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Maxim Titov CEA Saclay, Irfu/SPP, France Ingrid  University of Bonn: Y. Bilevych, C. Brezina, K. Desch, J. Kaminski, T. Krautscheid, C. Krieger, M. Lupberger.

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Presentation on theme: "Maxim Titov CEA Saclay, Irfu/SPP, France Ingrid  University of Bonn: Y. Bilevych, C. Brezina, K. Desch, J. Kaminski, T. Krautscheid, C. Krieger, M. Lupberger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maxim Titov CEA Saclay, Irfu/SPP, France Ingrid  University of Bonn: Y. Bilevych, C. Brezina, K. Desch, J. Kaminski, T. Krautscheid, C. Krieger, M. Lupberger  NIKHEF: Jan Timmermann  CEA Saclay: David Attie, Xavier Coppolani, Andrii Chaus, Paul Colas, Maxim Titov + New Teams interested in Si Pixel –TPC R&D :  DESY Hamburg, LAL Orsay, Kyiv University  University of Bonn: Y. Bilevych, C. Brezina, K. Desch, J. Kaminski, T. Krautscheid, C. Krieger, M. Lupberger  NIKHEF: Jan Timmermann  CEA Saclay: David Attie, Xavier Coppolani, Andrii Chaus, Paul Colas, Maxim Titov + New Teams interested in Si Pixel –TPC R&D :  DESY Hamburg, LAL Orsay, Kyiv University Journées Collisionneur Linéaire, Lyon, May 13, 2013

2 + - + - Medipix2/ TimePix chip X-ray source Ionizingparticle Flip-chip bump bonding connections Semiconductorsensor Gas volume Amplification System (MPGD) Solid detector Gasdetector Gas Detector Readout by multi-pixel CMOS array (used as charge collecting anode) CMOS readout concept  MEDIPIX2 / TIMEPIX Chips Medipix2/Timepix ILC-TPC: Ultimate Gas-Silicon Detector Integration First studies of MPGDs with Medipix2: M. Campbell et al, NIMA 540, 295 (2005). M. Chefdeville et al, NIMA556(2006) 490 (NIKHEF-Saclay-CERN- Univ. Twente/MESA+)

3 Because of larger background: optimal pad size for CLIC TPC ~ 200  m


5 Each pixel can be set to: ● TOT ≈ integrated charge ● TIME = Time between hit and shutter end “InGrid” Concept: Protection Layer (few  m) 50 - 80 m (e.g. Si3N4) (e.g. SU8) Bump bond pads for Si-pixel Detectors - Timepix or Medipix2 (256 × 256 pixels of size 55 × 55 μm2) serve as charge collection pads. 3D Gaseous Pixel Detector  2D (CMOS pixel chip readout) x 1D (drift time) Through POST-PROCESSING INTEGRATE MICROMEGAS directly on top of CMOS chip

6 Fe 55 source Observe electrons (~220) from an X-ray (5.9 keV) conversion one by one and count them in micro-TPC (6 cm drift)  Study single electron response 1.5 cm P. Colas, RD51 Collab. Meet., Jun.16-17, 2009, WG2 Meeting Provoke discharges by introducing small amount of Thorium in the Ar gas - Thorium decays to Radon 222 which emits 2 alphas of 6.3 & 6.8 MeV Chips survive thousands of discharges M. Fransen, RD51 Collab. Meet., Oct.13-15, 2008, WG2 Meeting Oct.13-15, 2008, WG2 Meeting Saclay NIKHEF

7 Triple GEM + Timepix (5 GeV electrons): 1.5 cm Octopuce Board ( 8 “Ingrid” Detectors Readout Matrix (~ 3* 6 cm 2 ) InGrid/Micromegas + Timepix (B = 1 T) Octopuce (8 InGrids); Freiburg Bonn Saclay NIKHEF  -particle:



10 2011: Major Step Forward  InGrid Production on a wafer level (107 chips) 2005: Single “InGrid” Production 2009: “InGrid” Production on a 3 x 3 Timepix Matrix



13  2010: Saclay “Octopuce” (InGrid/MM) Module  studied in lab at DESY test- beam Module  studied in lab at DESY test- beam  2013: NIKHEF “Octopuce”(InGrid/MM): some problems with shorts & readout some problems with shorts & readout  2013: Bonn 2 “Octopuce” Modules (Ingrid/MM) and 3-GEM  studied with SRS Readout at DESY Test-Beam in April 2013 (Ingrid/MM) and 3-GEM  studied with SRS Readout at DESY Test-Beam in April 2013 Saclay Saclay Bonn X-Rays


15 4 Timepix ASICs MM/InGrid Track Reconstruction: Residuals Studies in LCTPC Prorotype:  Different magnetic fields (0 and 1 T) (0 and 1 T)  Different drift fields 4 Timepix ASICs Triple-GEM MM/InGrid

16 B = 1 T; E = 230 V/cm Theoretical limit: σ = Dt√z, Dt = 106 (Magboltz) B = 0 T; E = 230 V/cm Theoretical limit: σ = Dt√z, Dt = 320 (Magboltz) From fit (exp.):  0  157.3 Dt = 100.3  From fit (exp.):  0  Dt = 304.6 

17 Short-Term Plans:  Improve SU8-based « InGrid « structure (less dead area, higher yield, protection)  Better understand and improve field distortion issues at the « InGrid » plane (in between chips and at the borders of the Octopuce); (in between chips and at the borders of the Octopuce);  Develop simulation chain to compare momentum resolution, double track resolution, dE/dx and pattern recognition to pad-based readout and to optimize the geometry (e.g. minimize the needed chip coverage) Long-Term Plans:  Improved chip functionality  Timepix3  transfer InGrid process to Timepix3  Adapted readout system  high-speed SRS readout for Timepix(3)(8 &100 chips);  Improved mass production of InGrids  in collaboration with IZM, Berlin  Work on more realistic cooling and power pulsing;  Develop a backside connection technology both for LV/data and for the HV;

18 Pixel LC-TPC Consortium: Bonn, Saclay, NIKHEF, DESY, LAL, Kyiv University NEXT MAJOR MILESTONE: Equip a Full LP module (~ 100 chips) with InGrids  During the 2 years  PROOF of PRINCIPE FOR Si TPC

19 Joint proposal LAL & IRFU LAL contribution from S. Barsuk, L. Burmistrov, H. Monard, A. Variola Goal: obtain samples of “monochromatic” electrons - with energy between 1 and 5 MeV and energy spread of better than 10% - with adjustable intensity down to 10 4 electrons per bunch PHIL provides electrons with momentum 5 MeV/c and 10 9 particles per bunch Study dE/dx by cluster counting for TPC using InGrid detectors the electron range 1-5 MeV (earlier simulation results by M. Hauschild & NIKHEF experimental studies)

20 Setup idea:  Use electrons from PHIL  Reduce energy/intensity using Al plug  Select unique direction for electrons passing the plug with collimator 1  Select required energy by half-turn of electron in the magnetic field (position of collimator 2)  Adjust intensity/energy spread using collimator 2, positioned in front of tested detector

21  Proof of Principle of a pixellized pixel readout has been demonstrated successfully ! - InGrid detectors have shown excellent performance - InGrid detectors have shown excellent performance - Production technique for InGrids are well advanced; - Production technique for InGrids are well advanced;  Pixel consortium for Si-LCTPC (since April 2013): Bonn, Saclay, NIKHEF, LAL Orsay, Kyiv University in collaboration with MESA+, IZM Berlin  NEXT MILESTONE: Demonstrate the feasibility of the large-area SiTPC and improved (?) performance compared to the standard pad-based TPC readout; and improved (?) performance compared to the standard pad-based TPC readout; Re-starting LC Physics Analysis Activities @ IRFU: One PhD student (“co-tutelle” between CEA Saclay and DESY) working One PhD student (“co-tutelle” between CEA Saclay and DESY) working on Dark Matter Searches at the ILC

22  Date: during the week of November 25-29  Place/ Duration : IRFU / 2 days  Event: INTERNAL (SPP, SACM, SEDI) & EXTERNAL (IN2P3/LC and world-wide LC community) world-wide LC community)  Organization: “IRFU Volunteers” (Olivier Napoly, Paul Colas, David Attie, Marc Besancon, MT) in coordination with IN2P3 LC Community;  Program: Combination of: Physics (Theory & Exp.), Accelerator Technology, Detector Instrumentation  --- ½ days per each topic: Accelerator & Physics & Instrumentation: --- ½ days per each topic: Accelerator & Physics & Instrumentation: --- Closing Plenary ½ days: with LC proponents from Asia, North America and other European countries (discussion of integration activities with other regions) --- Closing Plenary ½ days: with LC proponents from Asia, North America and other European countries (discussion of integration activities with other regions) IF ILC IS IMMINENT  WHAT ARE THE AREAS (PHYSICS, ACCELERATOR, INSTRUMENTATION) OF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE FRENCH COMMUNITY

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