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Communicating and Teaching 14 June 2016. Teacher as Communicator AIM : To consider the importance of communication for teachers OBJECTIVES: By the end.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating and Teaching 14 June 2016. Teacher as Communicator AIM : To consider the importance of communication for teachers OBJECTIVES: By the end."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating and Teaching 14 June 2016

2 Teacher as Communicator AIM : To consider the importance of communication for teachers OBJECTIVES: By the end of the session you should be able to discriminate between verbal and non verbal skills 14 June 2016

3 Teacher as Communicator Teaching is a form of professional communication. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal 14 June 2016

4 Verbal communication – use of the voice Delivery is made up of four elements: 1. Force or volume of the voice 2. Pitch or tone of the voice 3. Quality of the voice 4. Timing or speed of speaking 14 June 2016

5 Timing  Most people speak at a rate of 120 – 130 words a minute  Variations in speed gives emphasis and texture.  Slowing down emphasises a point.  Speeding up makes material less important.  Pauses are used to separate ideas and signal important points.  Changes in pace give a feeling of enthusiasm.  Unvarying rhythms lead to boredom and monotony. 14 June 2016

6 Non-verbal communication We communicate a great deal of information without using words. Movement:  Emphasises a point  Indicates that you are listening  Signals a desire to interrupt  Calls attention to the passage of time  Demonstrates boredom and fatigue 14 June 2016

7 Distances between people  Personal space is sort of an invisible bubble that surrounds us.  There are ‘rules’ about:  The amount of physical distance that’s appropriate in daily relationships  The kinds of situations in which closeness or distance is proper. 14 June 2016

8 YOU Intimate zone 0-1.5 ft Personal zone 1.5 – 4 ft Social zone 4 - 12 ft Public domain 14 June 2016

9 Posture An upright posture conveys confidence and assurance. Do not retreat behind a desk for the whole lesson. 14 June 2016

10 Eye contact  In group situations people spend from 30 – 60% of the time in eye contact.  Only 10-30% of eye contact lasts longer than 10 seconds.  People who seek frequent eye contact are regarded as friendly, earnest and believable.  People can invite interaction by staring at someone; people reject the request by averting gaze. 14 June 2016

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