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SCHOOL COUNCIL MARCH 2015. St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Let us begin by saying together Let everything.

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2 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Let us begin by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit

3 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we GATHER we’d like to open with our School Council Prayer Please bow your heads...

4 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Dear God Help us all… - to make the school a better place - to keep God’s Word and example during every day and every week - to make the days enjoyable for the teachers and helpers but most of all for the pupils. Help us all to work as a family in all we do. AMEN

5 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Now we are going to LISTEN... On Tuesday 17 th March, we had our half termly meeting in F8 Your representatives at this meeting were: Year 7 Jasmine Fagan and Rio Brown Year 8 Sam Whitehead, Andrew Dixon and Ellie Scotland Year 9 Jamie Harris, Billy Rauer, Faye Naughton and Oscar Pimlett Year 10 Grace Croughan and Luke Drummond Staff Miss O’Connor, Mrs Austin, Mr Wiles, Aileen and Mrs Howad- Rigby Apologies Rachel Sheridan-Warburton, Mrs Peace, Alex Cookson A fantastic team!

6 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Agenda Opening Prayer Minutes and Matters Arising Mobile Phones Book/Reading Boxes Suggestion Box AOB

7 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Minutes and Matters Arising We have changed the Stonewall noticeboard(opposite the LRC stairs) to a new PUPIL VOICE board. On it is the flow chart showing all the activities our pupils are involved in. The best wishes board has been replaced by the handprint canvases. Jamie Harris in year 9 and Ivan are still working on the bike sheds option. Some pupils are not aware of the rewards league tables. As we are still all getting used to this system and want to iron out any problems so it is perfect by September, Mr Wiles will be involved with further staff training

8 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Mobile phones – from suggestion box We had an interesting discussion about the value of mobile phones in school. We asked Mrs Howard-Rigby for her response to a request to be able to use them in school at breaks and dinner times. ‘Our policy ensures that every child is safe. Any incident that is dealt with where a mobile phone has been used in school has always had a negative impact on friendships and other relationships. For example…On Friday 13 th March 4 members of staff (RHR, KS,CP, NMC) spent 4 hours of their time investigating, having statements written, contacting parents, organising sanctions and completing paper work all because 2 mobile phones had been used incorrectly in school. Is this the best use of everyone’s time? Repercussions are immeasurable because the incidents carry on outside school’.

9 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Book and reading boxes year 7and 8 As you know we are all keen to improve literacy in school and one of the ways we are looking at is ‘Reading for Pleasure’. Some forms have been trialling this, by having one or two mornings a week when the whole class sits together and read independently. We are going to extend the idea to all year 7 and 8 forms from the summer term. Although each person in each class will be expected to provide their own book the class will have a (rotating) library. School Council has funded 30 titles to help with the initial set up costs. One model: 8 Campion has 2 DEAR mornings. This stands for Drop Everything and Read. Some responses are: It’s a lovely calm way to start the day, It’s the only quiet time I ever get to read, It’s helping my spelling…

10 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Now that you have LISTENED to us it may be that you want to check something so we will putting a copy of this collective worship power point on to the school website

11 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Which leads us on nicely, as always, to your RESPONSE to our assembly... Take time to reflect on the messages we have passed on to you and put your ideas in the suggestion box...

12 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Thanks to Grace Croughan and Ellie Scotland.... who will be delivering them all this week

13 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we get ready to LEAVE Let us end by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit

14 St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College And finally... Thank you for listening to us

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