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Cloud Processing Phil Rasch ( speakers Mary Barth, Mark Lawrence) What are the links with climate? How well are we modeling them? What are we missing?

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Processing Phil Rasch ( speakers Mary Barth, Mark Lawrence) What are the links with climate? How well are we modeling them? What are we missing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Processing Phil Rasch ( speakers Mary Barth, Mark Lawrence) What are the links with climate? How well are we modeling them? What are we missing? What should we do in the future?

2 How do we integrate the material being presented today? Which topics are the most important from your shopping list for chemistry and climate? Where are each likely to count? E.g. –How critical is an accurate characterization of ice microphysics to chemistry/climate? –Are the critical issues in characterization of clouds? Or missing chemistry? –Do we do a good enough job already on characterizing cloud volume (vertical and horizontal extent), condensate loadings, condensate phase, and precipitation that we can consider that a done problem for chemistry? –Are all the critical issues in the tropics? Poles? Polluted regions? Pristine? How do we balance the complexity of cloud and aerosol microphysics with chemistry in those regions?

3 (Continued) Cloud overlap? Need for in-cloud vs out-of-cloud variables in large scale model? Rate of mixing between cloud and environment? Role of convection in the UT/LS? Net transport across TTL? Up and Downfluxes vs net fluxes?

4 How do we assess the scientific priority of the problems you describe? which topics are easy to do a decent job on, so we deal with it once and forget about it? Does everybody do it right today? Does anybody do it right? which topics are very hard to do right and wont have much impact on the distribution of trace species and climate? which topics are hard to do right and have a critical impact on chemistry and climate? –Does anybody do it right? –Does everybody do it wrong? –Is there some hope of doing it right? How should we be doing it? how do we make progress on these critical topics? Field campaigns? detailed modeling studies? Box Models? Cloud resolving models? LES models?

5 Small Picture Science How many sizes, phases, shapes of condensate do we need? Why? Do we need separate in-cloud and out-of-cloud variables in each grid-box? Can we get away with "grid-box averaged" variables? Do you think simple plume models are good enough? How do we integrate resolved cloud modeling studies with global models? Where do the resolved model studies or observations indicate we are going completely wrong? Where are we doing things right?

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