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How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities TravelRight Your walking, cycling and public transport choices

2 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities We’re here to help you travel… Cheaper, quicker and easier

3 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Who are TravelRight?

4 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities The team Andy (Project Co-ordinator) | 07791724548 Juliet Line (Neighbourhood Engagement Officer) | TBC Pat Power (Neighbourhood Engagement Officer) | TBC May (Administrator) | 0115 883 3732 Our Location We usually work from the Bulwell Riverside centre near Bulwell’s bus and tram stop.

5 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Aims / objectives Encourage sustainable travel - get more people walking, cycling and using public transport in Nottingham Improve people’s knowledge, confidence and safety in making local journeys Improve access to jobs, education & services Improve residents’ health Offer volunteering and upskilling opportunities

6 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities The need The perception: “It is more expensive to use the bus than a car for the same trip” One Nottingham Accessibility of Employment and Training Opportunities in Greater Nottingham, 2007 “25% of people living in Bulwell would not travel to the city to work” Bulwell Survey, Nottingham Evening Post, 2012 The facts: “People who are physically active reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases (such as coronary heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes) by up to 50%” NHS Public Health, 2013 “The average fuel bill for motorists is now over £1,500 per year, and the average running costs for a small car are £2,292.” The AA. How do we plan on changing active travel perceptions? Raise awareness and create a positive experience Build up an understanding to enable trust through pilot projects and promotions Embed sustainable travel into daily regime through regular support and advice

7 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Story so far in Area 1…

8 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities River Leen events Bulwell WoA March 2013

9 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Walking festival Bulwell Forest WoA – June 2013

10 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Supporting jobseekers and new starters

11 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Supporting jobseekers and new starters

12 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Bulwell cycle centre Weekly advice, training, bike loans and information about routes and journey planning Weekly community bike ride at 12 noon Every Saturday from 10:00-13:00 At Bulwell Riverside

13 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities How are we doing?

14 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities We’re here to… Provide travel planning advice

15 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities We’re here to… Fix your bike for free

16 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities We’re here to… Make cycling easy and accessible

17 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities We’re here to… Help make cycling fun

18 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Future plans Area wide infrastructure audits Neighbourhood roadshows Targeted personalised travel planning Be Safe, Be Seen promotional campaigns More led bike rides, more led walks Recruitment of more volunteers

19 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Keep in touch Sign up to our newsletter Visit our website to do this Follow us on Facebook Visit our website Email us Individually or Phone us Individually or 0115 883 3732

20 How do you usually travel into Nottingham? A. Car B. Bus C. Tram D. Other TravelRight is being delivered as part of Nottingham City Council’s successful Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme of activities Your thoughts How are we doing? Could we be doing better or anything differently? What improvements would you like to see?

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