizational  Integrate into college culture and plans/goals  Leadership  Build “apostles” over time  Coalition building

12 Faculty Success Center Activities Ongoing Activities:  Interactive workshops (1 hour)  Panel discussions (1 hour)  Faculty Engaging in Discussions (FEDs) (1 hour)  Tech Fridays (2 hours)  Online Learning (Success on Demand /Webinars) (1 – 5 hrs)  FOCUS (Faculty Observing Colleagues United for Success) (1 sem.) Paid Activities:  Interactive Seminars (4 – 8 hours - one or two days)  Faculty Summer Institute (20 hours – 4 or 5 days)  Faculty Inquiry Teams (FITs) (1 year)  Coaching for new faculty (1 year)

13 Faculty Success Center Activities for 2013-2014

14 Implementation Strategies – Structural Invest in All Faculty  FT and PT faculty invited “into the fold”  PT faculty account for 50+ % of the participation in FSC activities  Create professional learning for faculty at all stages of their careers

15 Expanding and Sustaining Strategies  Structural  Assess Faculty Development  Organizational  Reframe Professional Learning through the Growth Mindset framework  Support and Encourage Risk and Innovation  Thematic/Deeper Ongoing Learning Opportunities  Leadership  Collaborate Across Disciplines  Distributed Leadership

16 Transformation through Faculty Professional Development

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