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October 24, 2015 OR/WA/HI Tri-State SSO Conference CB 2015 Grant application available Due date: November 9 th, 2015 by 11:59 p.m. EST Application location:

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Presentation on theme: "October 24, 2015 OR/WA/HI Tri-State SSO Conference CB 2015 Grant application available Due date: November 9 th, 2015 by 11:59 p.m. EST Application location:"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 24, 2015 OR/WA/HI Tri-State SSO Conference CB 2015 Grant application available Due date: November 9 th, 2015 by 11:59 p.m. EST Application location: My.Habitat CB web page How To Complete A Successful Capacity Building Grant Application

2 Workshop Objectives  Gain a better understanding of the Capacity Build Grant program as well as HFHI and federal requirements.  Discover what additional materials and planning will be required to complete the Capacity Building application.  Gain a better understanding of how to develop and transcribe work plan goals and detailed action plans.  Learn what the next steps for applying

3 Grant Overview The purpose of the Capacity Build Grant is to help affiliates increase their organizational capacity so they can build more houses, raise more money and partner with more families. Section 4 funds from HUD Since 1998, over 75 million

4 Ways to prepare Consider your affiliate’s ability to grow its capacity Envision where you would like your affiliate to be in 3 years – requires input from board. Begin the planning process and develop a realistic job description Consider the staffing support you have for submitting reports, etc. AND money; where has revenue come from over the last 3 years; where will it come from over next 3 years, and can you raise 3 times what you get granted, i.e. 100k = 500k.

5 Grant Overview Reimburses salary of a new FT position 3-year diminishing grant (100%/70%/30%) $95k/$5k Funds following first-time positions & no backfills  Executive Director  NR Coordinator (NOT the construction person)  Faith Relations Manager  Volunteer Coordinator  Community Outreach Manager (NOT a direct fundraiser)  Family Services Director  Restore Manager or Director  Other positions must be approved by Anna Beningo  No dual-hat positions

6 Grant Requirements Applicant must have completed at least 3 houses in the previous 3 years. Increase of 15% or 1 house per year (at least). 5 to 1 match in funding (everything & GIK, not gov. $) 10 to 1 leverage Job description (clear, well written & how integrated into overall org chart, and supports strategic initiatives). Work plan and a fund development plan Strict adherence to reporting requirements; i.e. Federal funds are not for everyone.

7 Other Eligible Expenditures Training award $5000 For other staff and board, not just the granted position – any training that will assist in moving the affiliate forward HFHI National Conference Local training costs If not sure, prior approval by the CB department

8 Federal Requirements Fair Housing Act Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Non- discrimination) Age Discrimination Act 1975 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Non-discrimination against handicapped individuals) Equal Employment Opportunity Act Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 Lobbying Restrictions –

9 Non-Compliance Penalties Affiliates not meeting building goals or the 5-to-1 fund matching requirement will be ineligible for HUD funds (which includes SHOP funds) for the next two years. Affiliates meeting less than 75% of their goals at the end of each fiscal year will not be allowed to continue in the program. Affiliates not submitting progress reports (both quarterly and annually) or submitting reports after the due date will lose their award.

10 Application Applications are on line and can be accessed through the My.Habitat Capacity Building Grant home page. Affiliate Information -general; submit early; takes time/not hard! Minimum Requirements – need to answer “yes” or can’t go on Affiliate Self Evaluation - tied to affiliate growth model or “Building on Strengths for Greater Affiliate Impact: a Field Guide”. Financial Accountability – income statement, balance sheet, 990, audit (> 250k in income or 500k in assets), or a Review if < House Production – for last 3 years Income Summary/Plan Detailed Work Plans – meat of the application

11 Application Self Evaluation and Assessment  Leadership and Management (board)  Leadership and Management (staff)  Operations  Resource Development  Programs (Family Services  Programs (Land Acquisition)  Programs (Construction)

12 Construction Plan Progress Chart and plans Plans (activities to reach goal) Must show at least 15% house building increase over life of grant or 1 house a year, whichever is greater Rehab work (or critical repairs) costing at least $5,000 with a payback mechanism No recycles (former HFH houses) or home preservation (ABWK)

13 Resource Development Plan Revenue Plan Summary Revenue Plan Details Must be enough to pay for houses and affiliate operations Explain Large Increase/Decrease in any given area Give more information then you think necessary

14 Staffing Model

15 Transitional Activities

16 Work Plan These are the annual goals for your affiliate, laid out by topic for the three years of the grant Make sure you have realistic goals that will lead to the necessary growth Don’t cut and paste from year to year You should have activities for every quarter in every topic area

17 Detail Action Plan Take your work plan and flesh it out for each operational area; you will have 12 quarters to fill in Each goal should be supported by multiple action steps More detail is better Don’t cut and paste from quarter to quarter Don’t say “see last quarter”

18 Reporting Quarterly Progress Report Financial Status Report/ Match Report- 6 mo. Annual Report Final Report

19 Where Do Applications Go Wrong? Failure to fill out the whole application- we get 3 times the applications we can fund. House increases are too modest or too ambitious. Bigger numbers do NOT mean a better chance at funding. Not enough revenue to support the building goals

20 Funding Section Issues There isn’t enough income to fund the projected houses and/or rehabs Numbers don’t add up No explanation for large increases or decreases Funding doesn’t seem feasible

21 Work Plan Issues Not complete, not enough detail Plans don’t proceed logically Cut and paste, copying from cell to cell Goals seem too ambitious or not ambitious enough

22 You have to have a GREAT application, because…. Typically, we have requests for 200 applications We can fund approximately 30 – 35 applications You can apply again if you have been out of the program at least one year. Your performance from the previous grant will be considered.


24 If you are interested in applying… Email and include the Contact information including mailing address and email address Position you will be applying for CB 2015 Grant application available Due date: November 9 th, 2015 by 11:59 p.m. EST Application location: My.Habitat CB web page

25 The CB Grant Team Is: Manager – Anna Beningo Administrator – Melissa Rogers-Jackson Grant Managers: Susanne Calloway Sherry Eiler Ann Monahan ODCs: Mark Lassman-Eul Tami Page Karen Sturnick

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