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Office of Research and Development National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division Photo image area measures.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Research and Development National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division Photo image area measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Research and Development National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division Photo image area measures 2” H x 6.93” W and can be masked by a collage strip of one, two or three images. The photo image area is located 3.19” from left and 3.81” from top of page. Each image used in collage should be reduced or cropped to a maximum of 2” high, stroked with a 1.5 pt white frame and positioned edge-to-edge with accompanying images. Development of the Mobile Tracer Correlation Method for Quantification of Emissions from Landfills and Other Large Area Sources Global Waste Management Symposium September 30 - October 3, 2012, Phoenix, AZ R.C. Shores - EPA, ORD, National Risk Management Research Lab E. D. Thoma, W. R. Stevens - EPA, ORD, National Risk Management Research Lab. R. B. Green, G. R. Hater - Waste Management Inc. N. D. Swan - Cygnus Environmental Group J. M. DeWees - EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards J. Chanton - Florida State University T.L Footer - Eastern Research Group M. S. Amin, M. T. Modrak - ARCADIS Inc. NRMRL Fugitive and Area Source Group Source and Fenceline Measurements Methods and Technology Development

2 1 Fugitive and area sources improved emissions knowledge is needed Agricultural operations, industrial fugitives, coal mining, waste water, oil and gas production, and many more Landfill emissions are particularly difficult to quantify spatially variable temporally variable large spatial extent

3 2 EPA OTM 10 vertical radial plume mapping Optical remote sensing for emission characterization from non-point sources EPA OTM 10,(2006),

4 Typical OTM 10 Application Measuring CH 4 emissions from part of landfill Open-Path Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Acquisition of Fugitive Emission Flux Data, E. Thoma, et al., Jor. of the Air and Waste Manage Assoc 55, 658-668 (2005). Evaluation of Fugitive Emissions Using Ground-Based Optical Remote Sensing, U.S. EPA Report EPA/600/R-07/032 (2007), at Web Site:

5 4 OTM10 Example - Landfill Bioreactor Cell Experimental Municipal Bioreactor (not typical, not a WM site) Air and leachate injection Open wells on side slope TDL Source 7

6 OTM-10 vs. tracer correlation OTM-10 works well for measurement of specific areas of a landfill Evaluation of a large facility could require many OTM-10 setups Question: Is there a complimentary tool to OTM 10 that can provide rapid assessment of emissions from an entire facility? Yes, the “Tracer Correlation” method shows promise for fast assessment of whole-facility emissions

7 6 Tracer correlation method Release tracer gas from strategic locations within the facility Use mobile monitor to map target source and tracer plumes Calculate dilution ratio based on known tracer rate EPA method development research Waste Management CRADA #372-A-08, EP-C-07-15 WA 2-10 large area source Wind source plume tracer plume tracer release point(s) Quantifying Methane Fluxes Simply and Accurately, The Tracer Dilution Method, C. W. Rella, E. R. Crosson, et al. European Geophysical Union Meeting, 2–7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria. Methane Emissions at Nine Landfill Sites in the Northeastern United States, B.W. Mosher, P.M. Czepiel, et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1999, 33, 2088–2094. Measurements of Methane Emissions from Landfills Using a Time Correlation Tracer Method Based on FTIR Absorption Spectroscopy, B. Galle, B.; J. Samuelsson, et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2001, 35, 21-25.

8 7 Remote Emission Measurements OTM 10, bLS, DIAL, Tracer Correlation  0.2 km Source  1 km < 0.1 km 0.1 < 1 km 0.1 <  0.5 km OTM 10 bLS DIAL Tracer Correlation (  1 km)

9 8 2 km 3 x 25 lpm C 2 H 2 Tracer and Methane plumes 12 Tracer correlation method

10 9 Mobile and stationary tracer correlation Draft Stationary Mobile 26

11 Draft EPA EP-C-07-15, WA 2-10 (2009) 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Tracer Correlation and QA Development Methane pooling in stagnant early morning conditions (poor tracer correlation) Met sets up in mid-morning (good tracer correlation)

12 11 Technique comparison study methane release (EREF-funded study) Landfills Methane Fugitive emissions, field comparison of methods. A Babilotte, et al., 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, October 5-9, 2009. Sardinia, Italy Tracer Correlation DIAL OTM 10 A. Babilotte, Veolia

13 Real-world Field Work by Industry and EPA Collaborations DatesFacilityLocation 2009 May 18 – 21, 2009Twin BridgesDanville, IN October 5 – 7, 2009RedwoodNovato, CA October 18 – 22, 2009AltamontLivermore, CA 12 2010 July 21 – 23, 2010Twin BridgesDanville, IN July 30, 2010Outer LoopLouisville, KY August 17 – 18, 2010Twin BridgesDanville, IN August 24 – 26, 2010Stony HollowDayton, OH August 31 – September 2, 2010SuburbanGlenford, OH September 8 & 10, 2010Outer LoopLouisville, KY September 14 – 15, 2010Twin BridgesDanville, OH September 16 – 17, 2010South WellsLiberty Center, IN September 21 – 22, 2010Stony HollowDayton, OH September 23, 2010SpringfieldSpringfield, OH October 19 – 21, 2010SpringfieldSpringfield, OH October 26 – 27, 2010Stony HollowDayton, OH November 2, 2010Seneca EastRepublic, OH November 4, 2010South WellsLiberty Center, IN November 9 – 10, 2010CenterpointCenterpoint, IN November 11 – 12, 2010Twin BridgesDanville, IN November 16 – 17, 2010SuburbanGlenford, OH December 1 – 2, 2010Outer LoopLouisville, KY DatesFacilityLocation 2011 June 1 – 3, 2011Turkey RunLone Oak, GA June 14 – 16, 2011Turkey RunLone Oak, GA August 9 – 10, 2011CenterpointCenterpoint, IN August 24 – 25, 2011Twin BridgesDanville, IN August 31, 2011South WellsLiberty Center, IN September 7 – 8, 2011CenterpointCenterpoint, IN September 13 – 14, 2011Twin BridgesDanville, IN September 21 – 22, 2011South WellsLiberty Center, IN October 11 – 12, 2011CenterpointCenterpoint, IN October 25, 2011South WellsLiberty Center, IN November 2 & 4, 2011Twin BridgesDanville, IN November 16 – 18, 2011Turkey RunLone Oak, GA November 30, 2011CenterpointCenterpoint, IN December 1, 2011Twin BridgesDanville, IN December 6, 2011South WellsLiberty Center, IN December 14 & 16, 2011ValenciaLos Chavez, NM 2012 (ongoing) April 2012Turkey RunLone Oak, GA May 2012Twin BridgesDanville, IN June 2012Turkey RunLone Oak, GA June 2012Plumb Thicket

14 13 16

15 14 Four GMAP REQ systems in the field EPA R5 EPA ORD EPA NEIC Waste Management

16 3D sonic anemometer 1.4 litter canister placement Auto-north met station High-res GPS Quad Sampling Port In the truck: High-precision CH 4 Instrument (critical component) Batteries, control system, IR camera, rangefinder 15 GMAP REQ measurement equipment

17 16 Method and engineering package development ( to be submitted to EPA OAQPS for posting consideration as preliminary method) Analysis Software Acquisition Software Engineering Design

18 Work has shown that the GMAP Tracer Correlation approach using simple (but powerful) spectroscopic instruments and acetylene as a tracer is useful The approach is “out of the lab” and is being tested in the field by industry The approach very transferable and is being documented as a method for submission to EPA OAQPS for posting consideration as an alternate test method for area sources (2013) 17 Summary

19 EPA’s collaboration with the landfill industry, EREF and others has enabled much progress in development of measurement methods Collaboration brings advantages such as – Leveraged resources to fund efforts – Access to sites for testing – Knowledge of real-world factors Work continues to develop and evaluate new measurement approaches such as mobile tracer correlation allowing rapid whole-facility assessment Epa will continue work with multiple EREF grantees on evaluation of landfill emission measurement approaches

20 19 Collaborator and contractor acknowledgments Gary Hater, Roger Green - Waste Management (EPA CRADA #372-A-08) Nathan Swan, Cygus Environmental Susan Thorneloe, Bill Squier, Gayle Hagler - EPA ORD NRMRL APPCD Thabet Tolaymat, Fran Kremer - EPA ORD NRMRL LRPCD Robin Segall, Jason DeWees - EPA OAQPS Jeff Chanton, Tarek Abichou - Florida State University Will Stevens – Kentucky Christian University Nathan Swan, Cygus Environmental Chris Rella, Eric Crosson – Picarro Inc. Tracey Footer - Eastern Research Group (EP-C-07-015) Mark Modrak, Shahrooz Amin - Arcadis (EP-C-09-027)

21 Thanks

22 21 Backup Slides

23 Background: GMAP-REQ-TC Calculation Where: Q m =whole-facility methane emission rate Q t =tracer gas release rate ΔC m =elevation of methane concentration above background levels ΔC t =elevation of tracer gas concentration above background levels

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