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Analysing continuous data Parametric versus Non-parametric methods Scott Harris October 2009.

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1 Analysing continuous data Parametric versus Non-parametric methods Scott Harris October 2009

2 Learning outcomes By the end of this session you should be able to choose between, perform (using SPSS) and interpret the results from (Parametric / Non-parametric equivalent): –One sample t test / Sign test or Wilcoxon signed ranks test. –Independent Samples t test / Mann-Whitney U test. –Paired samples t test / Wilcoxon signed ranks test.

3 Contents Introduction –Refresher - types of data. –Data requirements. –The difference between parametric and non- parametric methods. –The example dataset: CISR data. One sample versus a fixed value (Parametric and non-parametric equivalent: P/NP) –Test information. –‘How to’ in SPSS.

4 Contents Comparison of two Paired samples (P/NP) –Test information. –‘How to’ in SPSS. Comparison of two Independent groups (P/NP) –Test information. –‘How to’ in SPSS.

5 Refresher: Types of data Quantitative – a measured quantity. –Continuous – Measurements from a continuous scale: Height, weight, age. –Discrete – Count data: Children in a family, number of days in hospital. Qualitative – Assessing a quality. –Ordinal – An order to the data: Likert scale (much worse, worse, the same, better, much better), age group (18-25, 26-30…). –Categorical / Nominal – Simple categories: Blood group (O, A, B, AB). A special case is binary data (two levels): Status (Alive, dead), Infection (yes, no).

6 Data requirements The Statistical tests that will be covered in this session compare a sample with a continuous outcome against either: –a published or hypothesised value, –a repeated sample from the same individual or –a sample from another group. A different type of test is used in each of the situations above.

7 Test requirements: t test A continuous outcome variable. Approximately ‘Normally’ distributed.

8 Skewed distributions Negative skew Positive skew

9 Skewed distributions… With an obviously skewed distribution such as either of those on the previous slide you have two options open to you: Make a transformation of the data (such as taking the log) to try to remove the skew and make the data more normal. Make use of the equivalent non-parametric test.

10 Parametric and non-parametric methods Parametric methods are based around the assumption of normality as they make use of two parameters to explain the underlying distribution. These parameters are: –The mean (explaining the average result) and –The standard deviation (explaining the variability in the data). Non-parametric methods are, as their name suggests, methods that are not based around the use of any parameters to summarise any underlying distribution. It is for this reason that these non-parametric tests are sometimes referred to as ‘distribution free’ tests. These tests can be used for ordinal variables, even with only a few levels.

11 Example dataset: Information CISR (Clinical Interview Schedule: Revised) data: –Measure of depression – the higher the score the worse the depression. –A CISR value of 12 or greater is used to indicate a clinical case of depression. –3 groups of patients (each receiving a different form of treatment: GP, CMHN and CMHN problem solving). –Data collected at two time points (baseline and then a follow-up visit 6 months later).

12 Example CISR dataset: Raw data

13 Example CISR dataset: Labelled data

14 Refresher: Hypothesis testing First you have to set up a null ( H 0 ) and alternative ( H 1 ) hypothesis. You then calculate the specific test value for the sample. This is then compared to a critical cut- off value, that can come from published Statistical tables or can be left to the computer. If the calculated value exceeds the cut-off then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted (accept H 1 ). If the calculated value is smaller than the cut-off then there is insufficient evidence against the null hypothesis (do not reject H 0 ).

15 Comparing one sample against a specific hypothesised value One sample t test or Sign test / Wilcoxon signed ranks test

16 Normally distributed data One sample t test

17 One sample t test: hypotheses H 0 is the default hypothesis (null). We are testing whether we have enough evidence to reject this and instead accept the alternative hypothesis ( H 1 ). Our null hypothesis is that the sample mean is equal to a certain value. The alternative is that it isn’t.

18 The following equation is used to calculate the value of t: Where:= Sample mean = Hypothesised mean (or test mean) = Sample standard deviation = Size of sample This is distributed with (n-1) degrees of freedom. Theory: One sample t test

19  The t value is then compared against the appropriate critical value from Statistical tables:  Significant evidence against H 0 if the absolute value of t is greater than the two-sided 5% significance (0.05) value, for the appropriate d.f. Theory: One sample t test…

20 Checking the distribution of B0SCORE Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Histogram… * Checking the distribution of B0SCORE. GRAPH /HISTOGRAM(NORMAL)=B0SCORE /TITLE= 'Histogram of baseline CISR score'.

21 Info: Histograms in SPSS 1)From the menus select ‘Graphs’  ‘Legacy Dialogs’ ‘Histogram…’. 2)Put the variable that you want to draw the histogram for into the ‘Variable:’ box. 3)Tick the option to ‘Display normal curve’. 4)Click the ‘Titles’ button to enter any titles and then click the ‘Continue’ button. 5)If you want separate histograms for each level of another category variable then you can either: Add the categorical variable into the ‘Panel by’  ‘Rows’ box or Make use of the ‘Split file…’ command and draw the histogram as normal. This will produce a separate full size plot for each level of the categorical variable. 6)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the histogram(s) or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file.

22 The distribution of baseline CISR

23 The distribution?

24 SPSS – One sample t test Analyze  Compare Means  One-Sample T Test… * One sample t test vs. a value of 12. T-TEST /TESTVAL = 12 /MISSING = ANALYSIS /VARIABLES = B0SCORE /CRITERIA = CI(.95).

25 Info: One sample t test in SPSS 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Compare Means’  ‘One-Sample T Test…’. 2)Put the variable that you want to test into the ‘Test Variable(s):’ box. 3)Put the value that you want to test against into the ‘Test Value:’ box. 4)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the one sample t test or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file.

26 SPSS – One sample t test: Output 95% confidence interval for the true mean difference Observed summary statistics 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality. Highly significant (P<0.001) hence significant evidence against the mean being 12. mean difference

27 Practical Questions Analysing Continuous Data Questions 1 and 2

28 Practical Questions From the course webpage download the file HbA1c.sav by clicking the right mouse button on the file name and selecting Save Target As. The dataset is pre-labelled and contains data on Blood sugar reduction for 245 patients divided into 3 groups. 1)Produce Histograms for the reduction in blood sugar (HBA1CRED), both combined across the three treatment groups and split separately by treatment group. Do you think that the data follow a normal distribution?

29 Practical Questions 2)Assuming that the outcome variable is normally distributed conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the starting HbA1c level (HBA1C_1) against a value of 7 (the level below which good control of glucose levels is accepted). What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test?

30 30 1)To produce the overall histogram you can use the options exactly as given. This results in the following syntax: To split the graphs by treatment group, the easiest way is to add the group variable to the Panel By:  Rows box. This results in the following syntax: * Producing the overall histogram. GRAPH /HISTOGRAM(NORMAL)=HBA1CRED /TITLE= 'Overall Histogram of blood sugar reduction'. * Producing the histograms split by group. GRAPH /HISTOGRAM(NORMAL)=HBA1CRED /PANEL ROWVAR=GROUP ROWOP=CROSS /TITLE= 'Histograms of blood sugar reduction, by group'. Practical Solutions

31 1)The histograms do not look highly skewed (although the individual group histograms show some skew) and the combined histogram actually appears to follow a normal distribution very well. There may be an outlier in the Active A group. Practical Solutions

32 2)Along with the observed mean difference, its confidence interval and the p value should be reported. The mean difference between the starting HbA1c level and 7 is 0.13 (95% CI: -0.06, 0.32). The starting HbA1c level is not statistically significantly different from 7 (p=0.168). (NOTE: The CI also includes 0) Practical Solutions

33 Non-normally distributed data Sign test / Wilcoxon signed ranks test

34 Theory: Sign Test The simplest non-parametric test. For each subject, subtract the value you are testing against from each of the observed values, writing down the sign of the difference. (That is write “-” if the difference score is negative, and “+” if it is positive.) If the groups are the same then we should have equal numbers of “+” and “-”. If we get more of one than the other then we start to build evidence against the group being the same as the test value.

35 Sign test: Example IDM6Score (1) Test value (2) Difference (1-2) Sign 113121 + 36 -6 - 4261214 + 5712-5 - 6912-3 - 7012-12 - 9512-7 - 101112 -

36 Theory: Wilcoxon signed rank test (WSRT) The Sign test ignores all information about magnitude of difference. WSRT looks at the sign of the difference and also the magnitude. 1.Calculate the difference between the observed value and the test value. 2.Rank the differences in order from smallest to largest, ignoring the sign of the values. 3.Assign rank values to the numbers. 1 for the smallest all the way up to n for the largest. 4.Add up the ranks for the positive differences and then for the negative differences. 5.If the sample is the same as the test value then we should have equal sums of ranks for the positive and negative differences. If one is higher than the other then we start to build evidence against the sample being the same as the test value.

37 Wilcoxon signed rank test : Example Difference (1-2) Sign 1 + -6 - 14 + -5 - -3 - -12 - -7 - - Difference 1135671214 Sign +------+ Rank 1.5 345678 1. (Sum: For this section of data): Positive: 1.5 + 8 = 9.5 Negative: 1.5 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 26.5 2. 3. 4. + 5. (When there are ties you apply the average rank to all tied scores.)

38 Checking the distribution of M6SCORE Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Histogram… * Checking the distribution of M6SCORE. GRAPH /HISTOGRAM(NORMAL)=M6SCORE /TITLE= 'Histogram of 6 month CISR scores'.

39 The distribution of 6 month CISR

40 SPSS – Setting up the test value Transform  Compute Variable… * Setting up the test value. COMPUTE TESTVALUE = 12. EXECUTE.

41 Info: Creating new variables in SPSS 1)From the menus select ‘Transform’  ‘Compute Variable…’. 2)Enter the name of the new variable that you want to create into the ‘Target Variable:’ box. 3)Enter the formula for the new variable into the ‘Numeric Expression’ box. ● In this case we want to create a variable that just contains a constant value, so we just enter that value into the ‘Numeric Expression’ box. 4)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the new variable or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file.

42 SPSS – Sign & Wilcoxon signed ranks tests Analyze  Nonparametric Tests  2 Related Samples…

43 SPSS – Sign & Wilcoxon signed ranks tests * One sample sign test vs. a value of 12. NPAR TEST /SIGN= M6SCORE WITH TESTVALUE (PAIRED) /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES QUARTILES /MISSING ANALYSIS. * One sample Wilcoxon signed ranks test vs. a value of 12. NPAR TEST /WILCOXON=M6SCORE WITH TESTVALUE (PAIRED) /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES QUARTILES /MISSING ANALYSIS. Sign Test Wilcoxon signed ranks Test

44 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Nonparametric Tests’  ‘2 Related Samples…’. 2)Click the two variables that you want to test from the list on the left. After you click the first variable hold down the Ctrl key to select the 2 nd. ● In this case we select the variable that we want to compare, as well as the newly created constant variable. 3)Click the button to move this pair of variables into the ‘Test Pairs:’ box. 4)Ensure that the test(s) that you want to conduct are ticked in the ‘Test Type’ box. 5)Click the ‘Options’ button and then select ‘Descriptive’ and ‘Quartiles’ from the ‘Statistics’ box. 6)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the selected test(s) or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file. Info: Sign & Wilcoxon signed ranks tests in SPSS

45 SPSS – Sign test: Output Observed numbers of positive, negative and tied values. You would expect half positive and half negative if there was no difference. 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality. Highly significant (P=0.001) hence strong evidence against the sample median being 12.

46 Observed sums of ranks (and mean rank) for the positive and negative values. 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality. Just significant (P=0.047) hence significant evidence against the sample median being 12. SPSS – Wilcoxon signed ranks test: Output

47 Practical Questions Analysing Continuous Data Question 3

48 Practical Questions 3)Assuming that the outcome variable is NOT normally distributed conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the starting HbA1c level (HBA1C_1) against a value of 7. What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test?

49 3)For the non-parametric test there is only a p value to report from the test (although the median could be reported from elsewhere and a CI could be calculated from CIA). The starting HbA1c level is not statistically significantly different from 7 (p=0.253). Practical Solutions

50 Comparing two sets of paired observations Paired samples t test or Wilcoxon signed ranks test

51 Normally distributed data Paired samples t test

52 Used when testing one set of values against another set of values, when either the two sets of values come from the same subjects or when they come from two groups who are NOT independent of each other. Change

53 Paired samples t test: Hypotheses The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) is that the measures are the same. The alternative hypothesis ( H 1 ) is that they are not.

54 Theory: Paired samples t test Notice how the formula is very similar to that for the one sample test: Where: = Mean of the differences = Hypothesised mean (or test mean) = Standard deviation of the difference = Number of paired samples This is distributed with (n-1) degrees of freedom.

55 vs. If you calculate the difference between each set of the paired observations, then you do a one sample t test on this new ‘change’ variable (against a mean value of 0  no difference) you will get the same result as having done a paired sample t test on the original paired variables. Theory: Paired samples t test…

56 The distribution of the difference in CISR * Calculating the difference. COMPUTE DIFF = B0SCORE - M6SCORE. EXECUTE.

57 Info: Creating new variables in SPSS 1)From the menus select ‘Transform’  ‘Compute Variable…’. 2)Enter the name of the new variable that you want to create into the ‘Target Variable:’ box. 3)Enter the formula for the new variable into the ‘Numeric Expression’ box. ● In this case we just want to create the difference between the two variables, so we just enter one of the variables (usually the larger of the two) minus the other variable into the ‘Numeric Expression’ box. This was ‘ B0SCORE - M6SCORE’ in this case. 4)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the new variable or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file.

58 SPSS – Paired samples t test Analyze  Compare Means  Paired-Samples T Test… * Paired sample t test. T-TEST PAIRS = B0SCORE WITH M6SCORE (PAIRED) /CRITERIA = CI(.95) /MISSING = ANALYSIS. This button will allow you to change the order

59 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Compare Means’  ‘Paired-Samples T Test…’. 2)Click the two variables that you want to test from the list on the left. After you click the first variable hold down the Ctrl key to select the 2 nd. 3)Click the button to move this pair of variables into the ‘Paired Variables’ box. 4)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the paired samples t test or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file. Info: Paired samples t test in SPSS

60 SPSS – Paired samples t test: Output 95% confidence interval for the true mean difference Summary statistics Ordering of difference 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality of variables. Highly significant (P<0.001) hence significant evidence against baseline and 6 month CISR scores being equal. mean difference

61 Non-normally distributed data Wilcoxon signed ranks test

62 SPSS – Wilcoxon signed ranks test Analyze  Nonparametric Tests  2 Related Samples… * Wilcoxon signed ranks test. NPAR TEST /WILCOXON=BOSCORE WITH M6SCORE (PAIRED) /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES QUARTILES /MISSING ANALYSIS.

63 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Nonparametric Tests’  ‘2 Related Samples…’. 2)Click the two variables that you want to test from the list on the left. After you click the first variable hold down the Ctrl key to select the 2 nd. 3)Click the button to move this pair of variables into the ‘Test Pairs:’ box. 4)Click the ‘Options’ button and then select ‘Descriptive’ and ‘Quartiles’ from the ‘Statistics’ box. 5)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the Wilcoxon signed ranks test or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file. Info: Wilcoxon signed ranks tests in SPSS

64 Observed sums of ranks (and mean rank) for the positive and negative values. 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality. Highly significant (P<0.001) hence significant evidence against baseline and 6 month CISR scores being equal. SPSS – Wilcoxon signed ranks test: Output

65 Practical Questions Analysing Continuous Data Question 4 and 5

66 Practical Questions 4)Assuming that the outcome variable is normally distributed: i.Conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the reduction in HbA1c level (HBA1C_1 & HBA1C_2) across the entire cohort. What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test? ii.Conduct a suitable statistical test to look directly at the reduction in HbA1c level (HBA1CRED). Does this test agree with the one from part i? 5)Assuming that the outcome variable is NOT normally distributed: i.Conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the reduction in HbA1c level (HBA1C_1 & HBA1C_2) across the entire cohort. What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test? ii.Conduct a suitable statistical test to look directly at the reduction in HbA1c level (HBA1CRED). Does this test agree with the one from part i?

67 4)(i) Along with the observed mean HbA1c difference, its confidence interval and the p value should be reported. The mean difference in HbA1c levels is 1.05 (95% CI: 0.94, 1.17). There is a highly significant decrease in the levels of HbA1c between the two readings (p<0.001). Practical Solutions

68 4)(ii) Along with the observed mean HbA1c difference, its confidence interval and the p value should be reported. The mean reduction in Hb1Ac levels is 1.05 (95% CI: 0.94, 1.17). There is a highly significant decrease in the levels of HbA1c between the two readings (p<0.001). (This is identical to the result from part i) Practical Solutions

69 5)(i) For the non-parametric test there is only a p value to report from the test (although the medians could be reported from elsewhere and a CI for the difference could be calculated from CIA). There is a highly significant difference in the levels of HbA1c between the two readings (p<0.001), with the initial values being significantly higher. Practical Solutions

70 5)(ii) For the non-parametric test there is only a p value to report from the test (although the medians could be reported from elsewhere and a CI for the difference could be calculated from CIA). There is a highly significant difference in the levels of HbA1c between the two readings (p<0.001), with the initial values significantly higher. (This is identical to the result from part i) Practical Solutions

71 Comparing two independent groups Independent samples t test or Mann Whitney U test

72 Normally distributed data Independent samples t test

73 Used when testing one set of values from one group against another set of values from a separate group, when the two groups are independent of each other.

74 The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) is that the groups are the same. The alternative hypothesis ( H 1 ) is that they are not. Independent samples t test: Hypotheses

75 If the two sample variances are similar (rule of thumb – largest standard deviation not double the other) then the two estimates can be pooled to give a common variance ( S 2 ): Levenes test can be used to formally test whether they are significantly different. Theory: 2 Variances?  Pooling the variance

76 Theory: Estimating a common variance The simplest pooled estimate is: Where: = Sample variance of group 1 and group 2 respectively. This assigns equal weight to both sample estimates regardless of sample size. When we have two samples of differing sizes we need to use another method.

77 If the sample sizes are not equal then it can be shown that the best pooled estimator of the common variance is: Where: = Sample variance of group 1 and group 2 respectively. = Size of sample in group 1 and group 2 respectively. This formula gives more importance to the estimate that is calculated from the larger sample size. Theory: Estimating common variance…

78 The following equation is used to calculate the value of t: Where: = Sample mean of group 1 and group 2 respectively = Null hypothesis (usually 0) = Pooled estimate of standard deviation = Size of sample in group 1 and group 2 respectively This is distributed with degrees of freedom. Theory: Independent samples t test

79 SPSS – Independent samples t test Analyze  Compare Means  Independent-Samples T Test… * Independent groups t test. T-TEST GROUPS = TMTGR(2 1) /MISSING = ANALYSIS /VARIABLES = B0SCORE /CRITERIA = CI(.95).

80 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Compare Means’  ‘Independent-Samples T Test…’. 2)Put the variable that you want to test into the ‘Test Variable(s):’ box. 3)Put the categorical variable, that indicates which group the values come from, into the ‘Grouping Variable:’ box. 4)Click the ‘Define Groups…’ button and then enter the numeric codes of the 2 groups that you want to compare. Click ‘Continue’. 5)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the test results or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file. Info: Independent samples t test in SPSS

81 SPSS – Independent samples t test: Output 95% confidence interval for the true mean difference Group summary statistics Observed difference in means 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality of groups. Not quite significant at the 5% level (P=0.059) hence no significant evidence that the groups are different. Here the standard deviations are similar, hence we can assume equal variances

82 Non-normally distributed data Mann Whitney U test

83 Mann Whitney U test : Two-sample test Also known as Wilcoxon rank sum test (we will avoid this name to avoid confusion). Similar to the Sign test and Wilcoxon Signed ranks test in that it compares the ranks. This test compares the 2 groups rather than the positives against the negatives. To account for the fact that there may be different numbers of observations in each group the mean rank is compared rather than the raw sum of the ranks.

84 SPSS – Mann-Whitney U test * Mann-Whitney U test. NPAR TESTS /M-W= M6SCORE BY TMTGR(1 2) /MISSING ANALYSIS. Analyze  Nonparametric Tests  2 Independent Samples…

85 Info: Mann-Whitney U test in SPSS 1)From the menus select ‘Analyze’  ‘Nonparametric Tests’  ‘2 Independent Samples…’. 2)Put the variable that you want to test into the ‘Test Variable List:’ box. 3)Put the categorical variable, that indicates which group the values come from, into the ‘Grouping Variable:’ box. 4)Click the ‘Define Groups…’ button and then enter the numeric codes of the 2 groups that you want to compare. Click ‘Continue’. 5)Ensure that the ‘Mann-Whitney U’ option is ticked in the ‘Test Type’ box. 6)Finally click ‘OK’ to produce the test results or ‘Paste’ to add the syntax for this into your syntax file.

86 SPSS – Mann-Whitney U test: Output Observed rank sums and mean ranks for each group 2 sided p value with an alternative hypothesis of non-equality of groups. Significant (P=0.010) hence significant evidence of a difference between the groups.

87 Practical Questions Analysing Continuous Data Question 6 and 7

88 Practical Questions 6)Assuming that the outcome variable is normally distributed: i.Conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the finishing HbA1c level (HBA1C_2) between groups 1 and 2. What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test? ii.Repeat the analysis from part i, but this time comparing groups 1 and 3. What are your conclusions from this test? 7)Assuming that the outcome variable is NOT normally distributed: i.Conduct a suitable statistical test to compare the finishing HbA1c level (HBA1C_2) between groups 1 and 2. What are the key statistics that should be reported and what are your conclusions from this test? ii.Repeat the analysis from part i, but this time comparing groups 1 and 3. What are your conclusions from this test?

89 6)(i) Along with the observed group means for the final HbA1c, the mean difference, its confidence interval and the p value should be reported. There is a mean difference of 0.29 (95% CI: -0.24, 0.82) between Active A and B, with Active B having the larger final HbA1c. This small difference however is not statistically significant (p=0.276). (The SD’s are similar  Use equal variances version) Practical Solutions

90 6)Shown below is one way of tabulating these results: Practical Solutions Table 1: Comparison between Active treatments OutcomeActive AActive B Active B – Active A Mean difference (95% CI) P value Blood sugar reduction mean (SD)5.72 (1.80)6.01 (1.61)0.29 (-0.24, 0.82)0.276 min to max1.36 to 10.362.31 to 9.88 n8380

91 6)(ii) Along with the observed group means for the final HbA1c, the mean difference, its confidence interval and the p value should be reported. There is a mean difference of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.27, 1.31) between Active A and Placebo, with Placebo having the larger final HbA1c. This difference is highly statistically significant (p=0.003). (The SD’s are similar  Use equal variances version) Practical Solutions

92 7)(i) For the non-parametric test, again, there is only a p value to report from the test (although the group medians could be reported from elsewhere and a CI for the difference could be calculated from CIA). The final HbA1c level for the Active A and Active B groups does not show a statistically significant difference (p=0.346), although the active B group had slightly higher values. Practical Solutions

93 7)(ii) For the non-parametric test, again, there is only a p value to report from the test (although the group medians could be reported from elsewhere and a CI for the difference could be calculated from CIA). The final HbA1c level for the Active A and Placebo groups shows a highly statistically significant difference (p=0.004), with the Placebo group having significantly higher values. Practical Solutions

94 Summary You should now be able to choose between, perform (using SPSS) and interpret the results from: –Comparing a sample against a pre-specified value: Parametric: One sample t test Non-parametric: Sign test or Wilcoxon signed ranks test. –Comparing two paired sets of results: Parametric: Paired samples t test Non-parametric: Wilcoxon signed ranks test. –Comparing two independent groups: Parametric: Independent Samples t test Non-parametric: Mann-Whitney U test.

95 References Parametric Practical statistics for medical research, D Altman: Chapter 9. Medical statistics, B Kirkwood, J Stern: Chapters 7 & 9. An introduction to medical statistics, M Bland: Chapter 10. Statistics for the Terrified: Testing for differences between groups. Non-parametric Practical statistics for medical research, D Altman: Chapter 9. Medical statistics, B Kirkwood, J Stern: Chapter 30. An introduction to medical statistics, M Bland: Chapter 12. Statistics for the Terrified: Testing for differences between groups. Practical Non-Parametric Statistics (3 rd ED), W.J. Conover.

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