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Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. From Jordan to Jihad THE LURE OF SYRIA’S VIOLENT EXTREMIST GROUPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. From Jordan to Jihad THE LURE OF SYRIA’S VIOLENT EXTREMIST GROUPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. From Jordan to Jihad THE LURE OF SYRIA’S VIOLENT EXTREMIST GROUPS

2 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. WHAT WE SET ABOUT TO DO… Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad Shedding light on the current challenge in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. A series of interviews with foreign fighters and their families Understanding community interpretations of Countering Violent Extremism Explore deeper understanding of appropriate programming models

3 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. OUR PRESENTATION TODAY The Assessment Challenges; Do No Harm Scope of the assessment and the communities assessed Data collection and Analysis Assessment findings The Programming Potential programming Programming Chellenges What more can we do? Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad

4 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. CHALLENGES DO NO HARM Limitations: While this assessment represents an advance in our understanding of the foreign fighter phenomenon, it faced a number of constraints: Many Jordanians who leave to fight in Syria do not come back Fighters who have returned, face potential legal sanctions for speaking about their experience in Syria. Made efforts to make the process transparent with official authorities. Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad

5 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. METHODOLOGY Mercy Corps The assessment was conducted in three Jordanian communities: Ma’an, Salt Zarqa Interviews and focus group discussions with 131 Jordanians who had direct connection with the young Jordanian fighters who took part in the conflict in Syria. 1- To what extent is Jordan’s foreign fighter problem driven by poverty? 2- How & Why do recruits go? 3- How does context facilitate recruitment? 4- Why do fighters return home? Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad

6 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. KEY FINDINGS Mercy Corps 1- To what extent is Jordan’s foreign fighter problem driven by poverty? We found no evidence fighters, or their families, are being compensated by armed groups in Syria. Social networks help explain who goes, and which groups they join Social media plays a powerful recruitment role by glamorizing the struggle and by dramatizing the plight of fellow Sunnis in Syria. 2- Why & How do recruits go? Religion was not an obvious driver. The most common justification fighters offered for joining the war in Syria was to protect Sunni women and children. Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad

7 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. KEY FINDINGS Mercy Corps 3- How does context facilitate recruitment? Jihad offers the promise of improved social standing to recruits. Perceptions of the extremist groups vary across and within these communities. 4- Why do fighters return home? For some fighters, life in Syria turned out to be less glamorous than expected. Within Syria, intra-Sunni fighting was a key source of foreign fighter disillusionment. In some cases, mothers exerted a powerful pull on getting their sons to come back. Mercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad

8 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. Programming Challenges and What’s Next?

9 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. POTENTIAL PROGRAMMING Mercy CorpsMercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad Donors and the government of Jordan should support further research on the drivers of radicalization, the processes of recruitment and best practices for prevention. Future efforts at preventing violent extremism should be holistic, locally- sourced and attentive to the narratives that facilitate extremist recruitment Empower, educate and partner with peaceful local actors – particularly wives and mothers – to dissuade potential recruits. Where possible, create spaces where former fighters can serve as prevention advocates and mentors within communities and universities. Future prevention programs should focus on social networks (Religious leaders, tribal) not demographics.

10 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. PROGRAM CHALLENGES Mercy CorpsMercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad Make sure that centers are built for a holistic community programming Continue to forge the link between advocacy and legislation How to capacitate community to self-sustain programming to continue The monitoring and evaluation might be difficult considering the sensitivities related to CVE Difficult to track complex M&E NLG tools through remote management.

11 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. QUESTIONS? %20to%20Jihad_0.pdf

12 Saving and improving lives in the world’s toughest places. SAMPLE OF QUESTIONS Mercy CorpsMercy Corps From Jordan to Jihad Which group? Location Age at time of recruitment Approx. date of recruitment Employed at time of recruitment? Education: some university education? Following a friend/family member? Small group recruitment/radicalization? Described/self-described as "devoutly religious" BEFORE recruitment? Described the fight in Syria in terms of social justice? Cited abuse of Syrian women/children as motive for going to Syria? Used sectarian language to describe decision to go? Expressed hopelessness about the future before recruitment? Described frustration with Jordanian government, corruption, etc. Told family he was going to Syria? Married at time of recruitment? Children at time of recruitment? Returned to Jordan? If returned, detained by security forces?

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