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Arnold Hanslmeier Institut f. Physik Universität Graz, Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "Arnold Hanslmeier Institut f. Physik Universität Graz, Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arnold Hanslmeier Institut f. Physik Universität Graz, Austria

2  Institut f. Geophysics, Astrophysics, Meteorology Graz, IGAMsolar observatory Kanzelhöhe satellite data data archive CESAR, white light images H-Alpha Ca II H

3  WP1: Management  WP2: Photosphere  WP3: Chromosphere & Corona  WP4: Heliosphere and Terrestrial Effects  WP5: Irradiance  WP6: Data dissemination

4 Efforts of UNIGRAZ for SOTERIA*  We currently build a new telescope (Ca-II K) at Kanzelhöhe Observatory in Austria. Multi-wavelength observations are of vital importance when studying initiation and propagation mechanisms of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares.  We study the flare-CME relationship to obtain the available energy for propelling CMEs. How fast can a CME go and what limits its speed? How is the relation to the associated flaring process?  We study the directivity of CMEs close to the Sun and in interplanetary space. Only CMEs which are directed towards Earth may be harmful to our society.  We will construct a web-catalogue to search for solar events and features of interest. For scientists this will make it easier to investigate solar activity and to reach scientific goals. Temmer, Preiss, Veronig 2009 Temmer et al. 2009 (under review) Kanzelhöhe Obs. *under WP3, WP6

5  OPM data  Hinode date  Variation of solar granulation  long term variation??  solar irradiance

6  case studies  different types of planets  Jupiter sized giants  Earthlike planets  Sun  stars  Sun

7  IWF: Institute for Space Research,  Graz, funded by Austrian Academy of sciences  joint lecturing programme space sciences

8 Kooperationspartner Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Technische Universität Graz Universität Graz Space Technology


10 10  Collaboration with Space Research Institute, Graz  Group of Prof. Biernat  STEREO: Multi-spacecraft in situ data + heliospheric imaging  Comparison to associated flares:  Magnetic fluxes similar to flare reconnection flux -> MCs can be formed during the flare MC modeling Möstl et al., 2009, JGR Flare Reconnection rates Miklenic et al., 2009, A&A Two magnetic clouds from May 2007 observed by STEREO Möstl et al., 2009, Solar Physics STEREO remote and in-situ CME observations

11 11 Möstl et al., 2009, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, in press STEREO remote and in-situ CME observations Magnetic flux rope inside the CME Heliospheric images of the 1-7 June 2008 CME Modeling and CME direction

12 Radiopharmaceuticals Medical Physics Risk & Safety Aviation Dosimetry Determining the exposure of flight crews to cosmic radiation Nanodosimetry Insight into the effect of high-level radiation on different semiconductor materials and components Risk Assessment ESA Project, Assessing the environmental risks for a manned mission to Mars; European Space Weather Determining radiation exposure caused by space weather

13 We record the effects of solar radiation on air traffic “round the clock”. ARC Seibersdorf research has carried out unique radiation measurements on an airplane during a solar storm that lasted several days.

14  year of astronomy: > 50 lectures  Nacht der Forschung  Space Weather in exhibitions

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