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Index welcome Identity presentiment Todays lesson Learning out come presentation Presentation -1 Presentation-2Presentation-3Presentation-4 Alone action.

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1 Index welcome Identity presentiment Todays lesson Learning out come presentation Presentation -1 Presentation-2Presentation-3Presentation-4 Alone action solution evaluation solution Home tasks thanks Daffodils Lutus

2 Abdus Salam Assist.teacher ( computer) Barapuria S,S Dimokhi Girl’s Dakhil Madrasah Panchbibi/Jaypurhat Gmail: abdussalamjoy Lesson introduction Class: nine Sub: English first part Unit- four Lesson- 1


4 Today’s lesson: The ferry boat

5 Learning out comes: By reading this lesson you will be able to learn – 1. a conception of defferent boats. 2. About reading test. 3. Some important vocabularies. 4. about choosing mcq questions.

6 Presentation -1 Recently you have seen some floating boat pictures above in the river.The boats are made by wood and necessary iron. There is a boatman in every boat.We see various boats in defferent rivers.The boatmen carry the people through the rivers and reach them in their own location from the ferry ghat. We can see many deginable big,small one floar and 2 floar The boatmen deal the boats for many objects. Somebody uses these as fishing,carrying passangers,goods, oil,sands etc from one place to another.Specially the boatmen play a vitale role in the sourthern part of Bangladesh. Most of the people of the sourthern part live by fishing.

7 Presentation -2 Open the page number 38,39 and listen my reading text. Translation: ‡KB wK GLv‡b AvQ †h ‡bŠKv w`‡q b`x cvwo w`‡qQ? Rvwgj ejj, ÕÕ Avwg cvwo w`‡qwQ,mvi Ges Avwg cwi¯‹vifv‡e ¯^iY Ki‡Z cvwi †mB fͪg‡Y wK N‡UwQj ?ÕwkÿK wRÁvmv Ki‡jb, ÕÕZzwg wK ej‡Z cvi‡e wK N‡UwQj?ÕÕwVK Av‡Q,wUPvi| nuv N‡UwQj hLb Avwg 6ô †kÖwY‡Z cwo|GK mvßvwnK evRv‡ii w`‡b †jvnRb Zv‡`‡i nv‡Z Kvu‡a Ges gv_vq K‡i Zv‡`i evRv‡ii e¨vM Ges Szwo wb‡q wdiwQj| Zv‡`i‡K b`x cvwo w`‡Z n‡qwQj & GZ eo b`x wQj bv| b`x‡Z GKwU †Lqv †bŠKv PjvPj KiwQj| †bŠKvwU AvU †_‡K `k wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ cvi n‡Z cviZ| mgqUv wQj m~hv©‡¯‡Íi wVK ciciB| AvenvIqv Av‡iv Lvivc n‡q cowQj| DËi cwðg w`K †_‡K evZvm eB‡Z ïiæ K‡iwQj| AvKv‡k Kv‡jv †gN Nwb‡q AvmwQj| cÖ‡Z¨‡K †bŠKvq DV‡Z †Póv KiwQj,gvwS wPrKvi K‡i ejwQjÕAvi bv,Avi bv, `qv K‡i A‡cÿv KiæYÕ wKš‘ †KD Zv ïbj bv| iæwg wR‡Ám Kij,Õ ZLb wK N‡UwQj Rvwgj ? ÕÕ Rvwgj Dˇi ejj,ÕcvVvZ‡b A‡bK †ewk †jvK wb‡q †bŠKvwU b`xi gvSLv‡b Wz‡e wM‡qwQj|Ó ÕIn bv ! Zvici wK Nuj ? Ó wkÿK wRÁvmv Ki‡jb| Avjøvn‡K ab¨ev` | †Kvb gvivZ¥K `~N©Ubv N‡Uwb| mKj hvÎx mvuvZvi †K‡U Ab¨ cv‡o D‡VwQj wKš‘ Zv‡`i g‡a¨ ‡KD Z‡`i wRwbm cÎ †hgb - †Zj,jeYGes `ya nvwi‡qwQj,Ó Rvwgj ejj| ÕZzwg wK †mB †bŠKvq wQ‡j ?Õ wkÿK wRÁvmv Ki‡jb| Rvwgj Dˇi ejjÕÕbv, wUPvi| †bŠKvq AwZwi³ fxi †`‡L Avwg cieZx© mg‡qi Rb¨ A‡cÿv KiwQjvg| ÕÕ Zzwg wVK KvRUvB K‡iQ Rvwgj|Ó

8 Presentation - 3 Vocabuliries : Words meaning Fatal gvivZ¥K Patience ‰ah©¨ Weather AvenvIqv Cross cvinIqv Ferry ‡LqvZwi overcrowded AwZwi³ †jvK

9 Choose the best answer from the alternatives- 1.A ferry was plying on the river.. Here ‘ plying’ means a)Plying with other boats. b) Sinking in the river. c) Travelling along a route. d) Watting for passengers. 2.Why was everybody trying to get into the river? Beause a)It was a weekly bazar. b) After sunset no ferry would ply on the river. c) Everybody had shopping bags with them. d) It was going to be a dark and stormy evening. 3.The boatman requested the people to wait because a)His boat was very small. b) The boat has already too many people. c)Ther were other boats they could go. d)He would not ferry people with bags and baskets. 4.‘’ with too many people on board,the boat sank” Here the phrase ‘on board’ means a)On the boat. b) On the wooden board. c) Ouyside the boat. d) On the notice board 5. It was not a fatal accident. The statement tells us that a)Nobody died. b) Nobody was wounded. c)Everybody accepted their fate. d) Nobody lost anything. 6. The boat was overcrowded. Here’ overcrowded’means a)People were quarrelling on the boat. b) The boat was unable to carry any more people. c) The boatman did not like a crowd. d) People were sitting on the boat’s bamboo wood. Presentation- 4

10 Presentation 1+c= travelling along a route. 2+d= it was going to be dark and stormy evening. 3+b= the boat had already too many people. 4+a= on the boat. 5+a- nobody died. 6+b= the boat was unable to carry any more people.

11 Alone action : Answer in a word verbally: a)Where do you find the boat? b) How many kinds of boats you see? c) Why do people get in the boat? D} What do you mean ‘shopping’? e) What do you mean’ shoulder’’?

12 Solution: a) In the river b) two c) no bridge d) marketing e) neck.

13 Evaluation: a)Why does the boatman carry the passengers ? b) Why do people use country boat? c) Have you ever boarded a ferry boat? d) What did a fatal accident happend on the boat ? e) What will you do when you will see overcrowded boat?

14 Solution: a)The boatman carries the passengers to collect money for leading his family. b) The people use country boats as there is no bridge over the rivers. c) Yes, I have boarded. d) Fatal accident did not happened on the boat. e) If I see overcrowded boat,I will wait for other boat.

15 Home tasks: Make a dialogue between you and your friend Kalam about crossing over a boat in the river.

16 Thanks all of my dear students.

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