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Presentation on theme: "MILITARY TO MARINER CERTIFICATION AND LICENSING MKCM Ed Lewis."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA Why M2M Objectives Opportunities Legislation

3 Why M2M? National STEM Shortage National Mariner Shortage Military Unemployment Military Mental Health Develop a Management Plan

4 OBJECTIVES Define Requirements / Responsibilities Identify Certification Opportunities Map Certification Processes Develop a Management Plan

5 Provide Evidence/Requirements

6 Opportunities STCW 2.1.C: Report bearings by sound WQS Lookout Task: Report direction of the sound in degrees and the type of sound heard (gong, whistle, etc) STCW 1.2.E: Midships the wheel WQS Helmsman Task: Place the rudder at zero degrees. STCW 1.9.B: Determine True Wind and Speed Direction WQS QMOW Task: Convert Apparent Wind Speed and Direction to True Wind Speed and Direction

7 ACE Process / License Process 3 LL ACE Credits 2 LL ACE Credits 6 LL ACE Credits QMED Endorsements STCW – RFPNW QMED, ABS 13 LL ACE credits 7 LL ACE Credits STCW - RFPEW 7 LL ACE Credits 3 UL ACE Credits STCW ¾ “Basic Training” Boot Camp / LAMS MK “A school – MK3 MTU – SM Cutter DC –AC&R Helm - Lookout, EOW, DWO A/S ENG CLEP / DSST/ Course 30+ ACE Credits QMED ABS Civilian Courses CG Training

8 Subtitle E—Member Education, Training, and Transition SEC. 551. ENHANCEMENT OF AUTHORITY TO ASSIST MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS. IN GENERAL.—Section 2015 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘‘§ 2015. Program to assist members in obtaining professional credentials ‘‘(a) PROGRAM REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security, with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, shall carry out a program to enable members of the armed forces to obtain, while serving in the armed forces, professional credentials related to military training and skills that—‘‘(1) are acquired during service in the armed forces incident to the performance of their military duties; and ‘‘(2) translate into civilian occupations. ‘‘(b) PAYMENT OF EXPENSES.—(1) Under the program required by this section, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security, with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, shall provide for the payment of expenses of members for professional accreditation, Federal occupational licenses, State-imposed and professional licenses, professional certification, and related expenses. NDAA of 2015

9 CG AUTH ACT 2014 SEC. 305. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SEA SERVICE VETERANS.(c) CREDITING OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES SERVICE, TRAINING, AND QUALIFICATIONS.— (1) MAXIMIZING CREDITABILITY.—The Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, in implementing United States merchant mariner license, certification, and document laws and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, shall maximize the extent to which United States Armed Forces service, training, and qualifications are creditable toward meeting the requirements of such laws and such Convention. (2) NOTIFICATION.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall notify the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate on the steps taken to implement this subsection. (d) MERCHANT MARINE POST- SERVICE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES.— Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Commandant of the Coast Guard shall take steps to promote better awareness, on an ongoing basis, among Coast Guard personnel regarding post-service use of Coast Guard training, education, and practical experience in satisfaction of requirements for merchant mariner credentials under section 11.213 of title 46, Code of Federal Regulations.

10 NDAA of 2016 (Pending) SEC. 540. RECEIPT BY MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES WITH PRIMARY MARINER DUTIES OF TRAINING THAT COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. ‘‘(b) MEMBERS WITH PRIMARY MARINER DUTIES.— (1) For purposes of the program under this section, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall each ensure that members of the armed forces with primary mariner duties receive training that complies with national standards and requirements under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW). – Recruit Training will meet STCW Basic Training – Deck and Engineering Primary Career Fields given designated career path – The opportunity at government expense to attend credentialing programs not offered by the Armed Forces – Unclassified Marine Deck and Engineering courses will be submitted to the National Maritime Center for assessment – Identify gaps in training and offer solutions to fill the gaps

11 1. Identification of certifications relevant to military occupational specialties. A crosswalk requires coordination between the Coast Guard and the Defense Manpower Data Center, Contract Support, the Navy’s Credentialing Opportunities Online Staff and the Department of Labor. 2. Comparability analysis identifies gaps between military education, training, and experience and civilian credentialing requirements. The U.S. Military Apprenticeship Program (hours) and National Maritime Center training assessment branch (sea time) are examples of potential gaps. 3. Service members address knowledge, education, or experience gaps, taking advantage of resources available to them while in the service. This includes educational resources that are offered to military service members, such as tuition assistance and the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB). NDAA 2015 may provide a new funding string. PROCESS for CREDENTIALS

12 4. Service members complete required exams. Completion of exams is facilitated by the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) agreements with selected civilian credentialing agencies that allow exams to be given by military officials at or near military bases. 5. Service members provide documentation to credentialing agency. The services offer a variety of methods of documenting military training and experience, including the Sailor and Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcripts (SMARTS), course completion certificates and Coast Guard Institute transcripts. 6. Service members obtain credential, certification or license.

13 Mr. Marion Cain DoD DASD Force Readiness DOL Veteran Outreach Mr. Mark Toal Mr. Andrew McGovern Sandy Hook Pilots


15 Recommendations Mirror ACE process for Rating Credentialing Sole source with Navy COOL Rating Force Master Chiefs coordinate assessments Market Best-Practices HQ should standardize WQS training STCW should influence, but not drive military requirements Submit Deck and Engineering Training to NMC Our current process is expensive and time consuming


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