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COMMUNISM  The community or society solely owns the resources or the means of production.  The profit of any enterprise is equally shared by all the.

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2 COMMUNISM  The community or society solely owns the resources or the means of production.  The profit of any enterprise is equally shared by all the people in communism  the society that controls the whole means of production in communism  the society is above individuals  stands for abolishing private property CAPITALISM  The resources or the means of production lies with a private owner.  The profit in a capitalist structure belong to the private owner only.  the private party controls the resources in capitalism  individual freedom is above the state or society  stands for private property.

3 COMMUNISM  Centralised, autocratic and totalitarian government  Only the Communist party  The people are subordinate to the party  Political change through violent upheaval  Enforce political views on those you conquer  Socialism – it is the job of government to own and direct all economic ventures  Collectivist economy  Closed spheres of economic influence CAPITALISM  Democracy  Two major political parties  Representatives of the people form government  Political change through legislative means  Nations have the right to self determination  Free market economy – the government should limit their involvement in economic affairs.  No barriers to trade open door policy

4  Delays in opening the second front  Secret negotiations  The issue of Poland  Yalta (February 1945)  Return of Prisoners of War  The death of Roosevelt and Truman as his successor  Lend Lease  The United Nations  Japan

5  The Potsdam Conference July 1945  The atomic bomb  Poland  Eastern Europe (salami tactics)  Soviet occupation of Persia  The division of Germany

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