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Types of Energy. Energy Types There are a lot of different types of Energy. And they all fall into two categories: Moving Energy - the object or particle.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Energy. Energy Types There are a lot of different types of Energy. And they all fall into two categories: Moving Energy - the object or particle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Energy

2 Energy Types There are a lot of different types of Energy. And they all fall into two categories: Moving Energy - the object or particle is currently moving or vibrating. Stored Energy – has the ability to move when released. These kinds of energy usually have the word “potential” in them.

3 Kinetic Energy The energy of a moving object. Ask yourself: Is it moving?

4 Gravitational Potential Energy Energy stored in an object that is high off the ground. You know that objects that are high up have energy because if you release it, the object will move. The higher it is, the more energy it is storing. Ask yourself: Is it above the ground?

5 Elastic Potential Energy Energy stored in an object that is stretched or compressed. This includes any object that is deformed in anyway such as a dent in a car or a ball that is in the process of bouncing. Also sometimes referred to as spring potential energy because if you stretch and release a string it will move. Ask yourself: Is there a spring? Is it bent or stretched?

6 Vibrational Energy The energy released as sound and vibration. This is caused by molecules or particles moving back and forth in place (vibrating). Ask yourself: Can you hear it? Is it vibrating?

7 Electric Potential Energy The energy stored between two or more charged objects. You know charged objects have energy because if you put two charges next to each other they will move. Ask yourself: Is it charged? Is there electricity?

8 Electromagnetic Energy The energy released as light. This energy comes from the vibration of electromagnetic waves (a fancy word for light). There are different kinds of light, some of which we cannot see. Ask yourself: Is it giving off light?

9 Thermal Energy The energy that we experience as heat, but is actually coming from the constant movement of particles and atoms that make up gases, liquids, and solids. Ask yourself: Is it hot?

10 Chemical Potential Energy The energy stored in molecules. This is the energy that is stored in food, sugar, gasoline, batteries, and other kinds of fuel. Anything that is living is usually storing chemical potential energy. It needs it to stay alive. In humans energy is stored in the body as fat. Ask yourself: Is it a fuel source? Is it alive?

11 Test yourself Try to categorize each type of energy as either as moving energy or a stored energy. Kinetic Gravitational Potential Elastic Potential Vibrational Electric Potential Electromagnetic Thermal Chemical Potential

12 Classifying Energy Moving EnergiesStored Energy Kinetic EnergyGravitational Potential Energy Vibrational EnergyElastic Potential Energy Electromagnetic EnergyElectric Potential Energy Thermal EnergyChemical Potential Energy Notice all the stored energies have the word “potential” in them. That is because the object is not necessarily moving, but it has the ability or potential to move (or move more than it currently is). If an energy type does not have the word potential in it, it is usually a moving energy.

13 Identifying Energy Most things have multiple types of energy all at once. When given a situation ask yourself all the questions listed on the previous slides and answer with “yes” or “no”.

14 Example In this scenario, is the rocket: Moving? High up? Bent/compressed? Making noise? Electrically charged? Giving off light? Hot? Burning fuel?

15 Example In this scenario, is the rocket: Moving – yes! High up – yes! Bent/compressed – no Making noise – most likely Electrically charged – hopefully not Giving off light – looks like it. Hot – probably, but not as hot as you think it is. Burning fuel – most definitely. So we can conclude that the rocket has: Kinetic, Gravitational Potential, Vibrational, Electromagnetic, Thermal, and Chemical Potential Energies. It does not have Elastic or Electric Potential Energy.

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