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Cross Sector Leadership Exchange 17 March 2016 ‘Mental Health – Everyone’s Business’ Maria Kane Chief Executive Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross Sector Leadership Exchange 17 March 2016 ‘Mental Health – Everyone’s Business’ Maria Kane Chief Executive Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross Sector Leadership Exchange 17 March 2016 ‘Mental Health – Everyone’s Business’ Maria Kane Chief Executive Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

2 Introduction Been at BEH-MHT since 2007, appointed Chief Executive in 2008 Now one of the longest serving NHS mental health trust Chief Executives BEH-MHT serves a diverse population of almost one million, with significant deprivation and ethnic mix Provides a wide range of local physical and mental health services and some specialist services to a wider population 2,900 staff with annual budget of £190m 1 Barnet Hospital site Hertfordshire Camden Islington Edgware Community Hospital site Chase Farm site St Ann’s Hospital site St Michael’s site

3 Mental health Delighted that we are focusing on mental health today, real opportunity to improve how we work together Public understanding of mental health is still very mixed, still a lot of misunderstanding and stigma Many think mental health problems mean people will be violent. In fact, people with a mental health condition are five times more likely to be the victim of violence than the rest of society Mental health problems account for 23% of health conditions in the UK, while cardiovascular disease and cancer account for 16% each One in three people with a long term physical health problem also have a mental health problem Life expectancy for people with mental health problems is dramatically lower – 11 years lower for men and 10 years lower for women 2

4 Working together Determinants of mental health are very broad. Mental health, more than any other area of health, requires a ‘whole system’ approach Trust has very strong relationships with a wide range of partners: o Local authorities – social care, education, housing, planning o Other NHS partners – acute hospitals, community services, GPs o Police – BEH-MHT is a leader in working with the Police around custody suite liaison, supporting Police street triage and working on suicide prevention with British Transport Police o Fire service – Emergency planning and operational issues o Employers and employment services – employment has a major impact on mental health and wellbeing o Counselling and support services, e.g. CAB, debt counselling – provide valuable support o Voluntary sector – Trust’s Recovery Houses currently run in partnership with Rethink 3

5 Enabling people across the whole system Our Clinical Strategy is focused on Enablement - helping people live as residents and citizens to: Live – working with others to provide somewhere safe and secure to call home Love – “social prescribing” to help develop meaningful relationships Do – meaningful activities, volunteering, study or employment 4

6 Addressing the barriers Mental health really is ‘everyone’s business’ Clear case for more collaboration - improves services and reduces overall costs Requires long term commitment and effort – a real leadership challenge At present, barriers still limit collaboration: o Limited exchange of information between partners o Different cultures and priorities o Different regulatory regimes o Misunderstandings, even stigma, about mental health o Lack of trust and historic blame culture e.g. Baby P o Tight financial positions, worry about ‘cost shifting ’ 5

7 Addressing the barriers We have more in common than we do differences and a real shared purpose in working together more effectively All trying to cope with increased workloads with reducing resources; staff recruitment and retention problems; pressures to improve standards and responsiveness Lots of examples of working together already, e.g. Trust’s involvement in training of Police colleagues, court diversion services, improvements in A & E mental health liaison and Section 136 services Don’t have all the answers but events like today are an important opportunity to address some of the barriers, through improving our mutual understanding 6

8 Thank you Questions and discussion 7

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