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Alexandria Digital Library The ADL Testbed Greg Janée

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1 Alexandria Digital Library The ADL Testbed Greg Janée

2 Alexandria Digital Library 2 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Outline o ADL:  an architecture for georeferenced digital libraries  a digital library o Library contents o ADL architecture; ramifications for interoperability o Status o Recent usage o Summary

3 Alexandria Digital Library 3 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Library contents— qualitative summary o Catalog  georeferenced items: aerial photographs, scanned & paper maps, GIS layers, scientific datasets, text documents, videos, etc.  FGDC, USMARC, and many other types of metadata o Gazetteer  place & feature names, earthquake epicenters, county boundaries, USGS quadrangle names, etc.  ADL Gazetteer Content Standard metadata o GeoRef  bibliographic records  USMARC metadata o Z39.50 gateway  BIB-1 or GEO attribute sets

4 Alexandria Digital Library 4 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Library contents— quantitative summary o Series NumberSize (GB) Geodex 335,000 0 Landsat1,200,000 56 DOQQ 12,000 684 DRG 1:24,000 3,000 52 DRG 1:100,000 ? 2.6 NASA/Ames 430,000 0 Aerial photos 25,000 344 SPOT 200 5.9 DEM 3,000 ? NIMA Geonames5,600,000 0 GNIS 300,000 0 TOTAL7,908,2001,144.5

5 Alexandria Digital Library 5 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 ADL architecture JIGI Web interface Catalog Gazetteer Z39.50 GeoRef GeoWorlds uniform client services middleware collection server API

6 Alexandria Digital Library 6 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 ADL architecture: search buckets o Abstract, searchable indexes o Similar to other “umbrella” metadata schemes such as GILS and Dublin Core, except search buckets are:  optimized for retrieval, as opposed to description  optimized for geospatial data and geospatial searching o Searchable collection metadata is mapped to buckets o Users phrase queries in terms of bucket constraints (only) o Geographic locations o Dates o Types o Formats o Originators o Assigned terms o Topical text o Identifiers

7 Alexandria Digital Library 7 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 ADL architecture: metadata o Flow of metadata and metadata semantics:  Collection metadata is mapped to search buckets –metadata semantics are lost  Metadata is also mapped to ADL’s standard metadata reports –XML DTDs for the most part describe syntactic structure only, so again, metadata semantics are lost o Conclusion: ADL’s bucket system works well, but it makes interoperability in larger contexts difficult o Conjecture: should interoperability be transitive?

8 Alexandria Digital Library 8 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Status o The ADL library will become an operational component of the California Digital Library in January 2000  currently rewriting software to increase reliability, performance, portability, etc.  reloading all collections o Research will continue under the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT) and InterLib projects  emphasis on intelligently using library holdings  library will contain both data and programs (e.g., geophysical models)  system will be used in educational settings o We are interested in exploring how ADL (particularly, the gazetteer) can be used as a service

9 Alexandria Digital Library 9 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Recent usage o Internal  preliminary analysis of user/usage correlation was presented at the ASIS mid-year meeting  continued informal usage by UCSB’s Map & Imagery Laboratory to help service its customers o External  Goodchild and Zhou, “Finding Geographic Information: Collection-Level Metadata,” will appear in Geoinformatica –an analysis of the role and value of collection-level metadata in finding appropriate collections to search –relied on the spatio-temporal characterization of collections that ADL provides  anticipating significant usage under CDL

10 Alexandria Digital Library 1010 Greg Janée / D-Lib Test Suite / 16-Aug-1999 Summary o ADL: both an architecture and a library o Close to becoming an operational component of CDL  anticipating significant usage o Future research will focus on use of the library, particularly in educational settings o Conjecture: should interoperability be transitive? o For more information:  Website:  Email:

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