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NUTRIENTS Food for your Body. Why do you eat? NUTRIENTS Help you grow Gives you energy Repairs the body.

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Presentation on theme: "NUTRIENTS Food for your Body. Why do you eat? NUTRIENTS Help you grow Gives you energy Repairs the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUTRIENTS Food for your Body

2 Why do you eat?

3 NUTRIENTS Help you grow Gives you energy Repairs the body

4 NUTRIENTS Affect How: You look Feel Act And your Abilities

5 NUTRIENT LIST Carbohydrates - 45 to 65 percent of caloric intake, and at least 130 grams of carbs per day. Lipids - 20 to 35 percent of your total caloric intake come from fat per day. Saturated Fats- NOT GOOD-from animal and dairy sources(solid) Unsaturated Fat- GOOD-from a plants(liquid) Proteins - 10 and 35 percent of caloric intake daily calories from protein per day.

6 Nutrient List Amino Acids -.8 grams times weight Essential - Any amino acid that is required for life and growth but is not produced in the body- supplied by protein in your diet. Nine Essential Amino Nonessential Amino Acid -made by the body even if we don’t eat correct foods. 22 nonessential amino acids Cholesterol - Amount of fat in the blood HDL – High Density Lipid –GOOD LDL - Low Density Lipid - BAD Glucose Glycogen

7 NUTRIENT LIST Glucose – Sugar Simple sugar found in fruits & vegetables Complex sugar found in carbohydrates Glycogen – sugar stored in the liver for later use (endurance activities).

8 Why Do We Eat Physical NEED for Food Psychological DESIRE for Food

9 Physical NEED for Food HUNGER When your stomach is empty The nerve endings in your stomach are stimulated Signals your brain to replenish your food supply After eating the muscles are stretched and nerve endings are not stimulated

10 Psychological DESIRE for Food APPETITE A learned behavior that is based on your environment and emotions Eating because you smell food Because you see food that looks pleasing

11 Environmental Factors that Influence the Foods You Eat Culture-you live in and your ethnic background Family and Friends-determine what foods you like and dislike and your eating schedule Advertising-shape food decisions

12 Taste and Nutrition-First two decisions Time and Money-cost, convenience and safety Emotions-boredom, stress, depression

13 Positive Reasons for Eating Healthy Foods Choose Foods That: Taste Good Provide Nutrients Contain Little Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium Learn to distinguish between HUNGER and APPETITE

14 LIFETIME NUTRITION Nutrition-process by which the body uses food Before birth nutrients provided through food your mother ate Need increasing amounts of nutrients as you grow Proper nutrients help you prevent chronic diseases as you grow older

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