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The paritian social funds, European Federation of Building and WoodWorkers Werner Buelen.

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Presentation on theme: "The paritian social funds, European Federation of Building and WoodWorkers Werner Buelen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The paritian social funds, European Federation of Building and WoodWorkers Werner Buelen

2 EFBWW Who are we? 76 nat. Trade unions in 31 countries 2,3 mio. workers Created in 1958 Member of the ETUC Recogn. European social partner: Construction Wood Key activities: European labour market Migration Health and safety EWC Vocational and Educational Training Coordination of CB Youth


4 1.What are paritarian social funds? 2.Why are they useful? 3.How to set them up? A.Planning B.Implemantation and actions 4.Support A.Possible financial tools B.Possible partners

5 1.What are paritarian social funds? Paritarian social funds are : AUTONOMOUS BODIES set up and managed by the SECTORAL SOCIAL PARTNERS to support the LONG TERM development of a SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY.

6 2. Why are they useful / important? 1.Social partners are best place to indentity the needs, tools and ways how to develop a long term sustainable industry. 2.No central authority is capable of achieving this objective 3.Social partners can quickly act / react, according the needs/demands of the industry 4.Sectoral responsability is a proven tool for a competitive labour market based on stimulating innovation, fostering creativity, promoting labour productivity growth and developing workers friendly workplaces

7 3. How to set them up? A. Planning Implementation and actions Defining long-term objectives (goals, role SP) MISSION STATEMENT Strategy formulation (tools, partners, financial, organisation) Preliminary action (project, pilot phase, test phase) Assessment Evaluation Renewed strategy Formulation FINAL ACTION

8 3. How to set them up? A.Implementation and action Virtually all paritarian social funds are set up: Without any support at all of the central government With a strong opposition Without any adequate legislative body As small (regional, company) initiatives Because the Sectoral social partners are determined to “regulate” their own industry.

9 3. Support A.Possible Financial tools 1.Use of autonomous budget lines VP/2016/001: Support for Social Dialogue (TU projects must involve employers)l VP/2016/004: improving expertise in the field of industrial relations

10 3. Support A.Possible Financial tools 2.European Structural and Investment Funds In the legislative framework for the ESI Funds 2014-2020,the legal basis for partnership and multi- level governance has been strengthened (article 5 CPR). A European code of conduct on Partnership has also been developed (Delegated Regulation). The code of conduct aims at supporting Members States in their realisation of the partnership principle in order to ensure the involvement of partners at all stages in the implementation process of Partnership Agreements and programmes. Article 5 of the ESF Regulation is also focused on “enhancing the institutional capacity of national stakeholders” FYI : Croatia has decided to dedicate more than €1.5 billion (€1.516.033.072 which is 25.9% of all Structural Funds) to the European Social Fund

11 3. Support A.Possible Financial tools 2.Private donor funds Capacity: European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Claude Denagtergal Financial: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Bi-lateral

12 Thank you Werner Buelen, ; +32 (0)475 84 06 48

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