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EGovernment Public Administration is a Living Organism Radek Horacek 30 th November 2008, Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "EGovernment Public Administration is a Living Organism Radek Horacek 30 th November 2008, Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 eGovernment Public Administration is a Living Organism Radek Horacek 30 th November 2008, Prague

2 eGovernment in the Czech Republic aims of eGovernment public administration modernisation increase speed and quality of processes with support of information technologies decrease costs and the need of visiting the offices of public authorites for citizens there are several running projects with common goal => friendly and efficient public administration with low costs there will be applied support of the Integrated Operational Programe (IOP)

3 e-Government eGON we like to compare our public administration to a living organism eGON Public Administration is a living organism heart – eGovernment Act brain – basic Administration registers circulatory system (veins) – communication infrastructure of Public Administration fingers – contact places of Public Administration


5 EGOVERNMENT ACT Basic principles to make use of paper documents and electronic documents equal minimalization of bureaucracy for citizens usage of the electronic delivery instead of classical where possible authorized conversion of documents

6 EGOVERNMENT ACT electronic delivery new information system for electronic delivery - „data boxes“ unified system for electronic delivery of electronic documents via „data boxes“ similar communication as classical email possibility of using of PKI instruments (chip cards etc.)

7 EGOVERNMENT ACT document delivery delivery of documents via „data boxes“ is guaranteed the owner of the data box will be notified when he recieves a new message. He can choose the preffered form of notification (SMS, email) the message is considered as recieved and read 10 days after being sent

8 EGOVERNMENT ACT use of „data boxes“ for e-communication with authorities G2G – for authorities compulsory G2B – compulsory communication B2G – optional communication C2G, G2C –for citizens NOT compulsory! everyone can choose a way of communication he likes C2B, B2C, C2C, B2B - it won't be used as classical email communication

9 EGOVERNMENT ACT conversion authorised conversion of the documents a legal framework for a conversion of the documents from paper to electronic form and vice versa converted documents will have the same legal effects as a verified copy

10 EGOVERNMENT ACT legal aspect eGovernment Act (nr. 300/2008 Coll.) approval process has finished and it has been already published in collection of laws it will come into effect from 1.7.2009

11 BASIC REGISTERS basic principles four central basic registers as a reliable source of the most frequently used data in the public administration aim: to share the data among public authorities in a safe and controlled manner via information system of basic registers reference data in basic registers will be shared as accurate and up-to-date

12 BASIC REGISTERS outline Register of inhabitants Register of person Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estate properties Register of rights and duties exchanging of reference data

13 BASIC REGISTERS reference data - advantages citizens will no longer repeatedly provide the same data to different authorities all authorities will have an access to the most accurate and up-to-date data the most frequently used data in the public administration will be shared from one source protection of citizen’s privacy – authorized access will ensure that only competent authorities will be able to use personal reference data

14 BASIC REGISTERS e-Identity a special basic identifier of natural persons (BINP) quite unique and its source will be never exhaust from BINP will be generated unique identifier to every registered agenda or evidence reducing the possibility of abusing of personal reference data

15 BASIC REGISTERS overview register of inhabitants register of persons register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates property register of rights and duties

16 BASIC REGISTERS register of inhabitants reference data about all inhabitants in the Czech Republic all foreigners who will be in contact with public administration in the Czech Republic access of competent authorities to reference data will have to be governed by special act

17 BASIC REGISTERS register of persons reference data about economic entities registered in the Czech Rapublic concerning reference data from particular registers about economic entities (companies register, trade register etc.)

18 BASIC REGISTERS register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates property reference data about identification and allocation data in relation to real estate into the cadastre proprietary and other rights up-to-date informations from register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates property will be accessible for public

19 BASIC REGISTERS register of rights and duties reference data about scope of authorization and roles for authorities competent to access and use reference data from basic registers rights and duties of persons (right to have a driving licence etc.) agendas and authorities will have to register for obtaining of access to basic registers

20 BASIC REGISTERS prepared laws Basic Registers Act Register of Inhabitants Act Register of Persons Act Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates Act Register of Rights and Properties Act

21 BASIC REGISTERS legal aspects „an umbrella law“ – Basic Registers Act expected to come into effect 1.07.2009 definition of basic registers and reference data described process of re-using of reference data definition of information system of basic registers

22 BASIC REGISTERS legal aspects all basic register will be regulated by appropriate law (Register of Inhabitants Act etc.) expected to be processed by government shortly expected to come into effect on 1.1.2010

23 Thank you for your attention! mail:

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