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Question of the Day 9/10 Think about a country you know something about. Write down at least 5 characteristics of that place. Do NOT write the country’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day 9/10 Think about a country you know something about. Write down at least 5 characteristics of that place. Do NOT write the country’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day 9/10 Think about a country you know something about. Write down at least 5 characteristics of that place. Do NOT write the country’s name on your paper, just the characteristics. –Think about climate, physical features, culture, landmarks, etc. –Dry, desert, Islam, Great Pyramids, Nile River. (Egypt) –Don’t use the U.S. or Egypt.

2 The Five Themes of Geography Cy-Woods HS World Geography

3 Remember Mr. Help!

4 Location answers, “where is it?”

5 Absolute location can be latitude and longitude. 13550 Woods-Spillane Blvd, Cypress, TX 7742 What is the “address” of Houston? Absolute location can be a street address

6 Relative location answers the question “where is it,” in relation to another location you may be familiar with. Where is Muleshoe, Texas? How do I get to Target from here? Scale: _______ equals 50 miles

7 Absolute location, 2400 Yorktown Relative location, one half mile west of Galleria

8 What is it like there? Think about physical features, landscape, environment, culture, human imprint. What is unique about these locations?

9 What are some ways that landscape, climate, and environment make Houston unique? 1. hot 2. humid 3. hurricanes What are some ways that culture makes Houston unique? 1. variety of ethnicities 2.Proud TEXANS 3. Positive attitudes

10 How do people adapt to, change, or modify their environment.

11 Human-Environment Interaction How do we modify and change our environment? Houston ship channel and smog in Chicago.

12 What are 2 ways we ADAPT to our environment in Houston?

13 Human-Environment Interaction What are 2 ways we MODIFY our environment in Houston?

14 H-E I, we have a problem. Sometimes, problems arise out of this human-environment interaction.

15 Movement – how people, goods, and ideas move TECHNOLOGY has continually improved our ability to communicate ideas across the globe.

16 What are some other ways that people, goods, and ideas move?


18 Why do people move? Push factors: What pushes people away. Wars, famine, lack of jobs, climate, etc.

19 Pull factors: Pulls people towards regions. Opportunities, jobs, climate, etc.

20 An area with unifying characteristics (something in common). What would you call the region we live in? 1. 2. 3. 4. West, South, Southwest, Cypress, Northwest Houston, etc.

21 Region – an area with unifying characteristics A formal region has DEFINED BOUNDRIES, such as New York City or Texas. -State and Country Borders

22 All are formal regions

23 A functional region has a particular area that some entity serves. An area based on a central site or “node”

24 A perceptual region is an area that we are all familiar with, but there are not distinctive boundaries. Gang territories


26 There are no defined boundaries in a perceptual region, but you know where it is.

27 The Five Themes of Geography The Five Themes of Geography can be used to explain and identify virtually every space on the planet.

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