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State Operation If the state adopts such a severe Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) that depends deeply on cuts it will have an adverse effect on the state’s.

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Presentation on theme: "State Operation If the state adopts such a severe Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) that depends deeply on cuts it will have an adverse effect on the state’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Operation If the state adopts such a severe Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) that depends deeply on cuts it will have an adverse effect on the state’s economy, because the Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) would take $2.26 billion out of the state’s economy. Adopting sustainable building, transportation, paper use and energy use practices that will help in accomplishing the sustainability goals. With the use of green building practices it can improve employees’ productivity, improve building operational performance and reduce building operating costs in the short term and moving forward in the future. Elimination of the Empire Zone Program which is set to sunset June 30, 2010. This program has been linked to widespread abuse and failure to meet program goals and would save the state roughly $600 million a year. New York State has not implemented the law to collect taxes on tobacco products sold at Native American retail stores, and the state is losing hundreds of million per year.

2 General Fund The use of the Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund and State Rainy Day Fund these reserves are for unexpected matters such as the budget deficit. Federal aid during financial recession. The stimulus money which has a state fiscal relief section can be used to help reduce the state’s deficit.

3 State Work Force Pension Plans for public employees are guaranteed by the State’s Constitution, and once given cannot be decreased. Economic outlook, unemployment in New York State is at it highest there are approximately 850,000 New Yorkers unemployed and the official unemployment rate is 8.6% as of July of 2009 most recent data.

4 Local Government and Safety Net Programs In time of recessions, local governments cannot rely heavily on cuts, and increasing taxes to play a role in offsetting the recession. Invest in higher education, usually in economic downturns people look for re-training to get back into the workforce Target communities with high unemployment. If there is another round of stimulus money it should be for those communities creating green jobs/green homes. Reform Unemployment Insurance, usually in downturns, unemployment insurance is another safety net that put money in the hands of individuals who will spend it.

5 Public Safety Cost can be lowered by combining administrative functions Additional savings with the consolidation of under populated prison dormitories

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