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RAIL SUPPLIER ADVOCATE Bruce Griffiths RTAA Field Day 26 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "RAIL SUPPLIER ADVOCATE Bruce Griffiths RTAA Field Day 26 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAIL SUPPLIER ADVOCATE Bruce Griffiths RTAA Field Day 26 October 2011

2 Role of Rail Supplier Advocate  Appointed in November 2009 by the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator the Hon Kim Carr.  Provide leadership and coordination to improve industry competitiveness and maximise opportunities for Australian rail suppliers.  Build on existing industry and government programs such as Industry Capability Network, Enterprise Connect and Austrade.

3 Observations of an outsider  Previous lack of industry networking  Specific challenges identified by industry to address  Importance of industry leadership and collaboration.  Significant domestic and international business opportunities.  Lack of awareness by industry of global competition and industry best practice.  Significant support available.  Supporting organisations are working together  DIISR, ICN, Enterprise Connect, Austrade, state governments, RTAA, ARA, ARIC

4 Progress of Rail Activities  Industry rail manufacturing survey and report.  ICN rail portal to link customers and firms.  Rail Pilot Supplier Continuous Improvement Program.  International missions –China September 2011.  Rail Manufacturing Technology Roadmap.  Forecasting domestic demand for passenger rolling stock.  Harmonisation of rolling stock specifications.

5 Statistics survey to profile the rail manufacturing sector  The report, Railway Manufacturing Industry: A profile of the Railway Manufacturing Industry Australia, provides valuable information for industry and government as they develop policies for the sector.  Available at  $4.2 billion in annual revenue and $1.6 billion in value add  Over 330 manufacturing firms employing over 15,000 employees with an average wage of $70,000  90% of industry are SMEs while 6 large firms contribute around 70% of total industry revenue  One fifth of industry is involved in exporting, but exports only account for 4% of industry revenue.  Imports account for 18% of industry revenue and are predominantly from the USA(21%), China (18%) and Germany (15.5%).

6 Establishment of ICN rail portal  Launched in November 2010  Free web portal that lists suppliers capabilities and project opportunities.  Reduces search and transaction costs  Tony Carney and ICN assist in linking Australian companies to opportunities both domestically and internationally  Register or update your details today at  The portal is used in marketing Australian firms capabilities on international rail missions.

7 Rail Pilot Supplier Continuous Improvement Program.  Facilitated by Enterprise Connect  Raise performance of firms and the supply chain.  Commitment from Alstom, Ansaldo, Bombardier, Bradken, Downer EDI and UGL.  Pilot of 30 key suppliers selected by rail primes to participate.  19 companies already signed up and underway  In addition there is a full suit of Enterprise Connect services to assist in building competitiveness.

8 Industry Mission to China  Rail Supplier Advocate led mission to China 5-17 March 2012  Business development opportunities  Expose Australian suppliers to best practice  Learn new competitive practices  Opportunity to develop international partnerships  Identify new technologies and innovations  Supported by Austrade, Enterprise Connect, ICN, ARIC and DIISR  More detail available at AusRail 2011  Register your interest today at

9 Rail Manufacturing Technology Roadmap  On track to 2040 will prepare the Australian rail supply industry for challenges and growth.  Identify current and future technologies and capabilities needed to meet challenges and opportunities as well as implementation plans.  Relies on contributions from manufacturers, operators and service providers, researchers, policy makers, industry associations to develop a unified vision and strategic plan.  Funded by industry through the ARA, Commonwealth and the VIC, NSW and QLD state governments.  To become involved email

10 Forecasting domestic demand for passenger rolling stock.  Orion engaged to manage a project to forecast the demand for passenger rolling stock nationally to enable suppliers to better plan production schedules and reduce costs for both suppliers and customers.  Brings together state departments of transport with operators to share information and develop models that will enable suppliers to more effectively forecast domestic demand for passenger rolling stock.  Project to be completed by mid 2012.

11 Harmonisation of rolling stock specifications  Assess benefits in harmonising key rolling stock specifications.  Trial process to identify 5-10 key specifications in passenger trains for modelling of cost savings and benefits if harmonised.  Promote performance specifications rather than method process specifications, to bring about innovation.  Project will commence after the completion of the passenger demand forecasting project.

12 Bruce Griffiths Rail Supplier Advocate Government Contact: Natalie Currey Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research 02 6213 7507

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