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A pilot program proposal.  Purpose: provide for alternative yet appropriate pathway for graduation & postsecondary employment outcomes.  Students 11.

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Presentation on theme: "A pilot program proposal.  Purpose: provide for alternative yet appropriate pathway for graduation & postsecondary employment outcomes.  Students 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 A pilot program proposal

2  Purpose: provide for alternative yet appropriate pathway for graduation & postsecondary employment outcomes.  Students 11 th grade and up on IEP, who are at risk of NOT obtaining a diploma through standard path…without modifications  Rather than lower certain academic standards, lets set equally important alternative ones.

3  Cornell University Disability Statistics  Reimagining High School In Colorado (Report of Governor Ritter’s Graduate Guidelines Development Council  Colorado Department of Education graduation data  Real talk about college readiness and what it takes  All people have to work, so why not prepare for it.

4  Reimagining High School in Colorado ◦ “…the Council recommends a paradigm shift from “seat time” to content mastery and makes the recommendations in the following areas Multiple and Divers Pathways to a Diploma “…In order to recognize the difference interests and abilities of all students, the Council recommends adopting a pathways model that shows a clear connection to postsecondary life and that does not foreclose opportunities.”

5  Beginning in 11 th grade students will begin pilot with WorkKeys Assessment for baseline levels of performance WorkKeys  KeyTrain Curriculum will be used to increase specific skills identified on the WorkKeys assessment (all such skills directly relate to Colorado State Content Standards) KeyTrain  Applied Mathematics Applied Technology Business Writing Listening Locating Information Observation Reading for Information Teamwork Writing Applied MathematicsApplied Technology Business WritingListeningLocating Information ObservationReading for InformationTeamwork Writing

6  The ACE and OJT courses are already offered within the WHS system and staffed to support students with various needs  WorkKeys Assessment may be available for free through Weld County Workforce or assessments are $15/student/administration

7  Students identified during 10 th grade year  IEP process outlines appropriate postsecondary goals  IEP team determines appropriate course alternatives  Principal review and approval/nonapproval  Sped Director review & approval/nonapproval  Student begins with work keys assessment  Begins work on key train curriculum

8  Graduation Rates  Drop Out Rates  Employment prior to graduation/within 3 months  Employment stability  Discipline referrals  Attendance  pre/post WorkKeys assessment scores  CDE Indicator 14 survey

9  After 3 years cost is only $1000/year for KeyTrain  ACE sustainable with appropriate enrollment and is revenue generating  Expansion of alternative course options aligned with content to be explored  Expand alternative option beyond IEP to all at risk students  Expand and develop Windsor Works Alliance

10  State content standards are to be ensured, may be addressed in alternative methods  Alignment with ICAP and postsecondary workforce readiness  Promotes individual post high school financial and economic independence  The goal is to close adult achievement gaps (employment and fiscal independence)…share some stats

11  2011- 10.2 % of all persons of all ages report having a disability10.2 percent for persons of all ages  0.5 percent for persons ages 4 and under  4.3 percent for persons ages 5 to 15  5.9 percent for persons ages 16 to 20  8.8 percent for persons ages 21 to 64  21.8 percent for persons ages 65 to 74  50.3 percent for persons ages 75+  Cornell Disability Statistics 2011

12  Employment: In 2011, the employment rate of working-age people (ages 21 to 64) with disabilities in CO was 42.6 percent.  Looking for Work: In CO in 2011, the percentage actively looking for work among people with disabilities who were not working was 13.2 percent.  The gap between the employment rates ofworking-age people with and without disabilities was35.8 percentage points.

13  In 2011, the percentage of working-age people with disabilities working full-time/full-year in CO was 28.2 percent.  In 2011, the percentage of working-age people without disabilities working full-time/full-year in CO was 56.2 percent.  The difference in the percentage working full- time/full-year between working-age people withand without disabilities was 28 percentage points.

14  Poverty: In CO in 2011, the poverty rate of working-age people with disabilities was 23.1 percent.  Supplemental Security Income: In 2011, the percentage of working-age peoplewith disabilities receiving SSI payments in CO was 15.9 percent.

15  Educational Attainment: In 2011, the percentage of working-age people with disabilities in CO:  with only a high school diploma or equivalent was 29.7 percent  with only some college or an associate degree was 35.9 percent  with a bachelor's degree or more was 19.3 percent.

16  In 2011, the median income of households that include any working-age people with disabilities in CO was $44,200.  In 2011, the median income of households that do not include any working-age people with disabilities in CO was $63,100.  The difference in the median income between households including and not including working- age people with disabilities was $18,900.

17  In 2011, the poverty rate of working-age people with disabilities in CO was 23.1 percent.  In 2011, the poverty rate of working-age people without disabilities in CO was 10.8 percent†.  The difference in the poverty rate between working-age people with and without disabilities was 12.3 percentage points†.

18  2011 Disability Status Report  Colorado ts/2011-PDF/2011- StatusReport_CO.pdf?CFID=3328243&CFTOKE N=66572887&jsessionid=843016fa14ccc9fc4f c61fd706e1c2e11754

19  Jon Paul Burden  Director of Exceptional Student Services  Weld RE-4 School District  Windsor, CO 80550  (970) 686-8022 

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