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Western Lands: America west of the Appalachian Mountains.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Lands: America west of the Appalachian Mountains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Lands: America west of the Appalachian Mountains

2 1. England v. France Many wars fought in 1600-1700s Some battles took place in America’s western frontier Great Lakes Region Ohio River Valley

3 2. Great Lakes Region HOMESHOMES - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior Heavily forested Excellent fishing Cold climate, but fertile in spring, summer

4 3. Ohio River Valley Fertile soil, flat plain Forests – not dense Native Americans have practiced agriculture since 800BC Corn Beans

5 4. England gains land - 1763 1763 wars between France & England end Treaty of Paris, 1763 France gives up nearly all claims to land in N. America

6 5. American Independence Revolutionary War 1776-1783 Treaty of Paris, 1783 ends war America gains all land east of Mississippi River, south of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River New boundary is Canada to North, Mississippi to west, and Florida to south

7 6. Native resistance Native Americans hostile to American westward expansion New US government organizes the NW Territory so American settlers can move there, buy land NW Ordinance 1787 Settlers may move past Appalachians

8 US Timeline Wars between England & France Treaty of Paris ends wars between England & France America declares indep. Rev. War begins Treaty of Paris ends Rev. War America passes ordinance to organize NW Territory 16601763177617831785-7

9 REVIEW Why would an American settle in the American western frontier? What might entice Americans to move west? Name the five great lakes What mountain range would you pass over on your way west?

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