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Forms of Government Humanities Class. Democracy Demo “people”cracy “power” Government ruled by the people, of the people, and for the people Citizens.

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1 Forms of Government Humanities Class

2 Democracy Demo “people”cracy “power” Government ruled by the people, of the people, and for the people Citizens are in charge Started in Athens, Greece CDV(s): popular sovereignty

3 Representative Democracy Citizens elect people to speak for them, or represent them in voting on governmental issues Citizens are in charge CDV(s): representative government, popular sovereignty

4 Direct Democracy All citizens participate in voting and making any and all governmental decisions Citizens are in charge CDV(s): popular sovereignty

5 Direct vs. Representative Democracy In a direct democracy, all citizens vote on everything In a representative democracy, citizens choose people (representatives) to vote for them Takes too much time, too many people and costs too much money for a direct democracy, not all citizens want to vote

6 Dictatorship or Tyranny Ruler has absolute power and control Dictator or tyrant Citizens have no say or power in the government, do not choose leaders 1 harsh leader- the dictator or tyrant is in charge Ruler may use force to maintain rule, or to initially take over rule

7 Anarchy An “without” archy “rulership” Overthrow of a government, no rulers or governmental authority No form of government No one is in charge

8 Republic Form of government in which citizens elect representatives to act, speak, or vote for them Protects rights of individual/minority citizens by limiting the power of the government Rights of all citizens protected by checks and balances of 3 branches of government Citizens are in charge Started in Rome, Italy CDV(s): representative government, popular sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, individual rights

9 Democracy vs. Republic In a democracy- winner takes all In a republic- look out for rights of individuals (including the minority or losing political party)

10 Oligarchy Olig “few”archy “rulership” Government ruled by a few, elite, wealthy, powerful people Few, wealthy and powerful people make all decisions Few wealthy people are in charge

11 Monarchy Mon “one”archy “rulership” Government ruled by 1 person, a king or queen King or queen rules the country, usually rules for life Power passed down, from king/queen to heirs (children), throne is inherited King or queen is in charge

12 Aristocracy Aristo “best”cracy “power” Government ruled by nobility Minor monarchy Have to be born into ruling family, nobles, to have power Nobles are in charge

13 Government of the U.S. We have a democratic republic We use ideas from the Greek democracy and the Roman republic We do not have a true democracy We elect people to represent us (representative government) in the government Representatives are chosen by majority vote, or in the case of the President, the Electoral College

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