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Why Good Governance should lead to excellence.. Think of all the different models of Managing Performance in The public sector? Give examples of or if.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Good Governance should lead to excellence.. Think of all the different models of Managing Performance in The public sector? Give examples of or if."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Good Governance should lead to excellence.

2 Think of all the different models of Managing Performance in The public sector? Give examples of or if they are used in Malaysia. Are they out come or process performance measures?

3 No KPIs Central Professional Professional Central & Local Local customer Driven

4 KPI’s Local Targets League Tables Benchmarking Citizens Targets Peer Review Open Public Data Collaboration Partnership & Joint Budgets Open Recruitment to NED positions Scrutiny Citizen Ownership & Co Production Competition – new models Staff Training Public Audit

5 Think of an area of Public Service In Malaysia where Citizens Targets would : Help to Improve Performance How would you go about involving the -public How would you show the targets and where How would you incorporate to your business cycle

6 Send Concerns What Information is asked for What is missing Did they think of going elsewhere Before Use Each stage a Smile or Groan Do you have a customer charter Are compliment & complain forms in view Exit Interview What do you monitor? What data do you get and use for Business Planning During Use How many people get a questionnaire Do you hold focus groups Telephone call How do you evaluate the Customer input? After Use

7 I want you to think once a person Complains what you and your Organisation should do with it? How easy is it to complain? How are complaints monitored Who sees them How are they put into the business planning Cycle How do you learn from the? How do staff learn from them? Do you have a CRM system?


9 What can we learn from the Private Sector? NED Risk Management CRM – Major Way of improving performance Audited Accounts Competition and Innovation Mission & Values (Mars)


11 Split City into 7 Areas Polling Open questions “what would make your area better” Focus Groups – local problems Scenario Planning Community Planning events “ One wish” events Used complaints as a proxy for service changes. Budget planning If I ran Sheffield for the day

12 Community Trusts Personalised Budgets “choose & Use” Ownership of some Assets Executive Partnership Board Selection of Chief Executive On Scrutiny Board Parents Panel

13 New ways of been held to account :- Community Assemblies – 7 Areas How Community Assemblies work "Quite simply, Sheffield City Council have put local people at the heart of the decision-making process for their community. By working closely with their local Councillors, they will be able to guide and shape services that will improve the quality of life for them, their families and neighbourhoods. Making local Councillors and the Council more accountable” Cllr. Paul Scriven – Former Leader of the Council

14 Sheffield City Council: South East Community Assembly - YouTube

15 Community Justice Panels Problem people not happy with justice system in their local area Police, Courts and Council Restorative Justice Anti – Social Behaviour, less serious incidents And criminal damage and assaults 60 Community Justice Co-ordinators Down from a 36% reoffending Rate to 2.8% Community can see and be involved in Putting wrongs right. Individuals have to face community

16 IT and Digital Word – more specific more local Interactive Real time More Community Governance Responsibilities could get blurred Focus on inequalities – local – national & International Malaysia – FOI Act! – Open Public Competition – more Open contracting – Codes of Conduct- Standards – Outcome Audits. Local Govt. – more democratic?

17 Before YOU leave today spend 15 minutes :- Deciding on the top 3 things you will do from today when you get back To the day job Who you will involve What you will need to make the changes What you expect top see different in 3 months in the 3 areas

18 What does this all mean for Malaysia in the next few years What will the Financial squeeze mean Who Should lead the changes? FINALLY QUESTIONS?

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