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Three Classes of Flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 1. Class Turbellaria (planaira) 2. Class Trematoda (flukes) 3. Class Cestoda (tapeworms)

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3 Three Classes of Flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes)
1. Class Turbellaria (planaira) 2. Class Trematoda (flukes) 3. Class Cestoda (tapeworms)

4 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Platyhelminthes
Flatworms are on the acoelomate branch of the evolutionary tree Acoelomates—no respiratory or circulatory systems

5 Body Structure of Flatworms
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Body Structure of Flatworms Bilateral symmetry Thin, flat bodies Cephilization: Definite head region and body organs

6 Feeding and Digestion Free-living flatworms feed on dead or slow moving organisms Parasitic flatworms have modified feeding structures called hooks and suckers Enables them to stay attached to host

7 Respiration, Circulation, Excretion
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Respiration, Circulation, Excretion Diffusion moves dissolved oxygen and nutrients to all parts of their bodies. Carbon dioxide and other waste is removed by diffusion.

8 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Flame cells move water out of the body to excrete waste products and maintain water balance.

9 The nervous system regulates the body’s response to stimuli.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks Response to Stimuli The nervous system regulates the body’s response to stimuli. Cephalization

10 Move by contracting muscles in the body wall
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Movement Move by contracting muscles in the body wall Glide by using cilia located on their undersides

11 Flatworms are hermaphrodites
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Reproduction Flatworms are hermaphrodites Two different flatworms exchange sperm, and the eggs are fertilized internally

12 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Free-living flatworms can reproduce asexually by regeneration or fragmentation

13 Turbellarians (planaria)
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Turbellarians (planaria) Live in marine or freshwater Have eyespots that can detect the presence or absence of light Carnivores or scavengers

14 Parasites that infect the blood or body organs of their hosts
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Trematodes (flukes) Parasites that infect the blood or body organs of their hosts The parasitic fluke Schistosoma makes people sick with dysentery or swimmer’s itch These fluke eggs clog blood vessels, causing swelling and eventual tissue damage.

15 Genus Shistosoma

16 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms

17 Parasites adapted to life in the intestines of their hosts
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.1 Flatworms Cestodes (tapeworms) Parasites adapted to life in the intestines of their hosts No mouth or gut: absorb digested material from the host No nervous system

18 Structure: Scolex: “head” that attaches to the host’s intestine Proglottis: body that contains male and female sex organs


20 Phylum Nematoda

21 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Nematoda
Body structure of Roundworms :

22 Feeding and Digestion Simplest animal with a digestive tract (one way)
Most are free living, some are parasitic

23 Respiration and Circulation: Diffusion through their moist skin
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.2 Roundworms Respiration and Circulation: Diffusion through their moist skin Response to Stimuli: Ganglia and a nerve cord Movement: Muscles cause their bodies to move in a thrashing matter

24 Roundworms reproduce sexually.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.2 Roundworms and Rotifers Reproduction Roundworms reproduce sexually. Fertilization is internal. Larva hatch from the fertilized eggs.

25 Diversity of Roundworms
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.2 Roundworms and Rotifers Diversity of Roundworms Trichinella worms Hookworms Ascarid worms Pinworms Filarial worms

26 Hookworm

27 Trichinella


29 Body Structure of Mollusks
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Body Structure of Mollusks Mollusks are coelomate animals with bilateral symmetry, a soft internal body, a digestive tract with two openings, a muscular foot, and a mantle.

30 Mantle: membrane that surrounds the internal organs
Secretes calcium carbonate to form shells

31 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks

32 A radula scrapes food into their mouths.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Feeding and Digestion A radula scrapes food into their mouths. Radula: tongue-like organ with teeth

33 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Mollusks have complete guts with digestive glands, stomachs, and intestines.

34 Gills are parts of the mantle.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Respiration Gills are parts of the mantle. Gills contain blood for the transport of oxygen to the tissue and for the removal of carbon dioxide from the tissue/blood.

35 is pumped out of vessels into open spaces surrounding the body organs.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Circulation is pumped out of vessels into open spaces surrounding the body organs. In an open circulatory system, blood Oxygen and nutrients diffuse into tissues that are bathed in blood and carbon dioxide diffuses from tissues into the blood.

36 In a closed circulatory system, blood is confined to
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks In a closed circulatory system, blood is confined to vessels as it moves through the body Ex. squid

37 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Excretion Mollusks get rid of metabolic wastes from cellular processes through structures called nephridia. Nephridia: organ that allows for homeostatis by filtering the blood and removing waste

38 Response to Stimuli Nervous systems coordinate their movements and behavior.

39 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks

40 Mollusks reproduce sexually.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Reproduction Mollusks reproduce sexually. All mollusks share similar developmental patterns.

41 The largest class of mollusks is Gastropoda.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Diversity of Mollusks Gastropods The largest class of mollusks is Gastropoda. Most species of gastropods have a single shell. Ex. Snails and conches Slugs do not have shells.

42 Gastropods

43 Bivalves are two-shelled mollusks.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Bivalves Bivalves are two-shelled mollusks. Ex. Clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops Use a muscular foot to burrow into wet sand

44 Bivalves

45 Cephalopods 25.3 Mollusks Ex. Squid, octopus, chambered nautilus
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Cephalopods Ex. Squid, octopus, chambered nautilus The foot of a cephalopod is divided into arms and tentacles with suckers. Cuttlefish

46 Cephalopod Protection
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.3 Mollusks Cephalopod Protection Expel water to propel themselves away from threat Hide Shoot out an inky substance that forms a cloud Change color to blend in with their surroundings

47 Annelids-Segmented Worms

48 Body Structure of Segmented Worms
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Body Structure of Segmented Worms Include earthworms, marine worms, and parasitic leeches Segmented and have a coelom

49 Annelids: Segmented Worms

50 Hydrostatic skeleton that muscles can push against
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Movement Hydrostatic skeleton that muscles can push against The earthworm contracts circular muscles running around each segment. This squeezes the segment and causes the fluid in the coelom to press outward like paste.

51 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms The earthworm contracts the longitudinal muscles that run the length of its body. This causes the segment to shorten and return to its original shape, pulling its posterior end forward and resulting in movement.

52 Setae: 4 pairs of bristles, found on each segment, used with digging
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Segmentation permits segments to move independently of each other and enables a worm to survive damage Setae: 4 pairs of bristles, found on each segment, used with digging

53 Setae

54 Feeding, Digestion, Excretion
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Feeding, Digestion, Excretion Digestive tract runs through all segments

55 Mouth: pharynx that sucks up food
Esophagus: carries food to the crop Crop: stores food Gizzard: grinds organic debris using sand


57 Segmented worms have an intestine
Have an anus Have two nephridia in almost every segment


59 Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks

60 Most annelids have a closed circulatory system.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Circulation Most annelids have a closed circulatory system.

61 No true heart— 5 pairs of muscular tubes that pump blood


63 Aquatic annelids have gills for the exchange of gases in the water.
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Respiration Diffusion: Earthworms take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide through their moist skin. Aquatic annelids have gills for the exchange of gases in the water.

64 Response to Stimuli Brain and nerve cord 25.4 Segmented Worms
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Response to Stimuli Brain and nerve cord

65 Reproduction (hermaphrodites)
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Reproduction (hermaphrodites) Reproduce both sexually and asexually Sperm are passed between two worms near segments called the clitellum.

66 Clitellum: secretes a ring of mucus into which eggs and sperm are released
Ring slides off worm’s body and forms a cocoon for eggs

67 Diversity of Annelids--subclasses
Chapter 25 Worms and Mollusks 25.4 Segmented Worms Diversity of Annelids--subclasses Earthworms: Oligochaeta

68 Marine annelids: Polychaeta

69 Leeches: Hirudinea

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