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Published byRosamund Lambert Modified over 8 years ago
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 27 – Environment Bilateral screening: Chapter 27 PRESENTATION OF MONTENEGRO Brussels, 18-22 March 2013
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986th on Environmental Protection, particularly the land, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture, as amended by Directive 91/692/EEC, Regulation (EC) 807/2003 and (EC) 219/2009 Sinisa Stankovic Director General Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE CONTENTS Introduction Legislation in Montenegro according to Directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge The degree of transposition of the Directive into the legislation of Montenegro Specific questions of Directorate General Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION - Montenegro, out of 21 municipalities, only two have a wastewater treatment plant, Podgorica and Mojkovac. - The amount of sewage sludge which comprises about 30% of dry matter which is produced in these two plants is about 10 000 t/year. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT TRANSPOSITION OF COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 86/278/EEC IN THE MONTENEGRIN LEGISLATION 96%of Council Directive 86/278/EEC transposed to the legislation of Montenegro. 4% which has not been transposed mostly relates to identical transposition of definitions of sludge, stipulated under article 2 of the Directive. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT LEGAL FRAMEWORK The provisions of the Directive were transposed to the: - Law on Waste Management, Articles 58, 59, 60 and 61, and - Rulebook on detailed conditions that need to be met by municipal sewage sludge, the quantity, scope, frequency and methods of analysis of municipal sewage sludge for allowable uses and conditions that need to be met by land planned for its application Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Institutional Framework Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Environmental Protection Agency; Local government units; Environmental inspectors. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT LAW ON WASTE MANAGEMENT Producers of municipal sludge shall keep records; Producers of sludge shall submit data from records to the competent local government authority; The Environmental Protection Agency shall prepare a summary report on the national level. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Pursuant to the Law, sludge can be used In agriculture (quality A or B) For green areas and parks (quality B); For land recultivation purposes (quality C); At landfills as final cover; For preparing land for special purposes (quality C), based on Waste Management Plans Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Pursuant to the law, sludge can be applied where: The process of stabilization was completed and Proper preparation using biological, chemical, thermal and other processes to reduce its susceptibility to mineralization and eliminate any risk to human health or the environment. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Unauthorized use of sludge in accordance with the law 1) on the land where there is a risk of leaching of sludge to surface waters and protected areas; 2) on the ground in karst fields, shallow or skeletal soil and gravelly soil; 3) to the soil where the pH value is lower than 5.0; 4) in the soil with higher salinity than 800 ms/cm, flood plains, partly flooded areas and wetlands; 5) in the zones of sanitary protection of sources that are used or can be used for drinking water supply 6) to pastures or in the production of plants for animal feed, where the time between the using of treated sludge and collecting crop plants for animal feed or beginning of grazing is less than 21 days; 7) on the surfaces intended for the production of fruits and vegetables that are in direct contact with the land and which can be eaten raw, for a period of 10 months before the beginning of harvest. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Sludge Treatment and Delivery for Application Treatment of sludge and delivery for application may be carried out by a company or entrepreneur on the basis of permits for waste processing issued by the Environmental Protection Agency Sludge processors, enclosed with an application for the issuance of permits for waste processing, shall provide: 1)Data on the quality of the sludge 2)Information about the locations where the sludge will be used (with an expert opinion on opportunities for sewerage sludge application) 3)Report on performed soil testing Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT LIMIT VALUES FOR CONCENTRATIONS OF HEAVY METALS IN THE LAND TO WHICH TREATED MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE IS APPLIED Heavy MetalsPermissible concentrations of heavy metals in the soil expressed in mg / kg of dry matter in a representative sample of soil Soil pH in 1 M KCl solution 5,0 <pH 6,06,0<pH<7,0pH>7,0 Zn100150200 Cu4050100 Cr5075100 Pb5070100 Ni305070 Cd0.511.5 Hg0.20.51 Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT LIMIT VALUES FOR CONCENTRATIONS OF HEAVY METALS IN TREATED MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE THAT IS APPLIED Heavy MetalsQuality (Q) ABC Zn60012002500 Cu3006001000 Cr1002501000 Pb120200750 Ni60100300 Cd51020 Hg51016 Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT LIMIT VALUES FOR AMOUNTS OF HEAVY METALS THAT CAN ANNUALLY BE ADDED TO THE SOIL WHERE TREATED MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE IS APPLIED, QUALITY A AND B, BASED ON THE 10- YEAR AVERAGE (kg/ha/god) ParametersLimit Values Zn30 Cu12 Cr- Pb15 Ni3 Cd0,15 Hg0,1 Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Penalty Policy and Supervision Article 86 of the Law on Waste Management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro“, 64/2011 of 29 December 2011), specifies that the supervision over implementation of this Law and regulations adopted on the basis of this Law and regulations shall be performed by MSTD and competent local government authorities; Inspection supervision shall be carried out by environmental inspectors; Pecuniary penalties are specified under Article 91 of the Law on Waste Management. Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
Chapter 27: Environment M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT Strategis Documents Strategic Master Plan for Waste Management in Montenegro; Study of sewage sludge management in the coastal region; Study of sewage sludge management in the central and northern region of Montenegro (in preparation); Medical waste management plan and veterinary waste management plan, and Municipal sewage sludge is an integral part of the National Waste Management Plan. Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change Chapter 27: ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE
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