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Formation of Partial Differential equations Partial Differential Equation can be formed either by elimination of arbitrary constants or by the elimination.

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of Partial Differential equations Partial Differential Equation can be formed either by elimination of arbitrary constants or by the elimination."— Presentation transcript:


2 Formation of Partial Differential equations Partial Differential Equation can be formed either by elimination of arbitrary constants or by the elimination of arbitrary functions from a relation involving three or more variables. SOLVED PROBLEMS 1.Eliminate two arbitrary constants a and b from here R is known constant.

3 solution Differentiating both sides with respect to x and y (OR) Find the differential equation of all spheres of fixed radius having their centers in x y- plane.

4 By substituting all these values in (1) or

5 2. Find the partial Differential Equation by eliminating arbitrary functions from SOLUTION

6 By

7 3.Find Partial Differential Equation by eliminating two arbitrary functions from SOLUTIO N Differentiating both sides with respect to x and y

8 Again d. w.r. to x and yin equation (2)and(3 )


10 Different Integrals of Partial Differential Equation 1. Complete Integral (solution ) Let be the Partial Differential Equation. The complete integral of equation (1) is given by

11 2. Particular solution A solution obtained by giving particular values to the arbitrary constants in a complete integral is called particular solution. 3.Singular solution The eliminant of a, b between when it exists, is called singular solution

12 4. General solution In equation (2) assume an arbitrary relation of the form. Then (2) becomes Differentiating (2) with respect to a, The eliminant of (3) and (4) if exists, is called general solution

13 Standard types of first order equations TYPE-I The Partial Differential equation of the form has solution with TYPE-II The Partial Differential Equation of the form is called Clairaut’s form of pde, it’s solution is given by

14 TYPE-III If the pde is given by then assume that

15 The given pde can be written as. And also this can be integrated to get solution

16 TYPE-IV The pde of the form can be solved by assuming Integrate the above equation to get solution

17 SOLVED PROBLEMS 1.Solve the pde and find the complete and singular solutions Solution Complete solution is given by with

18 a and c then Which is not possible Hence there is no singular solution 2.Solve the pde and find the complete, general and singular solutions

19 Solution The complete solution is given by with

20 no singular solution To get general solution assume that From eq (1)

21 Eliminate from (2) and (3) to get general solution 3.Solve the pde and find the complete and singular solutions Solution The pde is in Clairaut’s form

22 complete solution of (1) is “a” and “b”

23 From (3)

24 is required singular solution

25 4.Solve the pde Solution pde Complete solution of above pde is 5.Solve the pde Solution Assume that

26 From given pde

27 Integrating on both sides

28 6. Solve the pde Solution Assume Substituting in given equation

29 Integrating on both sides 7.Solve pde (or) Solution

30 Assume that Integrating on both sides

31 8. Solve the equation Solution integrating

32 Equations reducible to the standard forms (i)If and occur in the pde as in Or in Case (a) Put and if ;

33 where Then reduces to Similarly reduces to

34 case(b) If or put (ii)If and occur in pde as in Or in

35 Case(a) Put if where Given pde reduces to and

36 Case(b) if Solved Problems 1.Solve Solution

37 where

38 (1)becomes

39 2. Solve the pde SOLUTION

40 Eq(1) becomes

41 Lagrange’s Linear Equation Def: The linear partial differenfial equation of first order is called as Lagrange’s linear Equation. This eq is of the form Where and are functions x,y and z The general solution of the partial differential equation is Where is arbitrary function of and

42 Here and are independent solutions of the auxilary equations Solved problems 1.Find the general solution of Solution auxilary equations are

43 Integrating on both sides

44 The general solution is given by 2.solve solution Auxiliary equations are given by

45 Integrating on both sides


47 The general solution is given by HOMOGENEOUS LINEAR PDE WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS Equations in which partial derivatives occurring are all of same order (with degree one ) and the coefficients are constants,such equations are called homogeneous linear PDE with constant coefficient

48 Assume that then order linear homogeneous equation is given by or

49 The complete solution of equation (1) consists of two parts,the complementary function and particular integral. The complementary function is complete solution of equation of Rules to find complementary function Consider the equation or

50 The auxiliary equation for (A.E) is given by And by giving The A.E becomes Case 1 If the equation(3) has two distinct roots The complete solution of (2) is given by

51 Case 2 If the equation(3) has two equal roots i.e The complete solution of (2) is given by Rules to find the particular Integral Consider the equation

52 Particular Integral (P.I) Case 1 If then P.I= If and is factor of then

53 Case 2 P.I If and is factor of then P.I

54 Case 3 P.I Expand in ascending powers of or and operating on term by term. Case 4 when is any function of x and y. P.I=

55 Solved problems 1.Find the solution of pde Solution The Auxiliary equation is given by Where ‘c’ is replaced by after integration Hereis factor of

56 Solution The Auxiliary equation is given by By taking Complete solution 2. Solve the pde Solution The Auxiliary equation is given by

57 3. Solve the pde Solution the A.E is given by

58 4. Find the solution of pde Solution Complete solution = Complementary Function + Particular Integral The A.E is given by

59 Complete solution

60 5.Solve Solution


62 6.Solve Solution

63 7.Solve Solution



66 7.Solve Solution A.E is



69 Non Homogeneous Linear PDES If in the equation the polynomial expression is not homogeneous, then (1) is a non- homogeneous linear partial differential equation Complete Solution = Complementary Function + Particular Integral To find C.F., factorize into factors of the form Ex

70 If the non homogeneous equation is of the form 1.Solve Solution


72 2.Solve Solution

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