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Mahreen Mamoon.  Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other schools!  Started education.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahreen Mamoon.  Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other schools!  Started education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahreen Mamoon

2  Queen Mary, University of London, UK; University of Dhaka, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School and 7 other schools!  Started education as Humanities and arts, shifted to commerce during HSC  Wanted to study accounting but shifted to Marketing at DU  Wanted to stay in UK- eat, travel, have fun but came back in BD in 2009  Wanted to work in multinational but shifted to university teaching  Need to finish PhD but stuck with life !!  Believe in learning by doing, Value of life, family and career.  WHAT IS YOUR STRATEGY TO DEAL WITH ME?

3  Develop your ability to think strategically, analyze the competitive environment, and recommend firm positioning and value creation. In this course, we will explore the underlying theory and frameworks that provide the foundations of a successful business strategy and provide the tools you need to understand that strategy: SWOT, Competitor, Environmental, Five Forces, and Capabilities Analyses, as well as Strategy Maps. We'll apply these tools in case studies of industry leaders Google, Redhook, Piaggio and Apple.

4  1.How to conduct a methodical diagnostic analysis of strategic problems faced by organizations. This would be achieved through class lectures and interactions with corporate managers in strategic management roles through exposure in real-time situations. The term projects will culminate out of this initiative. 2.The established models and frameworks in use for the external and internal analysis of organizations. The theory will be intertwined with relevant case discussions. 3.Some cutting-edge ideas/models/frameworks developed by modern day management strategists and academicians which move beyond the previous models and frameworks in use in light of new challenges faced by businesses. Discussions on concepts and practical understanding through applications in case studies. 4.Understanding how organizational Mission, Vision, Long-Term Objectives (LTO),and Short- Term Goals (STG) are connected to each other. 5.Appreciate the need for establishing “Core Values” in organizations, and how they form the foundation of the organization. Learn through case studies how deviation from declared core values impact the sustainability of organizations. 6.To use computer software to plan the execution of strategic short term goals and long term objectives. 7.Be able to write strategic planning reports and articulate them effectively both in writing and in verbal presentation.

5 SessionLecture TopicAssigned Readings 1Course discussion and Warm-up 2Introduction/ Strategic Management Chapter 1: Strategic Leadership: Managing the Strategy-Making Process for Competitive Advantage. Read Prior to Class:  “What is Strategy?” by Michael Porter, Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996 3 Analyzing a Case Study and Writing a Case Study Analysis 4 Internal Environment Chapter 3: Internal Analysis: Distinctive Competencies, Competitive Advantage and Profitability Read Prior to Class:  “The Core Competence of the Corporation,” by C.K. Pahalad, Gary Hamel, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1990  Case: Apple Inc. in 2012 5 6 External Environment Chapter 2: External Analysis: The Identification of Opportunities and Threats Read Prior to Class:  “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy,” by Michael Porter, Harvard Business Review, January 2008  “The Perils of Bad Strategy,” by Richard Rumelt, McKinsey Quarterly (  Case: Wal Mart Stores 7 8Functional StrategyChapter 4: Building Competitive Advantage Through Functional-Level Strategies 9Business Strategy Chapter 5: Business-Level Strategy Read Prior to Class:  Case 10 Corporate Strategy Chapter 9: Corporate-Level Strategy: Horizontal Integration, Vertical Integration and Strategic Outsourcing Read Prior to Class:  “Creating Corporate Advantage, by David Collis and Cynthia A Montgomery, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1998  Case 11 12International Strategy Chapter 8: Strategy in the Global Environment Read Prior to Class:  “Distance Still Matters: The Hard Reality of Global Expansion,” by Pankaj Ghemawat, Harvard Business Review, September 2001  Case Mid-term Exam (Date, Time & Venue will be announced in the class) 14Governance Chapter 11: Corporate Performance, Governance and Business Ethics Read Prior to Class:  “How Well-Run Boards Make Decisions,” by Michael Useem, Harvard Business Review, November 2006  Case 15Business Model Innovation Read Prior to Class:  “Reinventing Your Business Model,” by Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, and Henning Kagermann, Harvard Business Review, December 2008 16 Design Thinking/ Transient Advantage Read Prior to Class:  “Design Thinking,” by Tim Brown, Harvard Business Review, June 2013  “Transient Advantage,” by Rita Gunther McGrath, Harvard Business Review, October 2004 17 Implementation/ Leading Strategically Chapter 12: Implementing Strategy in Companies That Compete in a Single Industry Chapter 13: Implementing Strategy in Companies That Compete Across Industries and Countries Read Prior to Class:  “Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System,” by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2007  “The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs,” by Walter Isaacson, Harvard Business Review, April 2012  Cases 18 19 20Course Wrap up Project Presentation Comprehensive Final Exam

6  A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire- breathing dragon. How does the man escape?

7  5 volunteers  Each pick a paper slip with a living being name.  Rest of the class can ask maximum 6 questions  Volunteer scan only say YES or NO  The Sixth question has to be- Are you---?

8  KFC Nail polish  Harpick Burger  i-Phone Sandals  Toyota Biriyani Masala  BMW Innerwear  LUX Bank  Unilever University

9 Range of MarksGrade in LetterGrade Point 90 - 100A4.0 85 - <90A-3.7 80 - <85B+3.3 75 - <80B3.0 70 - <75B-2.7 65 - <70C+2.3 60 - <65C2.0 57 - <60C-1.7 55 - <57D+1.3 52 - <55D1.0 50 - <52D-0.7 <50F0.0 Grading Procedure ModesWeight Class Attendance5% Quiz20% Midterm examination20% Business Project15% Final Examination40% Total Marks100% Assessment

10  STUDY  English  Finish Class lesson EVERYDAY, Do not wait for quiz  Seek teachers’ help  Ask previous semester students  Use google for your benefit  Be responsible and thankful for the life you are living

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