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FeudalismFeudalism. More Invasions of Europe Chris Browne 1. The Vikings.

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Presentation on theme: "FeudalismFeudalism. More Invasions of Europe Chris Browne 1. The Vikings."— Presentation transcript:

1 FeudalismFeudalism

2 More Invasions of Europe

3 Chris Browne 1. The Vikings

4 From Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden and Denmark 24

5 Viking fort 33

6 Viking Fort 23

7 Pagans who hated Christianity

8 Thor 33

9 Valkyrie 33 Select warriors to take to Valhalla

10 Overpopulation and shortage of farmland led to:Overpopulation and shortage of farmland led to:

11 “Viking”: trading and raiding

12 35 Major technological weapon: the Longboat

13 Able to sail up shallow rivers or on the high seas 34

14 Viking Raid 35

15 4 Vikings became great explorers

16 Through Russia to Constan- tinople

17 Market on the Volga

18 4 Permanent footholds in England and France (Normandy) Permanent footholds in England and France (Normandy)

19 Iceland and Greenland (Eric the Red)

20 Viking Settlement in Greenland

21 Viking Farm in Iceland 33




25 Leif Erikson discovers America (Vinland) around 1000 33

26 Lief’s Route 33

27 Vikings battle Scraelings (Indians) 33

28 Oseberg Ship 36

29 Viking Longship 20

30 Burial Cart from Oseberg Ship 35

31 Viking Funeral 33

32 Viking Runes 4

33 Viking Burial Ground 34

34 More Invasions of Europe

35 2. Magyars: (Turks) took what is now Hungary

36 3. Arabs: Spain, Sicily, and other Med. Islands 3. Arabs: Spain, Sicily, and other Med. Islands

37 Feudal Society 26

38 The Feudal Contract

39 1. German idea at the heart of Feudalism1. German idea at the heart of Feudalism 2. Lord (landowner) grants land (fief) to:2. Lord (landowner) grants land (fief) to: 3. Vassal in return for service3. Vassal in return for service 1. German idea at the heart of Feudalism1. German idea at the heart of Feudalism 2. Lord (landowner) grants land (fief) to:2. Lord (landowner) grants land (fief) to: 3. Vassal in return for service3. Vassal in return for service

40 The Feudal Pyramid 25

41 1. The King: Rule well and dispense justice1. The King: Rule well and dispense justice Duties

42 2. Great Nobles and Bishops Nobles: Provide Knights, infantry and money to KingNobles: Provide Knights, infantry and money to King Bishops: Provide religious and admin. servicesBishops: Provide religious and admin. services

43 Only “Gentlemen” could fight on horseback (cost)Only “Gentlemen” could fight on horseback (cost) 3. Knights: Warriors on Horseback

44 German armies had been infantryGerman armies had been infantry Arab cavalry inspired Charles MartelArab cavalry inspired Charles Martel

45 Knight 1180 26 Saddle and stirrup= mounted knights

46 Stirrup


48 Evolution of Armor 1476 26

49 Armor 23

50 Tournament 26

51 Joust 26

52 Melee 26


54 4. Peasants (farmers)

55 5. Serfs (peasants bound to the land)5. Serfs (peasants bound to the land) –Provide food for all, and serve as infantry

56 Warrior’s role in feudalism 1. Land for military service1. Land for military service 2. 40 days per year2. 40 days per year 3. Constant training3. Constant training

57 4. Protect lord’s land and the peasants4. Protect lord’s land and the peasants

58 Knighthood and Chivalry

59 Chivalry: rules of knightly conduct 1. Devoted to God, his lord and his lady1. Devoted to God, his lord and his lady 2. Must protect the weak and poor2. Must protect the weak and poor

60 3. Mostly, they failed3. Mostly, they failed

61 4. Castles invented to defend against knights

62 Wooden Motte and Bailey Castle 13

63 Stone Motte and Bailey Castle 13

64 Kidwelly Castle, Wales 27

65 Caernarfon Castle, Wales 27

66 Walled town (Caernarfon) 31

67 Great Hall 13


69 Aristocratic Women

70 Women had little power except when the husband was away 1. Commanded troops1. Commanded troops

71 2. Defended castles2. Defended castles

72 The Church viewed women as inferior and dangerous

73 Eleanor of Aquitane –Married Louis VII of France (Annulled) and Later Henry II of England –Two of her sons were kings (Richard and John)


75 Collapse of the infrastructure: roads, bridges, water supply, sewersCollapse of the infrastructure: roads, bridges, water supply, sewers Europe’s Problems after the fall of Rome

76 Loss of education, common language, legal system and medical knowledgeLoss of education, common language, legal system and medical knowledge Fall of the citiesFall of the cities Pirates and banditsPirates and bandits

77 InvasionsInvasions Return to a barter economyReturn to a barter economy Loss of technologyLoss of technology Constant warfareConstant warfare

78 Natural disasters: Climate change Black PlagueNatural disasters: Climate change Black Plague Corruption in the ChurchCorruption in the Church IsolationIsolation

79 Length of Power Populations in Millions Territory Million sq. m. 7

80 Byzantine soldier 2

81 Literature 1. Epic poetry—Song of Roland1. Epic poetry—Song of Roland 2. Love songs and poetry---troubadors2. Love songs and poetry---troubadors

82 Troubadors 26

83 Courtly Love 26

84 Woman on a pedestal (idealized)Woman on a pedestal (idealized) Longing, but no consummation—NOT !Longing, but no consummation—NOT ! Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Court of LoveEleanor of Aquitaine and the Court of Love

85 Castle Don Jon (Keep) Central Tower 13

86 25





91 Under Siege 13

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