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Page:48 Q: What other major revolution did the Industrial Revolution spark?

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Presentation on theme: "Page:48 Q: What other major revolution did the Industrial Revolution spark?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Page:48 Q: What other major revolution did the Industrial Revolution spark? 13044c407dbdc4137107d3cfc898f2976/agricultural-revolution-2-jpg.jpg

2 2 nd Agricultural Revolution The machinery invented at the start of the industrial revolution caused the 2 nd agriculture revolution.

3 Page: 49 Q:Which economic sector would a maquiladora worker be in?

4 Secondary sector Many workers can change the urban landscape which connects to the urban unit.

5 Page: 50 Q:Theory that minimizes the cost of, labor, transportation, and agglomeration.

6 Weber ’ s Least Cost theory This can also be tied to urban as this theory can influence where certain buildings are placed.

7 Page: 51 Q: What is the collective income of a particular country ’ s economy? px-GNI_PPP_Per_Capita.png

8 Gross National Income (GNI) GNI is a heavily based economic demographic that relates the 2 units.

9 Page: 52 Q:What are the last 3 stages in Rostow ’ s Stages of Economic Growth?

10 Take-off, Maturity, and High mass Consumption A specific country in each of these stages can influence its economic, population, and agricultural factors.

11 Page:53 Q: Theory that contains, core, semi-periphery, and periphery?

12 Wallerstein ’ s World Systems Theory Shows the economic relationships between various counrtries. gauCT5peU_Y/U2VTnWE8X5I/AAAAAAAAAEc/nAjekruYpwY/s1600/mst+1.gif

13 Page: 54 Q:Why were the UN millennium goals created? 2000px-Flag_of_the_United_Nations.svg.png

14 To help countries develop and fight poverty Closely related to population and agriculture as some of the 8 goals consisted of those units.

15 Page: 55 Q: Which demographic for woman leads to a more stable country?

16 Total Fertility Rate This demographic also contributes to the total population of the country. s,_2010.png

17 Page: 56 Q: Why is international trade a good and bad thing? update/

18 It makes economy better but can outsource jobs making it harder to find a job. It can make more urbanized and modern cities outside of the core countries which leads to development.

19 Page: 57 Q: How is agglomeration related to growth poles? Registry.jpg

20 They both are small concentrations of the same activity and feed off each other to make a better product. This can change the urban landscape to include the growth poles and technopoles.

21 Industrial/ Development Question Where did the first industrial revolution take place and why?

22 Industrial/ Development Answers Answer is Britain because their major resources were coal, steel, & iron and its population growth helped tremendously during the industrial revolution. found on page 48 of big ideas packet

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