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Volcano Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcano Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcano Project

2 Key Question: Have volcanoes affected humanity positively, negatively or both over the course of mankind? Expand and explain your response.

3 Goal: To understand the parts of a volcano.
To learn the 4 types of volcanoes. To master volcano vocabulary. To learn about different Volcanoes around the world.

4 Materials Folder Use of the internet for research Markers/crayons
Glue/glue stick Card stock/computer paper Parts of volcano diagram World Volcano list. Scissors

5 Procedure Follow stations. Day 1 Day 2
Instruction is given at each station. Day 1 Work in pairs for research. Found on School Wire in Dynamic Planet 15 min per station Additional time will be given at the end of class Day 2 Individual folder construction. Design/Placement of the required parts is up to the individual. Examples will be given.

6 Requirements At least 1 Volcano Diagram. 2 foldable
Vocabulary 4 types of volcanos Individual Volcano research from the list. Additional pictures/diagrams printed from home or drawn on final project.

7 Stations Shield and Dome Volcano research
Cinder and Composite Volcano research Volcano cross section diagram and Volcano questions. Volcanos around the world research. Volcano Vocabulary Quizlet: Volcano (play scatter game or study flashcards) or Kahoot Brain pop: Watch Volcanoes plus quiz

8 Station 1 Shield and Dome Volcano Research
Use school wire under Dynamic Planet Volcano Project

9 Station 2 Cinder and Composite Volcano Research
Information found in school wire under Volcano project.

10 Station 3 Volcano Cross section 2 Diagrams
Use the internet to label the diagrams. Use for your final folder project.

11 Station 4 Volcanos Around the World Pick a topic from the basket.
Conduct research on your Volcano.

12 Station 5 Volcano Vocabulary
Use handout to create either a foldable or notecard (flashcards)

13 Station 6 Kahoot Quizlet: Volcano Scatter Game Headbands

14 Station 7 Brainpop Volcanoes Complete quiz
Watch video and answer questions if time.

Download ppt "Volcano Project."

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