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Stockholm, 18th of November 2010. Statistics as a way of describing the reality "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,

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Presentation on theme: "Stockholm, 18th of November 2010. Statistics as a way of describing the reality "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockholm, 18th of November 2010

2 Statistics as a way of describing the reality "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind" "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind" - Lord Kelvin Contents: general part- population of Baltic Sea Region countries, economic activity and employment thematic part- describing women in ICT (with focus on usage of technologies, computing skills, computing education, usage of e-services, as well as employment in ICT and women at managerial posts)

3 Basic definitions ICT-Information and Communications Technology- According to the European Commission, the importance of ICT lies in its ability to create greater access to information and communication in underserved populations. To characterize the ICT sector using statistical data the fields of computing, science and technology and a highly developed knowledge-based sectors should be taken under consideration. ICT specialists- with the ability to develop, operate and maintain ICT systems. ICT constitute the main part of job. Advanced users- competent users of advanced, and often sector-specific, software tools. ICT as a tool. Basic users- competent users of generic tools (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook) needed for the information society, e- government and working life. ICT as a tool.

4 Why analyzing the issue is so important? 1.Rising women’s activity in ICT sector will transform their lives for the better, as ICT is an agent of change. 2.Increase of participation of women in ICT would reduce labour market segregation and allow women to receive higher salaries. 3.Increased usage of women’s IT skills will allow many companies, institutions and private persons to benefit from women’s skills in that area. 4.ICT is one of the most dynamic sector of economy, participation in this sector enable women to influence economic growth and alleviate the effects of the economic crisis.

5 5.Demographic changes cause structural changes in labour market; many people leave the labour market to retirement. Women successfully take part in economic activities, therefore this is the time to encourage them to train and find work in ICT sector. 6.It can be said, that gender differences in ICT can be analyzed for both equality and efficiency reasons. 7.ICT participation equality policies and programmes are very important. Gender imbalance in the sector is not self-regulating, therefore proactive practices are essential. 8.While promoting women’s participation in ICT, we must keep in minds how strongly BSR countries differ. For a precise estimation of the situation using statistical data is a must.

6 Great diversity of size in BSR countries In all BSR countries women comprise more than 50% of the population

7 Higher economic activity rate of man, increase of women’s activity rate in most of BSR countries Activity rate of men, in general, is 10% higher than women’s. 6/9 countries noted decrease of men’s rate and 6/9 noted increase of the rate for women.

8 Increase of women’s employment rate, slight decrease of the rate for men 7/9 countries noted decrease of men’s rate and 8/9 noted increase of the rate for women. BSR countries divided into groups: -most wealthy: DK, SE, NO -least wealthy: EE, LV, LT, PL - middle group: DE, FI

9 In wealthier, northern BSR countries lower unemployment in HRST Unemployment rate in HRST for men and women does not diverse strongly.

10 Very strong disparities in computer usage by age among women

11 Strong disparities in the Internet usage by age among women

12 High percentage of women use the Internet less often The structure is similar with an everyday usage, however the % of women using the Internet at least once per week is higher. Impressive results for NO, SE, FI, DK and EE.

13 In Poland, Lithuania and Latvia big amount of women have never used a computer or the Internet Division into 2 groups: -well developed in the area of ICT and computing- with around 10%: SE, NO, DK, FI - less developed in ICT and computing- with more than 20%: EE, LV, LT, PL (7mln women only in PL)

14 Clear increase of popularity of e-services among women in 2009 comparing to 2004 Usage of:e-governmente-healthe-commerce 200420092004200920042009 DK37,062,318,047,031,051,0 DE28,631,525,043,0-51,1 EE15,544,55,012,0-39,8 LV14,024,09,638,02,08,0 LT10,020,0-35,11,06,0 PL11,516,42,016,06,126,4 FI42,543,522,038,040,362,3 SE33,646,928,044,022,743,9 NO30,651,726,049,034,346,4

15 High level of computer skills strongly connected with women’s age The younger women- the better computer skills in all BSR countries. The more wealthy country- the less disproportion between the youngest and the middle group. Women 55-74 rarely posses any high computer skills

16 More satisfying results for middle level of women’s computer skills more than 50% The structure is similar and the results are better. Still small amount of women in age 55-74 posses middle computer skills. Between the best result- young Danes and young Poles is 25% difference.

17 Alarming low women’s employment in computing activities Employment in computing activities 20012006 % point change DK0,91,10,2 DE0,7 0 PL0,5 0 FI1,21,30,1 SE1,41,50,1 NO0,810,2 Small (if any) increase of women’s employment in computing activities in 2006 comparing to 2001. All numbers alarming low.

18 Younger women more often employed in computing activities In general, women under 40 are more often employed in computing activities (exception is DK). Very small numbers in general, rise the question „How to encourage women to take bigger part in computing activities field?”

19 Confirmation of clear differences in women’s Internet activities by age in 2009 communication sending/receiving e- mails playing/ downloading.mp3,.jpg, etc. banking looking for job/sending application 16-2425-5455-7416-2425-5455-7416-2425-5455-7416-2425-5455-7416-2425-5455-74 DK96896094886053301359764435376 DE968034937934::: 481635233 EE987726967625763347681283325: LV9669189265178134456601439295 LT905813885311752833745824171 PL925713855111491522328518111 FI97914697914675371176884667303 SE979360979360:::71824445285 NO100905699885650341374854744263

20 Clear division among countries for more and less wealthy

21 Women use computer at home, less often at gainful work HomeWorkEducationOther DK83451410 DE723687 EE6634134 LT5324137 PL522082 SE85521514 NO85511412 % of woman between 16-74 who in the last 3 months used a computer in 2009. Using a computer at home has dominated statistics.

22 Most common source of computer skills for women are: self-study (practice) and learning form others formalized education training courses courses demand by employer self-study: books self-study: practice colleague/ family DK281326237468 DE271732285869 EE301210466357 LV2811983631 LT2788232040 PL2469133334 FI301221265349 SE332043397773 NO24732277978 % of women in age 16-74 in 2009

23 Very high level of mobile phone usage among women in all BSR countries

24 Strong differences among BSR countries Biggest increase: DK (2,6%), DE, then FI, PL and small increase (0,1%) EE; small decrease in NO, big in SE and biggest in LV and LT (-6%). Similar situation for graduates: LV (-4,3%) and LT decrease, biggest increase: EE (3,8%) and FI. Strong position of Germany and Finland in both graduates and students.

25 For one female legislator/manager accrue about 4 female professionals or technicians Biggest disproportion of data in: DE, DK and NO. In EE, LT, PL and SE % of professionals is higher than technicians.

26 Even in most developed countries, employment in ICT comprise less than 5% of total employment Not satisfying results in general.

27 In countries with the highest women’s participation in ICT, % of female presidents in following research is 0 Highest Decision Making Body Number of companies covered % of female presidents % of female members DK18017 DE30013 EE1868 LV34316 LT30316 PL191110 FI24420 SE26027 NO191143 EU 27614311 Research was made in 2008. Small sample in the research in BSR countries, important result for EU 27.

28 Strong domination of women in Science and Technology

29 Summary the empirical analysis of the situation of women in the labour market, including the issue of ICT showed a very strong differences between the 9 BSR countries distinct divide into two groups: wealthy northern countries - Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, whereas the second group includes: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia strong differences by age among women and their computing activities and skills long way to meet criteria of developed Information Society with an active participation of women in some of BSR countries

30 Thank you for your attention! For any further information please contact us: Marta- Urszula- KIITOS PALJON! DZIĘKUJEMY BARDZO! TAKK TAK TACK TÄNAN TEID AČIŪ PALDIES VIELEN DANK

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