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Anne Krayer –  … Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships: opportunities for funded PhD and Masters by Research study in collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Krayer –  … Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships: opportunities for funded PhD and Masters by Research study in collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Krayer –

2  … Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships: opportunities for funded PhD and Masters by Research study in collaboration with a company partner.  The programme is based on collaboration – something that is increasing important to the success of both large and small businesses  There is a strong ‘postgraduate skills development award’ element to the course  The research is specific to an area of interest for the company partner  The company partner provides supervision and access to their business for the student for some of the study period

3  A KESS Masters by Research scholarship lasts for 1 year full time study (submission of Thesis within 1 year and 3 months).  A KESS PhD scholarship lasts for 3 years full-time study (Theses must be submitted 6 months after the funded three year study period).  Part time study is not available for either scholarship.  The achievement of a Postgraduate Skills Development Award (PSDA) is compulsory for each KESS scholar.  The PSDA is based on a 30 credit award for a KESS Masters by Research and 60 credits for a KESS PhD

4  Masters by Research programme…  For students who wish to gain more extensive training in research and who may be interested in pursuing a PhD/research career.  Allows students to gain knowledge and ‘hands-on’ research experience in a specific areas before branching out into PhD research.  Provides the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the principles and application of research design and analytical methods compared to taught programmes  Possibility to up-grade to a PhD  PhD programme …  Provides students who already have some skills and knowledge of the principles and application of research design and analytical methods with the opportunity to further their career and personal development


6  A monthly stipend– for the current call (March-May):  3 years of funding @ £14,198 per year for PhD  one year funding @ £11,358 for Masters by Research.  Each scholarship has an additional budget for travel, equipment/ consumables and training to support your research.  KESS Scholarship holders do not pay university fees.

7  Focus on a range of topics such as:  End of life hospice care (Partner: St David’s Hospice)  Evaluating co-production in third sector organisations (Partner: Wales Council for Voluntary Action)  Influences on voluntarism, community engagement and local service provision (Partner: Medrwn Môn)  Citizen engagement in policy-making (Partner: Barod)  Evaluation of the Hospital from Home Scheme – (Partners: British Red Cross and WCVA)  People with learning disabilities and the criminal justice system (Partner: Mencap Cymru)  Gwerthuso llwyddiant deunyddiau digidol ac apiau Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog (Partner: Cwmni Da)  Ffactorau yn arferion a dewisiadau gwylio – gwylwyr S4C (Partner: S4C)

8  Current call for applications with a submission middle March- beginning of May  Next call expected later this summer  For further information see:

9  All images sourced through: Google Advanced Image search; usage rights: free to use and share  Lightbulb – Jacob Hnri 6, based on file crystal clear app.ktip.png; Creative Commons Licence CC BY-SA 3.0  People – image in the public domain; CC0 Public Domain  Person - image in the public domain; CC0 Public Domain  Calendar – image in the public domain; CC0 Public Domain

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