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HEALTH WATCH #4 GENUINELY CONVERTED 4 th Sign of Healthy Church Members January 10, 2016 AM Thanks to IX Marks Ministries.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH WATCH #4 GENUINELY CONVERTED 4 th Sign of Healthy Church Members January 10, 2016 AM Thanks to IX Marks Ministries."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH WATCH #4 GENUINELY CONVERTED 4 th Sign of Healthy Church Members January 10, 2016 AM Thanks to IX Marks Ministries

2 Are You a Healthy Church Member? ■#1 That means you are a “Ready Listener!” –An EXPOSitional Listener – Exposing the main thought. –A “To-The-Point” Listener – What’s the point? ■#2 That means you are a “Doctrine Digger!” –Looking for major themes and developments as you read and study. ■#3 That means you are a “Gospel Gobbler.” –Gripping, grasping, gobbling the good news of the Gospel. –Saturated by - marinated in – filled with – overflowing from – overwhelmed by the GOSPEL

3 #4 Genuinely Converted ■Know this work of God’s grace on your own soul. ■Understand for yourself that the gospel includes conversion. ■What is man BEFORE salvation? –Sinners by nature –Dead in our sins –Enemies of God –Satisfying our sinful appetites –Slaves to sin –Children of wrath –Guilty and deserving of eternal punishment ■What does man need?

4 –Man needs a radical, profound, total change in his spiritual condition. – He needs a new heart. –This change is called conversion. ■What is not conversion? –It is not a decision or a profession or outward show. –It is not a work, or a creed, or a prayer. –It is not personal effort or behavior modification. ■What is conversion? –A change of heart and life - A 180 degree change ■From self-justification to Christ-justification, from self-rule to God-rule, from idol-worship to God- worship. ■From an enslaved life of pursuing sin TO a free life of pursuing God –It requires the direct intervention of God – It is a work of the Holy Spirit –God gives repentance and faith to sinners who then turn from sin to God through faith in Jesus Christ. ■Conviction of sin through God’s Word, then repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

5 Is Your Faith Real? Has there been a change? ■The Apostle John lists several tests for self-examination. –Do we walk in the light or in the darkness? ■I John 1:6-10; 3:5 –Do we love God the Father? ■I John 2:15-23 –Do we love other Christians? ■I John 3:14,15,18,19; 5:1 –Do we have the agreement or testimony of the Holy Spirit? ■I John 3:24; 4:13,14; ■Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:15,16 –Are we continuing in the Faith (persevering) ■I John 5:4,5 ■Eph. 1:13,14; I Peter 1:3-5;

6 Thinking about Conversion and Evangelism here at Grace … ■Knowing that conversion is an act of God –We should be encouraged to keep on going with the gospel ■“Going” is an act of God-blessed obedience. “The Great Commission” etc. ■Many will hear. Some will respond in faith –Our family, friends, community, and souls around the world. –We should take comfort in the FACT that conversion is of God. ■Sharing God’s Word is never wasted words or wasted motion. –II Timothy 3:15 ■Prayer for the unsaved is appropriate. –Romans 10:1; I Timothy 2:1-8 ■Genuine results are His doing. ■Fruit of conversion is produced by God and can be observed – Gal. 5

7 If you believe this then… ■…you will recognize that “evangelism is not a matter of clever technique, but of relying on the Spirit of God to bless the Word of God to effect spiritual rebirth and the radical change of conversion.” (More of this next week) ■Be faithful – Go with the Gospel.

8 Health Watch! Are You a Healthy Church Member? ■A Ready Listener? ■A Doctrine Digger? ■A Gospel Gobbler? –Saturated with the Gospel! ■A Genuine Convert? Thanks to IX Marks and Dever/Anyabwile

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